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ARCHIVED - NAFTA Secretariat — Canadian Section

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Section II – Analysis of Program Activities by Strategic Outcome

The NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section, has two program activities:

  • administration of international trade dispute settlement mechanisms; and
  • internal services

The following sub-sections describe the program activities and identify the expected results, performance indicators and targets associated with them.  Additionally, information on financial and non-financial resources is presented for each program activity explaining how the Canadian Section fulfills its mandated responsibilities and performance commitments.

Program Activity 1: Administration of International Trade Dispute Settlement Mechanisms

Program Activity Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets
Improved administrative support to panels and committees to ensure a just, speedy and cost effective dispute settlement process. Consistent and immediate availability of accurate, complete and relevant information to support panel proceedings. At least 80% or more of clients indicating that they are fully satisfied with the information support provided to them.
Quality of procedural advice and guidance provided to panelists and participants on dispute settlement procedures. At least 80% or more of clients are satisfied with the procedural advice and guidance provided to them.
Foster effective collaboration in the administration of panel and committee proceedings between delivery partners. Extent of cooperation and joint undertakings with other national sections in the administration of panel proceedings. Harmonized administrative practices.
Effective participation in the NAFTA Chapter 19 Operation Working Group Meetings to influence outcomes. Active participation.

The following table shows information on planned spending on financial and human resources associated with our key program activity over the coming three-year period.

Financial Resources ($ thousands)   Human Resources (FTEs)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13   2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
1,711 1,711 1,711   6 6 6

Program Activity Summary

This is the key program activity of the Canadian Section, which includes procedural advice and guidance, case management, administrative, technical and logistical support to panels and committees and collaboration with the U.S. and Mexican Sections in the joint administration of panels as well as in the joint development of policies and programs aimed at uniform practices.

Planning Highlights

In order to achieve the expected results, the Canadian Section will continue its collaborative endeavours with the other national sections in the administration of panels as well as in joint development of policies and programs aimed at facilitating the operations of the dispute resolution process. During the planning period, we will also continue to provide improved support to panels in the areas of case management and procedural guidance. As well, we will continue to improve on our administrative, technical and logistical support in the administration of trade disputes. Additionally, the Canadian Section, in collaboration with the Mexican, the U.S. Section and the NAFTA Chapter 19 Working Group, will carry out a feasibility study to implement an e-filing system.

Benefits for Canadians

As one of the world's most active trading nations, Canada benefits immensely from the existence of agreements to govern trade and especially, the resolution of trade disputes. The dispute settlement mechanism, which the NAFTA Secretariat administers, underscores the rule of law and makes the trading system more secure and predictable. Exporters and investors are far more likely to engage in international commerce when they have access to an impartial dispute settlement mechanism and services, should disagreements arise.

Program Activity 2: Internal Services

Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization.  These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services.  Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not those provided specifically to a program.

The following table shows information on planned spending on financial and human resources associated with Internal Services over the coming three-year period.

Financial Resources ($ thousands)   Human Resources (FTEs)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13   2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
1,340 1,340 1,340   6 6 6

Program Activity Summary and Planning highlights

The Canadian Section is committed to strengthening its management practices in order to advance its management priorities. The Canadian Section is also dedicated to support the government wide priorities by promoting organizational accountability and transparency. The highlights of the Internal Services program activity include continued focus on implementing the organizational changes that have resulted from the recently completed capacity assessment review. Specifically, the Canadian Section will focus on the organizational delivery models and on the governance structure aimed at delivering services in a cost effective and efficient manner. Further, the Canadian Section will continue to implement its information management strategy and upgrade the infrastructure in the areas of information technology that promotes information safeguard and sharing as well as improved productivity.

How to Contact Us

Office of the Secretary
NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section
90 Sparks Street, Suite 705
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5B4
Tel: (613) 992-9388
Fax: (613) 992-9392
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