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ARCHIVED - Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec - Supplementary Tables

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Greening of Government Operations

Additional tables on greening of government operations (GGO) are intended for departments and agencies which undertake to comply with the Federal Sustainable Development Act, the Policy on Green Procurement and the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events.

The Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec contributes to the attainment of five greening of government operations goals from the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

Note that information presented in Reports on Plans and Priorities concerns planned results, whereas information presented in Departmental Performance Reports concerns actual results.

Surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) goal

8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Existence of an implementation plan for disposal of all electronic and electrical equipment generated by the Agency during the 2010-11 baseline year Yes, Commodity Management Framework  
Percentage of total number of Departmental locations whose electronic and electrical equipment plan has been fully implemented at the end of the given fiscal year FY2011–12 100%  
FY2012–13 100%  
FY2013–14 100%  


  1. The Agency’s Commodity Management Framework covers the life cycle of assets, in particular electronic and electrical equipment. All possible disposal methods are covered in the framework. During 2011-12, the framework will be updated so as to ensure that the requirements of the guideline concerning surplus electronic and electrical equipment are properly complied with.
  2. Currently, the Agency has 16 locations (offices) across Quebec, and disposal of assets and equipment is centralized at the Agency’s Planning, Co-ordination and Administration Directorate.

Printing unit reduction goal

8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply target where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Proportion of printing units per number of Agency office employees for the 2010-11 baseline year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow 3:1  
Proportion of printing units per number of Agency office employees at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow FY2011–12 N/A  
FY2012–13 *  
FY2013–14 8:1  


  1. Scope: The Agency targets all buildings and premises and all employees in order to achieve a target of eight employees per printing unit. Even though certain buildings may have a smaller proportion owing to the building occupancy level or security considerations, the Agency will, overall, attain the objective.
  2. Definition of printing units: Network printers, local printers and multiplex units.
  3. Method used to determine the number of printing units: The Technology Directorate keeps an updated list of all units in place.
  4. Method used to determine the number of office employees: Population Affiliation Report1 from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS).
  5. * Renewal of printers is carried out in bulk every three years. The latest renewal took place in March 2010, and the next is planned for late 2012-13. In view of the equipment life cycle, it would not be desirable or economical to establish a reduction target prior to the next renewal, so the target will be established for the RPP 2013-14.
  6. The Technology Directorate is responsible for monitoring attainment of the target.
  7. All Agency sectors are responsible for compliance with and attainment of the target.
  8. A communications strategy will have to be drawn up in order to raise Agency employees’ awareness.

Paper consumption goal

8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper consumption per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005-06 and 2011-12, and applicable scope.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Number of sheets of office paper consumed or purchased per employee during the 2009-10 baseline year (optional for RPP 2011-12) N/A  
Cumulative reduction in paper consumption, as a percentage, compared with the chosen baseline year FY2011–12 *  


  1. Scope: The Agency has chosen to include all its employees, rather than only office employees.
  2. * Method used to determine paper consumption: the quantity of paper purchased is determined manually from invoices. The baseline year will be 2009-10. The data are not, however, available for this year's Report.
  3. Method used to determine the number of employees: TBS Population Affiliation Report.
  4. Reporting requirements: Each year, the Agency’s Planning, Co-ordination and Administration (PCA) Directorate collects data from all business offices and the Government Affairs Branch. Data for head office are centralized at the PCA Directorate.
  5. Roles and responsibilities: Responsibility for attaining the target lies with all Agency sectors. The PCA Directorate will handle monitoring, information collection and reporting for this.
  6. A communications strategy will be developed in order to encourage employees to reduce paper consumption.

Green meetings goal

8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Adoption of a guide for greening meetings (optional for RPP 2011-12) Planned for 2011-12  


  1. Scope of the guide for greening meetings: All departmental or interdepartmental meetings held in Agency offices.
  2. The PCA Directorate will analyse existing documents already in use by other departments and adapt one of them to the Agency’s needs.
  3. Adoption of the guide will follow approval by the Agency’s Departmental Management Committee (DMC) during 2011-12.
  4. Role and responsibility: All sectors/directorates are responsible for attainment of the target.
  5. The challenge will be to monitor application of the guide and conduct reporting. The use of telepresence will be an important component in achieving the green meeting goal.
  6. A communications strategy will have to be drawn up to publicize the guide and the means to be used to attain the target.

Green procurement goals

8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least three SMART2 green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

As of April 1, 2011, 95% of computer purchases will be based on an environmentally preferable model.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Ratio of purchases of computers which attain the goal to the total volume of computers purchased during the year in question. N/A  
Progress accomplished with respect to performance measurement for the given fiscal year FY 2011-12 95%  
FY 2012-13 95%  
FY 2013-14 95%  


  1. Scope: Computers are defined as desktop computers and exclude laptops.
  2. According to the Agency’s Technology Master Plan, renewal of all desktop computers takes place every three years, in a single purchase. The next renewal is scheduled for 2011-12. Additional needs arise regularly, however, and ad-hoc purchases are made.
  3. The Agency’s Technology Directorate is responsible for replacing desktop computers and reporting thereon.
As of March 31, 2014, 95% of new printers purchased will offer one or more environmental performance factors.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Proportion of printers purchased presenting environmental performance factors N/A  
Progress accomplished with respect to performance measurement for the given fiscal year FY 2011-12 N/A  
FY 2012-13 95%  
FY 2013-14 95%  


  1. Scope: Printing units are defined as network printers, local printers and multiplex units.
  2. The Agency’s Technology Directorate keeps an updated list of all units in place.
  3. Printers are renewed in bulk every three years. The last renewal took place in March 2010, and the next is scheduled for late 2012-13. That is why no goal has been set for the RPP 2011-12.
  4. Environmental performance factors will be identified for the selection of printers at the next renewal.
  5. The Agency’s Technology Directorate is responsible for monitoring attainment of the target.
By March 31, 2014, 90% of copy paper purchased will contain at least 30% recycled material.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Percentage of paper purchased containing at least 30% recycled material out of the total volume of paper purchased during the 2009-10 baseline year N/A  
Progress accomplished with respect to performance measurement for the given fiscal year FY 2011-12 50%  
FY 2012-13 60%  
FY 2013-14 90%  


  1. Scope: Paper is defined as 8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14 and 11 x 17 paper.
  2. Method used to determine paper consumption: The quantity of paper purchased is determined manually from invoices. The baseline year will be 2009-10. The data are not, however, available for this year's Report.
  3. Reporting requirements: Each year, the Agency’s PCA Directorate collects data from all business offices and the Government Affairs Branch. Data for head office are centralized at the PCA Directorate.
  4. Roles and responsibilities: Responsibility for attaining the target lies with all Agency sectors. The PCA Directorate will handle monitoring, information collection and reporting for this.
  5. A communications strategy will be developed in order to encourage employees to reduce paper consumption.

8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision-making.

From April 1, 2011, 100% of employees (manager, procurement officer and assistant) in the Procurement sector of the PCA Directorate will receive training on green procurement through Course C215 of the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS).
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Proportion of Procurement sector employees having taken CSPS Course C215 during the 2010-11 baseline year. 67%  
Progress accomplished with respect to performance measurement for the given fiscal year FY 2011-12 100%  
FY 2012-13    
FY 2013-14    


  1. Three Procurement sector employees are concerned.
  2. Two of these three employees have taken training.
  3. Training used: CSPS Course C215 on green procurement only.
  4. Reporting requirements: Annual data collection from employees and the CSPS.
  5. Roles and responsibilities: The Agency’s PCA Directorate is responsible for monitoring of and reporting on green procurement training.
As of April 1, 2011, environmental considerations must be integrated into the performance evaluations of all the Agency’s Procurement sector employees.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Percentage of the Agency’s Procurement sector employees having in their performance agreements an environmental consideration goal for procurement, for the 2010-11 baseline year. 0%  
Progress accomplished with respect to performance measurement for the given fiscal year FY 2011-12 100%  
FY 2012-13    
FY 2013-14    


  1. Three Procurement sector employees are concerned by the integration of environmental considerations in their performance evaluations.
  2. A SMART target will be included in the performance agreement of all PCA Directorate Procurement sector employees for 2011-12 in line with the process in place for the drafting of performance agreements.
By March 31, 2013, management processes and controls for procurement will ensure that environmental performance considerations are integrated in the four procurement processes.
Performance measurement RPP DPR
Progress toward goal  
Number of processes revised in order to integrate environmental performance considerations, for the 2010-11 baseline year. (Number of processes to be revised: 4) 0  
Progress accomplished with respect to performance measurement for the given fiscal year
(on a cumulative basis)
FY 2011-12 2  
FY 2012-13 4  


  1. Scope: Currently, the four procurement processes are: the Commodity Management Framework, ISO procedure on procurement, request for proposals for drawing up a contract, and procedure for consulting and professional services.
  2. All processes will be revised so as to integrate or enhance existing practices.
  3. Particular attention will be paid to action to be taken to comply with reporting requirements.
