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ARCHIVED - Courts Administration Service

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Corporate Services

Corporate Services provides services such as finance, human resources, information technology, information management, telecommunications, facilities, translation, general administration and security to the Courts and to the Service itself.

Significant Financial Issues in 2006-2007

The Service was able to temporarily stabilize some of its program integrity funding for fiscal years 2006 07 and 2007 08; however, the Service has not been able to secure permanent funding for these critical policy issues. These expenditures relate to salaries and travel expenses of prothonotaries, new deputy judges' expenses, including their fees and travel expenses, and certain new key positions that were required as a result of the Service's merger.

The Service did receive separate funding for the completion of the Toronto Federal Judicial Centre (FJC), and this project was completed under budget. This type of financial arrangement and support is recommended for future projects. It should be noted that the Service realized sizable savings by recycling a significant amount of furniture and other materials. Consequently, the Service requested, and the Treasury Board Secretariat approved, use of those savings from the FJC to fit-up expansion space at Pink Road for greater archiving capacity for the Courts' records.

Human Resources / People Capacity

With the arrival of a new Learning Advisor in 2006-2007, a project to develop personal learning plans for all employees was delayed because of the implementation of the Required Training initiatives. This demanded a large portion of the Learning Advisor's time as it applied to supervisors, managers, and executives, functional specialists and first-time public servants.

In line with the Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA), the Human Resources Branch prepared a Treasury Board submission to obtain additional funding to continue to develop new staffing policies, guidelines, processes and tools to assist managers who will be receiving staffing sub-delegation. Additional resources are needed to assist managers to develop human resources plans in line with their business plans, to determine their current and future needs.

With respect to our succession planning initiative, we have identified immediate issues that we need to tackle such as competency profiles and rejuvenation of in-house developmental programs.

Records Management

Within the past year, information management/records management (IM/RM) division was combined with the IT division to create the IM/IT Branch. The purpose of this strategic reorganization was to better manage information within the Service and to utilize technology as a tool.

An important undertaking in the records management section was to centralize all court document archives (dormant and semi-dormant records). All the records stored in two locations were combined and moved to a facility located in Aylmer, Quebec. This move made it possible to track all court documents more easily and accurately. This undertaking represented a move of close to 70,000 boxes of records plus 120 bins of exhibits which then had to be classified and indexed to simplify tracking. Some records dated as far back as the early 19th century.

To ensure efficiency, this initiative had to be supported by certain retention and disposal best practices that are now being put together and should ensure growth and sufficient storage space for 5-10 years.

We are in discussion with Library and Archives Canada to finalize a memorandum of understanding which would have them take over close to 2,000 boxes from the Exchequer Court. The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the transfer of that portion of the records of the Exchequer Court having archival and historical value to the custody and control of the National Archives of Canada in order that Canadian citizens may have convenient and continuous access to them. This transfer will allow for a complete and orderly disposal of all records of the Exchequer Court.

Following recommendations from the records management committee, a customized in-house list of procedures has and continues to be put together to guide employees in regard to the retention and disposal of administrative records. These standards are based on the Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority (MIDA) agreement and are customized for each business line in the organization.

Government On-Line

There have been more than 350 e-filings received for intellectual property cases. Based on this success, the Service will expand the e-filing solution to admiralty cases and immigration leave applications. The Service also implemented the required security to allow for e-filing system of certain income tax and GST certificates with the Federal Court. The Service is having ongoing discussions with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) about providing this service.
The Service also enhanced its website and continues to comply with Common Look and Feel and the Proactive Disclosures.

New workstations have been prepared to be deployed at the public counters across the country. New features such as viewing the hearing list, accessing the decision database and indexing information will be accessible to the public via these computers.

Strategic Integrated Management

This past fiscal year was marked by significant organizational change, with Regional Operations and Registry Services united under one branch. In addition, all corporate services activities were merged together. This new structure, consistent with our Program Activity Architecture, will allow for improved accountability and more efficient integrated resource planning. 

After the review of our Program Activity Architecture, we began the initial work on the development of our Performance Management Framework to be completed in 2007-2008.

Security Services

The Service continues to maintain its commitment and efforts to improving the security of judges, prothonotaries, staff and members of the public using its facilities and to ensure the protection of assets and information. 

Furthermore, in order to comply with the Government Security Policy, the Service is continuing with the implementation of electronic access control systems in its offices.
The Security Services Division in consultation with the various working groups continues to develop several policies and procedures relating to the protection of employees, assets and information.

The Service continues to develop its program aimed at heightening security awareness throughout the organization.  Some of the activities this year included the production of a brochure entitled “Emergency Procedures and Safeguards” as well as several activities during Security Awareness Week.

The Service developed its Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Program to ensure the continued availability of essential services, programs and operations, in the event of interruptions caused by unforeseen events such as extended power failures, severe weather conditions, etc.  The Program includes a BCP Policy, Business Impact Analysis which identifies our critical services and establishes priorities, BCP Plans for each sector and region, and a Pandemic Annex for the organization.  Testing and validation of the Plans will start with a Tabletop Exercise which is planned for early in 2007-08 and will be updated on a regular basis.

Facilities Management

The accommodation space optimization projects review continues to focus on all facilities. The Toronto Federal Judicial Centre Project was part of that program and is now completed.  The drafting of Judicial/Quasi-judicial Fit-up Standards has been undertaken, including a review of court standards, which is still at the development stage.

Offices of the Courts Administration Service


Courts Administration Service
434 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H9


Lorne Building
90 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H9

Registry of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada
Telephone:     (613) 996-6795
Facsimile:      (613) 952-7226

Registry of the Federal Court
Telephone:     (613) 992-4238
                     (613) 995-9177 (Immigration)
Facsimile:      (613) 952-3653

Centennial Towers
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H9

Registry of the Tax Court of Canada
Telephone:     (613) 992-0901
 or                 1-800-927-5499
Facsimile:      (613) 957-9034
TTY:              (613) 943-0946

Tax Court of Canada, courtroom and Judges' chambers

Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building
90 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H9

Federal Court of Appeal, Federal Court and Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada, courtrooms and Judges' chambers


434 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H9

Corporate Services for the Courts Administration Service

Telephone:     (613) 996-4778
Facsimile:     (613) 941-6197


FCA -       Federal Court of Appeal
FC -         Federal Court
CMAC - Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada
TCC -      Tax Court of Canada

ALBERTA — Calgary
3rd Floor, 635 Eight Avenue S.W.
P.O. Box 14, T2P 3M3
FCA/CMAC (403) 292-5555
FC                (403) 292-5920
TCC              (403) 292-5556
Facsimile:       (403) 292-5329
TTY:              (403) 292-5879

ALBERTA — Edmonton
Scotia Place, Tower 1, Suite 530,
P.O. Box 51
10060 Jasper Avenue T5J 3R8
FCA/CMAC  (780) 495-2502
FC                  (780) 495-4651
TCC               (780) 495-2513
Facsimile:        (780) 495-4681
TTY:              (780) 495-2428

Pacific Centre, P.O. Box 10065
701 West Georgia Street V7Y 1B6
FCA/CMAC (604) 666- 2055
FC                 (604) 666-3232
Facsimile:        (604) 666-8181
TTY:          (604) 666-9228
TCC          (604) 666-7987
Facsimile:         (604) 666-7967

MANITOBA — Winnipeg
4th Floor, 363 Broadway Street R3C 3N9
FCA/CMAC      (204) 983-2232
FC                    (204) 983-2509
TCC                  (204) 983-1785
Facsimile:          (204) 983-7636
TTY:                 (204) 984-4440

NEW BRUNSWICK — Fredericton
Suite 100, 82 Westmorland Street
E3B 3L3
FCA/CMAC  (506) 452-2036
FC         (506) 452-3016
TCC        (506) 452-2424
Facsimile:       (506) 452-3584
TTY:         (506) 452-3036

Suite 1720, 1801 Hollis Street B3J 3N4
FCA/CMAC      (902) 426-5326
FC                    (902) 426-3282
TCC                  (902) 426-5372
Facsimile:           (902) 426-5514
TTY:                   (902) 426-9776

ONTARIO — Toronto
1 — Registry of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada
180 Queen Street West, Suite 200, M5V 3L6
Telephone: FCA (416) 952-8006
Facsimile: FCA  (416) 973-2154
Telephone: FC   (416) 973-3356
Facsimile:  FC   (416) 954-5068
Telephone: CMAC (416)954-9823
Facsimile: CMAC (416)973-2154
TTY:       (416) 954-4245
Telephone: TCC (416) 973-9181
TCC      1-800-927-5499
Facsimile: TCC (416) 973-5944

2 — Registry of the Tax Court of Canada (London)
3rd Floor, 231 Dundas Street N6A 1H1
     (519) 645-4203
Facsimile:  (519) 675-3391

QUÉBEC — Montréal
Registry of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada

30 McGill Street H2Y 3Z7
Telephone: FCA/CMAC
FC     514) 283-4820
TCC      (514) 283-9912
Or      1-800-927-5499
Facsimile: FCA/CMAC/FC
(514) 283-6004
TCC       (514) 496-1996
TTY:       (514) 283-3017

QUÉBEC — Québec
Palais de Justice, Room 500A,
300 Jean Lesage Blvd. G1K 8K6
Telephone:      FCA/CMAC                             (418) 648-4964
FC                   (418) 648-4820
TCC                (418) 648-7324
Facsimile:        (418) 648-4051
TTY:                (418) 648-4644



Room 413, 110 Charlotte Street E2L 2J4
Telephone: (506) 636-4990
Facsimile: (506) 658-3070

The Court House, P.O. Box 937,
Duckworth Street A1C 5M3
Telephone: (709) 772-2884
Facsimile: (709) 772-6351

The Court House, P.O. Box 1320
4905, 49th Street X1A 2L9
Telephone: (867) 873-2044
Facsimile: (867) 873-0291

NUNAVUT— Iqaluit
Nunavut Court of Justice
Building Arnakallak (Building  #224)
C. P. 297  X0A 0H0
Telephone: (867) 975-6100
Facsimile: (867) 979-6550

Sir Henry Louis Davies Law Courts
P.O. Box 2000, 42 Water Street C1A 8B9
Telephone: (902) 368-0179
Facsimile: (902) 368-0266

The Court House
520 Spadina Crescent East S7K 2H6
Telephone: (306) 975-4509
Facsimile: (306) 975-4818

The Court House
2425 Victoria Avenue S4P 3V7
Telephone: (306) 780-5268
Facsimile: (306) 787-7217

Andrew A. Phillipsen Law Centre
2134 Second Avenue Y1A 5H6
Telephone: (867) 667-5441
Facsimile: (867) 393-6212