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Minister’s Message

Photo of Peter Van Loan As Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Minister responsible for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), I am pleased to present to Parliament this Report on Plans and Priorities that outlines CSC’s objectives for 2009-10.

The Government of Canada is committed to working towards ensuring that Canadians feel safe in their communities. CSC has the fundamental obligation to contribute to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure, and humane control.

It is an extremely challenging time at the Correctional Service of Canada. The organization is transforming the way it does business and its operations to improve public safety results for all Canadians. Priorities for the coming year will focus on further implementation of the recommendations of the December 2007 CSC Review Panel report, A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety.

In fact, responding to these recommendations through implementing its Transformation Agenda will help the Service achieve its strategic priorities. Since fiscal year 2006-07, the Service has maintained consistent focus on the following five priorities, which were developed to manage the changing offender population profile, while enhancing the Service’s contribution to public safety:

  • Safe transition of eligible offenders into the community
  • Safety and security of staff and offenders in our institutions
  • Enhanced capacities to provide effective interventions for First Nations, Métis and Inuit offenders
  • Improved capacities to address mental health needs of offenders
  • Strengthening management practices

Reporting to Parliament and Canadians through documents such as this is also an extremely important way to ensure transparent and open communications, and help increase awareness of the work CSC does in communities across Canada.

I am confident that the direction outlined in this Report on Plans and Priorities sets a clear path for the Service to continue enhancing its role as a key player in the Public Safety Portfolio. I look forward to seeing the results of the key Transformation Agenda initiatives further advancing the Service's progress toward meeting its public safety priorities for Canadians.

The Honourable Peter Van Loan, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety



1.1 Raison d’être

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is an agency within the Public Safety Portfolio.  The Portfolio brings together key federal agencies dedicated to public safety, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the National Parole Board, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and three review bodies, including the Office of the Correctional Investigator.

CSC contributes to public safety by administering court-imposed sentences for offenders sentenced to two years or more.  This involves managing institutions (penitentiaries) of various security levels and supervising offenders on different forms of conditional release, while assisting them to become law-abiding citizens. CSC also administers post-sentence supervision of offenders with Long Term Supervision Orders for up to 10 years.

1.2 Responsibilities

On an average day during the 2007-08 fiscal year, CSC was responsible for approximately 13,550 federally incarcerated offenders and 8,461 offenders in the community.  However, over the course of the year, including all admissions and releases, CSC managed 20,021 incarcerated offenders and 16,599 supervised offenders in the community. 1


  • 57 institutions
  • 16 community correctional centres
  • 84 parole offices and sub-offices

CSC provides services across the country--from large urban centres with their increasingly diverse populations, to remote Inuit communities across the North.  CSC manages institutions, mental health treatment centres, Aboriginal healing lodges, community correctional centres and parole offices.  In addition, CSC has five regional headquarters that provide management and administrative support and serve as the delivery arm of CSC’s programs and services.  CSC also manages an addictions research centre, a correctional management learning centre, regional staff colleges and a national headquarters.

CORCAN, a Special Operating Agency of CSC, provides work and employability skills training to offenders in institutions in order to enhance job readiness upon their release to communities, and to increase the likelihood of successful reintegration. CORCAN also offers support services at 53 community-based employment locations across Canada to assist offenders on conditional release in securing employment.  CORCAN’s services are provided through partnership contracts internally (CSC and CORCAN) as well as externally with other government organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and private enterprises.


  • Approximately 15,400 employees, of whom 85% work in institutions and communities

Approximately 75% of CSC’s 2008-09 Annual Reference Level2 was dedicated to the provision of care and custody of offenders in institutions and in communities, which includes fixed and semi-fixed costs for security systems, salaries for correctional staff, facilities maintenance, health services, food services, and capital. Approximately 20% was allocated to correctional interventions which includes case management and offender programs. The remaining 5% was dedicated towards community supervision, which includes Community-Based Residential Facilities and community-based health services.3

CSC employs approximately 15,400 staff4 across the country and strives to maintain a workforce that reflects Canadian society.  Just over 46% of CSC staff are women. Slightly more than 5% are from visible minority groups, approximately 3.4% are persons with disabilities, and approximately 7% are Aboriginal.5  These rates are at or above the labour market availability6 with the exception of Persons with Disabilities where CSC is slightly below market levels.

Two occupational groups, for the most part exclusive to CSC, represent over half of all staff employed in operational units.  The Correctional Officer group comprises 40% of staff, while another 15% of staff are in the Welfare Programmes category, the group that includes parole and program officers who work in the institutions and in the community.  The remainder of CSC’s workforce reflects the variety of other skills required to operate institutions and community offices--from health professionals, to electricians, to food service staff--as well as staff providing corporate and administrative functions at the local, regional and national levels.  All staff work together to ensure that the institutions operate in a secure and safe fashion and that offenders are properly supervised on release.

Volunteers continue to be essential contributors to public safety by enhancing the work of CSC and creating a liaison between the community and the offender.  CSC benefits from the contributions of over 9,000 volunteers active in institutions and in the community.  CSC volunteers are involved in activities ranging from one-time events to providing ongoing services to offenders and communities, including tutoring, social and cultural events, faith-based services and substance abuse programming. CSC also engages volunteer Citizen Advisory Committees at the local, regional and national levels to provide citizen feedback on CSC policies and practices.

1.3 Strategic Context

In December 2007, after completing an in-depth review of our federal correctional system, an Independent Review Panel delivered its report, A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety.7 This report was endorsed by the Government in Budget 2008 allowing CSC to address some of its current challenges; better support its current priorities; and provide CSC with a clear direction based on an integrated set of transformation initiatives that will contribute to improved public safety results for all Canadians.  

As a result of the Review Panel’s report and recommendations, CSC will be initiating activities in each of the five key areas identified in the report:

  • Offender Accountability
  • Eliminating Drugs from Prison
  • Employability/employment
  • Physical Infrastructure
  • Enhanced community supervision capacity

The Panel report also acknowledged an urgent need for broader implementation of Aboriginal-specific interventions to address the persistent disproportionate representation of Aboriginal peoples in the criminal justice system.  CSC will continue to be responsive to the disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal offenders and address the gaps in correctional results via the Aboriginal Continuum of Care as outlined in CSC’s Five-year Strategic Plan for Aboriginal Corrections 2006-2011.8  This area continues to be an ongoing priority for CSC, and is consistent with initiatives being undertaken by all levels of government with regards to Aboriginal peoples. 

As part of the 2008 Federal Budget, the Government endorsed a comprehensive response to the recommendations of the CSC Review Panel and committed "$122 million over two years to ensure that the federal corrections system is on track to implement a new vision to achieve better public safety results". 9 

Budget 2008 invested in this new vision by addressing some of the Panel’s key recommendations and by setting the foundation for changes to the federal corrections system.  Budget 2008 stabilized funding for the CSC while detailed planning for the transformation is undertaken. In addition, Budget 2008 provided funding for the first critical stage of transformation to allow CSC to enhance safety and security within the institutions, by dealing more effectively with the growing number of offenders with gang affiliations, and by increasing the Service’s capacity to detect and eliminate drugs in penitentiaries. These investments will provide correctional staff with the tools and training they need to do their jobs safely and more effectively. The passage of Budget 2009 will enable CSC to continue to make gains on the progress of its plans as well as to proceed with the transformational agenda laid out in this Report on Plans and Priorities.

The Panel Report identified other steps that could be taken to better address the needs of offenders in institutions. Programs should address the varied offender needs in a more integrated way and results should be clearer and measured in greater depth. As well, acquiring employment and employability skills must be one of the priorities for offenders who hope to transition safely and successfully back into the community.

The Report also supported the need to improve the transition of offenders from institutions to the community. Stronger links between institutional and community staff should foster a continuum of planning and enable offenders to build on gains made from institutional programs as they move to the community. A focus on transitional employment opportunities, including specific opportunities for Aboriginal offenders, was identified as an important element of a successful transition plan.

CSC must also strengthen its community capacity to ensure offenders are accountable for their behaviour in the community. Simultaneously, the Report supported CSC in making more effective use of residential facilities and specific programs to meet the needs of offenders with mental health disorders.

As an immediate response, CSC undertook numerous rapid initiatives, to be reported upon in the forthcoming 2008-09 Departmental Performance Report, that could be quickly implemented and create the energy and momentum for implementing a transformation agenda. CSC is committed to sustaining that momentum and achieving the promise for a transformed correctional system, and these initiatives are the backbone of this Report on Plans and Priorities.

With the guidance of a team of subject matter experts, a Transformation Agenda for CSC has been developed. While the roots of the Agenda draw directly from the 109 recommendations of the Panel Report, the Commissioner has challenged all staff and partners to contribute innovations, enhancements, and creative ideas to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of CSC. Assistant Commissioners and Regional Deputy Commissioners have been tasked to develop plans to capture and report on the initiatives in their areas in preparation for accepting accountability for continuing the gains made under the Transformation Team’s leadership.

Further, CSC has taken measures to maximize the effectiveness of its efforts by integrating its various planning processes. For example, CSC’s Strategic Plan for Human Resource Management is linked directly to the business priorities and its Corporate Risk Profile. It will be revised to reflect the internal Transformation Agenda as well as the agenda for change under Public Service Renewal.

1.4 Organizational Information

CSC is organized to provide effective correctional services in a fiscally responsible manner.  There are three levels of management: national, regional and local operations.

National Headquarters: Provides support to the Commissioner and the Executive Committee and delivers services to all of CSC such as: correctional operations; public affairs and parliamentary relations, human resource and financial management expert advice; national investigations and audit; performance assurance; policy and planning; program development; functional leadership on Women offender and Aboriginal offender initiatives; research; legal services; health services and information management.

Regional Headquarters (RHQ): Provides management and administrative support to National Headquarters in the delivering of programs and services; develops regional policies, plans and programs for performance measurement, human resources and financial management, federal / provincial / territorial relations and public consultation; manages health services to offenders and provides information to local media, the public and stakeholders.

Local Operations: CSC manages 57 institutions, 16 Community Correctional Centres and 84 Parole Offices and sub-offices.  A description of institutional security level classifications (i.e., maximum, medium, minimum and multi-level) is available on CSC’s website.10

Map of Canada outlining CSC regions
Ontario Region serving Ontario as far west as Thunder Bay and Nunavut Territory.  (RHQ-Kingston)
Quebec Region serving Quebec.  (RHQ-Laval)
Pacific Region serving British Columbia and Yukon Territory.  (RHQ-Abbotsford)
Atlantic Region serving New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. (RHQ-Moncton)
Prairie Region serving Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario west of Thunder Bay and the Northwest Territories. (RHQ-Saskatoon)
National Headquarters (Ottawa)

The Commissioner is the Agency Head of CSC and is accountable to the Minister of Public Safety. Under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Commissioner is responsible for the control and management of the Service and all matters connected with CSC. The Commissioner leads the Executive Committee of national and regional officials which sets the vision and agenda for correctional service delivery across the country.  Additional information regarding the specific functions depicted in the chart below is available on CSC’s website.

Organisation Chart

The Senior Deputy Commissioner supports the Commissioner by focusing on the management of operational and strategic issues, providing leadership on Aboriginal initiatives and oversight of policy and program development for Aboriginal offenders, the incident investigation process, and information management services.  The Senior Deputy Commissioner acts as Commissioner when required. 

The five Regional Deputy Commissioners are responsible for the overall management of CSC operations within their respective regions, implementation of correctional policy, and leadership in providing advice on criminal justice system matters. The Regional Deputy Commissioner provides direct supervision to the Directors of Parole Districts while the Assistant Deputy Commissioner Institutional Operations, who report to the Regional Deputy Commissioner, provides direct supervision to the Wardens of penitentiaries.

The Deputy Commissioner for Women provides functional leadership and corporate expertise on women offender issues, including program and policy development and implementation, through collaboration with other sectors at National Headquarters and with the Regions.

The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs is responsible for the integrity of community and institutional programs and policy across CSC and for improving the development and delivery of community supervision security, security intelligence, case management, programming, chaplaincy and restorative justice, as well as CORCAN.

The Assistant Commissioner, Policy, Research and Performance Assurance is responsible for corporate policy and research in support of the government agenda; federal, provincial / territorial and international relations; and the offender redress mechanisms as well as the delivery of services under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.  Additional responsibilities include accountability for evaluation, internal disclosure programs, the informal conflict management system, integrated business planning and reporting, and to ensure mechanisms are in place to analyze, monitor and measure CSC’s performance on delivering correctional results. 

The Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer is in charge of the financial management function and responsible for supporting the Commissioner in his role of Chief Accounting Officer. The Assistant Commissioner is also accountable for the operational planning function; the contract and procurement function; the design, construction, engineering and maintenance of all federal correctional facilities; the departmental environmental program; the vehicle fleet; the food and clothing services; and other administration services such as office accommodation and telecommunications.

The Assistant Commissioner, Health Services is responsible for improving the quality of health services provided to inmates, while ensuring that policies are applied consistently.
The Assistant Commissioner is also responsible for the direct management and operations of health services, excluding mental health treatment centres; which report to the senior management of the Region in which they are located.

The Assistant Commissioner, Human Resource Management is responsible for the management of human resource across the Correctional Service, including renewal of the CSC workforce, health of the workplace, labour relations, staffing, classification, and the design and delivery of training, learning and development programs for all employees.

The Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs and Parliamentary Relations is responsible for the development of the voluntary sector and communication engagement initiatives, for the implementation of communication policy, and for the development and implementation of strategies to improve media and public understanding of CSC’s mandate, policies and programs, through outreach activities and public consultation. The Sector is responsible for the Parliamentary Relations between CSC and the Minister’s Office as well as Information Services to Victims of Crime.

The Director and General Counsel, Legal Services Unit provides advice on legal risks in the development of correctional policy, programs and services, as well providing legal advice to CSC on litigation.

The Chief Audit Executive is responsible for the management of the internal audit function, which is designed to assess and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes within CSC.


1.5 Strategic Outcome and Program Activity Architecture

CSC’s Program Activity Architecture describes the major thrusts in activity which supports achievement of the organization’s strategic objective.  It captures the long-term strategic direction for CSC by ensuring internal alignment of financial and human resources, results commitments, operational plans, milestones and deliverables, corporate risk profile, management control framework, audit plan, evaluation plan, management accountability framework, and performance management program.

Combining non-financial performance indicators and measures with its robust and rigorous financial and risk management frameworks, positions CSC to best evaluate its operational performance.   It also permits CSC to take necessary actions to ensure the organization continues to produce meaningful public safety results for Canadians, relative to the resources entrusted to the organization.

CSC modified its Program Activity Architecture in 2008-09 shifting to a smaller number of business lines. This has significant impacts when comparing previous Plans and Priorities as well as previous Departmental Reports on Plans. A significant change will be seen in the financial reports. Previously, costs for some activities, such as information management, were spread across the business lines where the technology was used. Under the current Treasury Board model for Program Activity Architectures, those costs are reported under Internal Services Activity.

The other business lines in the CSC’s Program Activity Architecture reflect the structure of CSC’s correctional environment. Offenders spend time in "Custody" in institutions and they spend time being managed in the "Community under Supervision". In both the institution and the community, offenders are offered "Correctional Interventions" aimed at helping them assume their accountability to become and remain law-abiding citizens. Indeed, some interventions begin while the offender is in the institution and continue or are maintained once the offender returns to the community. For example, the offender may learn employment-related skills in institution and then participate in job placement programs once in the community.

The Program Activity Architecture has an Activity labelled "CORCAN", a separate agency within CSC that provides the employment and job readiness programs for offenders as well as producing products for the marketplace. This year, CORCAN is shown as a separate Activity because of its financial revolving fund, their work however, is reported under the Correctional Interventions CORCAN Employment and Employability Program.

Program Activity Architecture
The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.
Custody Correctional
(Revolving Fund)
Institutional Management and Support Offender Case Management Community Management and Security   Governance and Management Support
Institutional Security Community Engagement Community-Based Residential Facilities   Management and Oversight
Intelligence and Supervision Spiritual Services Community Residential Facilities   Communications
Drug Interdiction Correctional Reintegration Program Community Correctional Centres   Legal
Institutional Health Services Violence Prevention Program Community Health Services   Resource Management Services
Public Health Services Substance Abuse Program     Human Resource Management
Clinical Health Services Family Violence Prevention Program     Financial Management
Mental Health Services Sex Offender Program     Information Management
Institutional Services Maintenance Program     Information Technology
Food Services Social Program     Travel and Other Administrative Services
Accommodation Services Offender Education     Asset Management Services
  CORCAN Employment and Employability     Real Property

Strategic Outcome     

Program Activity    

Sub Activity    

Sub Sub Activity    

1.6 Planning Summary and Contribution of Priorities to Strategic Outcome

Financial Resources 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
($ millions) 2,204.5 2,215.6 2,182.3


Human Resources 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Full-Time Equivalents (FTE’s) 16,029 16,017 16,086

Strategic Outcome: The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.
Performance Indicators Targets
Violent Re-offending Index Reduce violent re-offending
Non-violent Re-offending Index  Reduce non-violent re-offending
Community Supervision Performance Index  Reduce re-offending while on supervision
Program Activity Expected Results Forecast Spending
($ millions)
Planned Spending
($ millions)
Alignment to Gov’t of Canada Outcomes
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Custody Offenders in institutions are provided reasonable, safe, secure and humane custody. 1,710.7 1,651.6 1,683.5 1,663.5 Safe and Secure Communities
Correctional Interventions Correctional interventions address identified individual offender risks and needs and contribute to the offenders successful rehabilitation and reintegration. 462.2 414.3 404.9 407.1 Safe and Secure Communities
Community Supervision The provision of a structured and supportive supervision of offenders through strong partnerships and safe environments during the gradual reintegration process contributes to the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders and to public safety. 123.8 109.8 109.8 109.6 Safe and Secure Communities
CORCAN (Special Operating Agency) CORCAN contributes to safer communities through innovative and effective client-oriented partnerships as well as employment and employability skills training that assist offenders in successful reintegration. N/A N/A N/A N/A Safe and Secure Communities
Internal Services Continuous improvement in ratings for the individual areas of management of the annual Treasury Board Secretariat’s Management Accountability Framework Assessment N/A 240.3 221.3 213.5 Safe and Secure Communities
Total $ for Strategic Outcome 2,296.7 2,416.0 2,419.5 2,393.7  

Note: CSC participated in the Strategic Review process this year and therefore there may be some impact on the Planned Spending numbers post Budget 2009-10.

Contribution of Priorities to Strategic Outcome

While many departments have multiple Strategic Objectives, CSC has one; its contribution to public safety.

CSC has 5 over-arching priorities representing broad desired outcomes that include initiatives presented in A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety11 as well as other actions that are part of our ongoing commitment to effective correctional practice or part of our Transformation Agenda.

CSC also has a Corporate Risk Profile (see Section 1.7 Risk Analysis). Since CSC has just one Strategic Objective it may be useful to examine the links between that Objective, CSC’s Priorities, as well as the relevant Program Activity areas and Corporate Risks.

Operational Priorities Type Links to Strategic Outcome, Program Activities, Corporate Risk Description
(1)  Safe Transition of Eligible Offenders into the Community. Ongoing Strategic Objective: The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.

Program Activity:
  • Custody
  • Correctional Interventions
  • Community Supervision
Corporate Risks:
  • Reducing re-offending and violence
  • Capacity to meet the needs of Aboriginal Offenders
  • Building and sustaining partnerships and relationships
CSC's ultimate goal is to enhance public safety through reduced re-offending. In this regard, CSC will continue to develop and implement integrated strategies that focus on providing intervention, correctional programs and effective supervision, as well as improved monitoring of the offenders' progress. A key focus will be on streamlining case management processes to better assess the potential of offenders to re-offend violently, designing tools and integrating program interventions to better identify and address those factors earlier and, where serious problems persist, providing sound control mechanisms.
(2) Safety and Security of Staff and Offenders in our Institutions. Ongoing Strategic Objective: The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.

Program Activity:
  • Custody
Corporate Risks:
  • Addressing potential pandemic readiness
  • Reducing re-offending and violence
  • Implementing Strategic Human Resource Management and Deployment of our staff
  • Providing safe and secure facilities
  • Responding to offender physical and mental health issues
  • Capacity to meet the needs of Aboriginal Offenders
For further improvement of safety and security, CSC will focus on ways to eliminate the entry, trafficking and demand for drugs in its institutions. CSC will enhance its Security Intelligence capacity and will continue to work closely with local police forces and Crown prosecutors to develop a more proactive approach for dealing with cases where drugs are seized. In addition CSC will enhance static and dynamic security practices in an effort to reduce assaults and injuries to staff and offenders.
(3) Enhance Capacities to Provide Effective Interventions for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Offenders. Ongoing Strategic Objective: The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.

Program Activity:
  • Custody
  • Correctional Interventions
  • Community Supervision
Corporate Risks:
  • Capacity to meet the needs of Aboriginal Offenders
  • Building and sustaining partnerships and relationships
  • Fostering a responsive and adaptive organization
CSC continues to improve its capacity to provide Aboriginal-specific interventions. To support Aboriginal offenders to succeed at rates comparable to non-Aboriginal offenders, CSC will further enhance its capacities to provide effective interventions for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit offenders and strive to achieve correctional results comparable to non-Aboriginal offenders. CSC will also work horizontally with other government departments to address the challenges that contribute to the disproportionate representation of Aboriginal peoples in the criminal justice system.
(4) Improved capacities to address mental health needs of offenders. Ongoing Strategic Objective: The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.

Program Activity:
  • Correctional Interventions
  • Community Supervision
Corporate Risks:
  • Responding to offender physical and mental health issues
  • Building and sustaining partnerships and relationships
  • Fostering a responsive and adaptive organization
Over the last few years, CSC has witnessed an increase in the proportion of offenders diagnosed with mental health problems at admission to CSC. To respond to this trend, CSC will continue to focus on improving its capacity to assess and address the mental health needs of offenders in order to improve their correctional results and respond to offenders’ increasingly broad and multi-dimensional mental health needs. In particular the focus will be on strengthening a continuum of intervention from the time of admission to the end of the offender’s sentence.
(5) Strengthening Management Practices Ongoing Strategic Objective: The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contributes to public safety.

Program Activity:
  • Internal Services
Corporate Risks:
  • Sustaining an aging physical infrastructure
  • Addressing potential pandemic readiness
  • Implementing Strategic Human Resource Management and Deployment of our staff
  • Effective management of financial and technological resources.
  • Building and sustaining partnerships and relationships
  • Fostering a responsive and adaptive organization
CSC will focus on improving the way it delivers on its operational priorities, and more generally, on all aspects of its mandate. To do this, CSC will promote Values and Ethics, improve its Internal Communications, strengthen its human resources management including renewal as well as improving its internal monitoring of results and performance against plans, priorities and financial accountabilities. CSC will also be strengthening its capacity to assess and analyze opportunities to identify economies and efficiencies in its operations. A thread that weaves through all of our efforts is the need to build effective relationships internally, with partners, and with communities.

1.7 Risk Analysis

CSC continues to face significant challenges in addressing various risks that impact on delivering effective correctional services which lead to public safety results for Canadians.

The offender population profile has been changing. Offenders arrive at federal custody with criminal histories involving violent offending, mental health problems, substance abuse problems, gang and organized crime affiliations and higher rates of health issues such as infectious disease. To meet the risks posed by the current offender population and to be as efficient as possible, CSC must transform the way we do our business, deliver our services, and contribute to protecting the public. Every aspect of our operations and management is being examined for ways to improve, make better use of our resources, and identify economies and efficiencies to invest in activities that produce better public safety results.

Like many government departments, CSC faces the risks posed by experienced staff retiring and strong competition in the labour market to attract diverse professionals and skilled workers. Attracting and retaining a skilled workforce that is able to succeed in a difficult working environment has always been a challenge. We are managing these risks through our Strategic Plan for Human Resource Management.

There is a risk that offenders will not make the most productive use of the time they serve and the programs available to them and consequently re-offend when released to the community. CSC is transforming its interventions, improving opportunities for enhancing the employability of offenders, making institutions safer, reorganizing our schedules, and setting expectations that motivate offenders to make productive use of each day.

To align our actions to the risks we face, CSC has created a Corporate Risk Profile that identifies various risks and the strategies for mitigating them in the areas of:

  • Sustaining an aging physical infrastructure
  • Addressing potential pandemic readiness
  • Reducing re-offending and violence
  • Implementing Strategic Human Resource Management and Deployment of our staff
  • Responding to offender physical and mental health issues
  • Creating the capacity to meet the needs of Aboriginal Offenders
  • Effectively managing financial and technological resources.
  • Building and sustaining partnerships and relationships
  • Fostering a responsive and adaptive organization

The strategies for mitigating these risk areas are reviewed quarterly to support executive decision-making. As well, the Risk Profile informs CSC’s Audit Plan and Evaluation Plan as seen in Section 3.1 , Tables 6 and 7 respectively.

1.8 Expenditure Profile / Voted and Statutory Items

The figure below displays the allocation of CSC funding by Program Activity for 2009-10.  CSC funding is primarily allocated to Program Activity 1 (Custody) as it relates to operations of our institutions.  Previously some common services type costs were allocated across the business lines where the cost was actually incurred. In accordance with current Treasury Board guidelines, most of those costs are now reported under Internal Services.

The passage of Budget 2009 will enable CSC to continue to make gains on the progress of its plans as well as to proceed with the transformational agenda laid out in this Report on Plans and Priorities.

2009-10 Allocation of Funding by Program Activity

2009-10 Allocation of Funding by Program Activity - Custody 68 per cent, Correctional Interventions 17 per cent, Community Supervision 5 per cent, Internal Services 10 per cent

Voted and Statutory Items

This table illustrates the way in which Parliament approved CSC resources via main estimates.

Vote # or
Item (S)
Truncated Vote or
Statutory Wording
Main Estimates

($ millions)
Main Estimates

($ millions)
30 Operating expenditures 1,779.2 1,717.1
35 Capital Expenditures 230.8 263.6
(S) Contributions to Employee Benefit Plans 194.5 193.5
(S) CORCAN Revolving Fund 0 0
  Total Department or Agency 2,204.5 2,174.2