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Name of Horizontal Initiative: Western Economic Partnership Agreements (WEPAs)
Name of lead department: Western Economic Diversification Canada
Lead department program activities: Community Economic Development, Business Development, and Innovation.
Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: April 17, 2008
End date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2012
Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): $100M
Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement):
Western Economic Partnership Agreements (WEPAs) are four-year, $50M cost shared agreements between the federal government and each of the four western provinces to promote shared economic development priorities. Approvals may be made up to March 31, 2012 and claims can be received until March 31, 2014.
Shared outcome:
Greater federal-provincial cooperation towards realizing the economic and regional development potential of the West by helping to create innovative, entrepreneurial and sustainable communities.
Governance structures: Joint Federal-Provincial Management Committees.
Planning Highlights: During 2010-2011, WD will work in partnership with the each of the provincial governments in Western Canada to develop projects in line with their respective WEPA priorities. The current round of agreements focus on the following federal priorities:
Federal Partner Program Activity (PA) | Names of Programs for Federal Partners | Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) | Planned Spending for 2010-11 |
Expected Results for 2010-11 |
PA 1 - Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment | Western Diversification Program | $10.0M | $2.45M | Link 1 |
PA 2 - Business Development and Entrepreneurship | Western Diversification Program | $45.0M | $11.025M | Link 2 |
PA 3 - Innovation | Western Diversification Program | $45.0M | $11.025M | Link 3 |
Total | $100.0M | $24.5M |
Expected Results:
Although each of the four provincial agreements is based on joint federal-provincial priorities, these priorities also align with WD's Program Activity Architecture (PAA). As outlined in the above table, WEPA projects can align with any one of the three stated WD program activities. Depending on the individual WEPA project focus and which program activity it supports, expected results will match the expected results for that program activity. As such, projects funded through WEPAs will contribute to achieving the following results:
Community Economic Planning, Development, and Adjustment:
Recipient projects will: increase participation in the local economy by residents who face barriers or are disadvantaged; create more visible and stable local economies; increase the number and effectiveness of collaborative mechanisms that coordinate and plan community development; and, increase the capacity of communities to plan and support economic development.
Business Development and Entrepreneurship:
Recipient projects will: improve productivity; expand/enhance competitive businesses; increase participation in international markets, increase investment in Western Canada; enhance business capacity; and increase skills, knowledge, and competency.
Recipient projects will: increase/expand capacity, awareness, and use of new technologies; increase linkages among systems players; and, increase or strengthen technology clusters.
Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) | Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2010–11 |
$100.0M | $24.5M |
Results to be achieved by non-federal partners: Similar to federal results.
Contact information: Myka Pappas-Beckers, 9700 Jasper Avenue, 780-495-8259,