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Over the last year, our department has demonstrated what can be accomplished when we take concrete action to improve the lives of First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Northerners.
We have seen the real progress that can be made with a clear strategy, strong partnerships and an understanding that healthy, prosperous and self-reliant Aboriginal and Northern communities benefit all of Canada.
That is why we are working with provincial and territorial governments and our First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Northern partners to ensure we address issues facing Aboriginal and Northern communities in a way that is coherent, practical and measurable.
On one hand, we are working to create stable and accountable governments in First Nations communities, and are taking decisive action to settle outstanding land claims. At the same time, we are ensuring the conditions are in place to guarantee that First Nations people enjoy the same treatment and access to services as all Canadians.
We are working with the private sector to create initiatives to enable Aboriginal people — both on- and off-reserve — to take charge of their own economic development opportunities and to benefit from major resource development projects in or near their communities.
And we are finding ways to develop the tremendous potential of Canada’s North — advancing devolution, supporting Northern science research, and harnessing the North’s vast resources in a way that is environmentally sustainable, and economically and socially beneficial for Northerners.
Together, these efforts reflect our shared priorities with our partners and form the basis of our collaborative strategy. They converge to improve social conditions and encourage economic growth — creating a more promising future for First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Northerners, and in turn for all Canadians.
On behalf of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), the Canadian Polar Commission and the Indian Specific Claims Commission, I am pleased to present the 2006–2007 Departmental Performance Report.
The Honourable Chuck Strahl, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians
I submit, for tabling in Parliament, the 2006–2007 Departmental Performance Report for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Canadian Polar Commission and the Indian Specific Claims Commission.
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2006–2007 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:
Michael Wernick
Deputy Minister, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
The 2006–2007 Departmental Performance Report (DPR) describes performance in relation to priorities and commitments in the 2006–2007 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP). The 2006–2007 RPP was based on the Program Activity Architecture (PAA), which shows how the department’s program activities align to its strategic outcomes.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) holds primary, but not exclusive, responsibility for two separate yet complementary mandates: Indian and Inuit Affairs and Northern Development. The department is responsible for meeting the Government of Canada’s obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit and Métis and for fulfilling the federal government’s constitutional responsibilities in the North in collaboration with: several other federal departments; First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders; provincial and territorial governments; circumpolar governments; and service delivery agents, as well as with the private sector and non-governmental organizations. These broad mandates are derived largely from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act, the Indian Act, territorial acts and legal obligations arising from section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867, as well as the more than 50 statutes for which the department has administrative responsibilities.
The department’s mission, in fulfilling these complex mandates, is to support First Nations and Inuit — and in Canada’s North, all Northerners, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis — in achieving their social and economic aspirations; in developing healthy, sustainable communities; and in more fully participating in and benefiting from Canada’s political, social and economic development.
Under the Indian and Inuit Affairs mandate, the department:
Under the Northern Development mandate, the department:
In addition to duties related to the department, the INAC Minister is the Minister responsible for:
Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians
The Office of the Federal Interlocutor works with Métis, non-Status Indians and urban Aboriginal organizations, as well as provincial governments where appropriate, to help further the efforts of Métis, non-Status Indians and urban Aboriginal people to help them realize their full potential economically, socially and politically in Canadian society. The Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians works closely with provinces, national Aboriginal organizations, federal departments and organizations toward achieving an overall coherence in the services available to off-reserve Aboriginal Canadians.
Canadian Polar Commission
As Canada’s lead agency in the area of polar research, the Canadian Polar Commission is responsible for monitoring, promoting and disseminating knowledge of the polar regions. The Commission contributes to public awareness of the importance of polar science to Canada, enhances Canada’s international profile as a circumpolar nation and recommends polar science policy direction to government.
Indian Specific Claims Commission
The mission of the Indian Specific Claims Commission (ISCC) is to assist First Nations and the Government of Canada to settle specific claims. The ISCC is a commission of inquiry established in 1991. Its mandate is: to inquire, at the request of a First Nation, into specific claims that have been rejected by the federal government or accepted claims where the First Nation disputes the compensation criteria being considered; and to provide mediation services on consent of the parties at any stage of the claims process.
($ millions) | Planned Spending | Total Authorities | Actual Spending |
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | 6,453.4 | 6,594.7 | 6,131.1 |
Canadian Polar Commission | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Indian Specific Claims Commission | 5.6 | 6.8 | 6.5 |
The variance of approximately $322 million between actual spending and planned spending primarily reflects funding from Budget 2006 and for the negotiation, settlement and implementation of specific and comprehensive claims which was not expended in 2006–2007 and which was therefore reprofiled to 2007–2008.
(FTEs) | Planned | Actual | Difference |
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | 4,276.4 | 4,062.6 | (213.8) |
Canadian Polar Commission | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Indian Specific Claims Commission | 49 | 45 | (4) |
INAC is responsible for a complex portfolio of Aboriginal and northern responsibilities that has been shaped by centuries of history, unique demographic and geographic challenges, evolving jurisprudence, and increasingly sophisticated policy and legislative agendas. Perhaps no other department is responsible for such a wide range of issues, programs and services or is engaged with so many different partners.
Many factors influence the department’s ability to achieve its desired strategic outcomes, including global and national economic trends; changes in social policy at national and provincial levels; court decisions; environmental impacts; First Nations, Inuit and Métis priorities; and federal, provincial and territorial relations, priorities and pressures. No single group has direct control over these variables. Jurisdictional considerations, statutory and fiduciary obligations, the special relationship between the federal government and Aboriginal people, and the aspirations and priorities of First Nations, Inuit, Métis and northern residents are all considerations. It is clear that the success achieved toward long-term outcomes has required sustained and joint commitment from a broad range of institutions and organizations, and will continue to do so in the future.
In presenting the context of INAC’s overall performance, it is useful to note several recent changes to its internal structure, as well as external factors that affect progress toward INAC’s mission.
Internal factors
Within INAC, some restructuring took place in 2006–2007 that has added to its responsibilities.
On April 1, 2006, the Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat was transferred from the Privy Council Office to INAC. The Secretariat provides a co-ordination role for Aboriginal policies and programs across government. With this transfer, INAC assumed an enhanced leadership role in terms of managing the overall direction of the government’s Aboriginal agenda.
On December 1, 2006, responsibility for Aboriginal Business Canada and the National Aboriginal Economic Development Board (NAEDB) were transferred from Industry Canada to INAC. Consolidating these programs and expertise within INAC’s broader economic development activities such as Small Business Development, Economic and Financial Institutions, Community Investment Strategies, Major Project Participation and Access to Investment Capital will let us build on and strengthen such programming, and use federal resources more strategically and enable First Nations to participate more meaningfully in the economy. It will open up opportunities to expand jobs and incomes for all Aboriginal people, whether on or off reserve, in rural and remote settings. An updated Aboriginal Economic Development Strategy is currently under development, based on an analysis of approximately 120 studies completed after the 1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, and consultations with key stakeholders.
External factors
In 2006–2007, a range of external factors — including demographic changes, litigation, governance capacity and geographic conditions — continued to present challenges and opportunities for departmental performance and the delivery of programs and services.
Demographic changes
Aboriginal demographics continue to be one of the most important factors shaping the context for programs and services. The Aboriginal population is young and is growing more than two times faster than the overall Canadian population. These Aboriginal demographics create pressure for more schools, housing and public infrastructure, and for increases in social services to support the high rate of young family formations. As well, the age structure of the Aboriginal population presents opportunities for the Canadian workforce, regional economies and overall competitiveness, particularly in the Prairie provinces, the territories and urban centres that have high concentrations of Aboriginal youth. If properly supported with education and skills training, the growing population of young Aboriginal people presents an ideal pool of talent from which employers can draw and by which the overall Canadian economy can flourish.
Disparities in social and economic conditions between Aboriginal people and other Canadians are a serious challenge in terms of the performance of programs and services. Aboriginal people have lower levels of education, poorer health and higher rates of unemployment. They also experience higher levels of violence, particularly Aboriginal women. Many reserves have insufficient and inadequate housing and unsafe drinking water.
Furthermore, high mobility rates among Aboriginal people to and from reserves and surrounding communities, as well as within urban centres, creates challenges for program delivery mechanisms in terms of reaching those in need and in measuring performance. Providing services of a consistently high standard to a highly mobile population remains a major challenge for INAC.
On the legal landscape, litigation is generating court rulings at every level within the judicial system, which are further refining Aboriginal and treaty rights as recognized by Canada’s Constitution. These court rulings continue to influence the direction and timing of some initiatives in the government’s Aboriginal agenda. Specifically, recent decisions, such as Chicot and Dene Tha’, are further clarifying what activities trigger the Crown’s legal duty to consult in relation to Aboriginal and treaty rights and how the Crown is expected to discharge this legal duty.
Governance capacity
INAC works toward governance and political development within First Nations communities, including the implementation of constitutionally protected self-government agreements, and the devolution of program responsibilities from the federal government to the northern territories.
It is important to note that the department works in partnership with First Nations that have a very broad range — or continuum — of capacities. At one end of the continuum are self-governing First Nations. At the other end are communities that require direct assistance to strengthen their governance capacity.
Similarly, the government’s relationship with Canada’s Inuit and Métis peoples needs to reflect their particular interests and priorities. They often have distinct affairs that require specific approaches. Overall, the great diversity between and among Aboriginal groups requires the government to engage with a range of Aboriginal governments and national and regional Aboriginal representative organizations.
The overall agenda for the North is to complete the devolution of all province-like responsibilities to northern governments at a pace set by Northerners, so that all Northerners increasingly manage their own political, resource, economic and social affairs. Each territory is at a different stage of evolution as onshore lands and resources transfers are complete in the Yukon, while they are being negotiated in the Northwest Territories and are at exploratory stages in Nunavut. The challenge is to manage the North’s natural resources and to support the political and economic evolution of the territories in partnership with Aboriginal peoples and Northerners in a manner that facilitates development of strong northern governments, economies, communities and peoples.
Geographic conditions
Geographic and demographic conditions in Canada’s North pose unique challenges for the delivery of programs and services — remoteness of communities, a severe climate and a sensitive environment. Gaps in infrastructure (e.g., connectivity, roads and ports), science and technology, and skills and capacities among governments, communities and individuals pose challenges for the sustainable economic growth of each territory. Many isolated First Nations communities south of 60° present similar challenges for program delivery.
At the same time, there is incredible opportunity. Canada’s North holds world-class mineral, oil and gas deposits, which promise substantial long-term growth for the regional economy and a significant revenue stream for governments. The resource base under the control of First Nations communities is increasingly valuable in terms of the renewable and non-renewable resources available for development by the communities themselves. Resource development opportunities are significant and strategically important to Canada. There is great potential to make the North a major contributor to Canada’s future prosperity while supporting sustainable development.
In summary, the achievement of INAC’s strategic outcomes will continue to require an ongoing assessment of how the organization needs to evolve to take advantage of new and emerging opportunities, particularly as the expanding capacity of Aboriginal peoples and governments allows them to take greater control of their social, economic and political aspirations. The 2006–2007 fiscal year saw INAC continue to work with key partners, clients and stakeholders to deliver programs and services, and to achieve its overall mission of improved quality of life for Aboriginal people and Northerners. The information and data collected will bring improvements to program, policy and service design and delivery, and help determine priorities in the years ahead.
Demographic Profile of Aboriginal Canada
Sources include: Statistics Canada, 2001 Census of Canada; INAC, Indian Register; INAC, Registered Indian Population Projection Series 2004–29; Statistics Canada. 2005–56 Population Projection Series.
Profile of the North
Based on the operating environment and context described above, INAC set and made progress on priorities for 2006–2007 that support the following five program-related strategic outcomes:
These strategic outcomes shape policies, programs and services offered to First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Northerners, and provide criteria for assessing the department’s performance and progress.
Every department’s strategic outcomes must align with Government of Canada outcomes. For INAC, The Government, The People, The Land and The Economy are strongly linked to five Government of Canada outcomes outlined in Canada’s Performance, a companion document to Departmental Performance Reports. These are: Strong Economic Growth, A Clean and Healthy Environment, Healthy Canadians, Safe and Secure Communities, and a Diverse Society That Promotes Linguistic Duality and Social Inclusion. Through its strategic outcomes, program activities and priorities, INAC is committed to supporting Government of Canada efforts to achieve positive impacts on quality of life for all peoples in Canada.
This section summarizes departmental progress in achieving strategic outcomes through program activities and their expected results, and how strategic outcomes contribute to broader government-wide objectives.
Several examples of program activity results are provided for each strategic outcome. A complete report on all results can be found in Section II — Analysis of Program Activities by Strategic Outcome.
The plans presented in the 2006–2007 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) were three-year plans, which included milestones due within 2006–2007. Progress has been made on all plans, and the performance status below refers to the milestones that were to be achieved in the 2006–2007 fiscal year. For detailed performance information, see Section IV — Details of Contributions to Departmental Priorities.
Priority | Program Activity Expected Results* |
Performance Status for 2006–2007 |
Strategic Outcome: The Government | ||
Accountability and Capacity Building | Governance and Institutions of Government Strengthened First Nations and Inuit governance and capacity through legislative, policy and programming initiatives. |
Milestones met |
Northern Development | Northern Governance Strong northern governance and effective institutions allowing Northerners to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities resulting from northern development. |
Milestones partially met |
Strategic Outcome: The People | ||
Education | Education Students residing on reserves have access to elementary and secondary programs and services that are reasonably comparable with programs and services available in public schools in the province or territory in which the reserve is located. Eligible First Nations and Inuit people benefit from post-secondary education opportunities. |
Milestones met |
Women, Children and Families | Social Development Women’s rights are protected and eligible clients on reserves receive social services that are reasonably comparable with services provided by the province or territory in which the reserve is located. |
Milestones met |
Accountability and Capacity Building | Managing Individual Affairs A new Secure Certificate of Indian Status implemented nationally. |
Milestones partially met |
Strategic Outcome: The Land | ||
Accountability and Capacity Building | Responsible Federal Stewardship Implementation of environmental management and stewardship programs and strategies, and modernized legislative and policy framework, for example, for commercial and industrial development, oil and gas management, and the Lands Registry. |
Milestones met |
First Nations Governance over Land, Resources and the Environment Expansion of the First Nations Land Management Act and implementation of the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act. |
Milestones met | |
Housing | Responsible Federal Stewardship Modernized legislative and regulatory framework for housing on reserves. |
Milestones postponed |
Mackenzie Gas Project; Northern Development | Northern Land and Resources The North’s natural resources developed in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner. |
Milestones met |
Strategic Outcome: The Economy | ||
Water and Wastewater for First Nations Communities | Community Infrastructure First Nations communities’ water and wastewater facilities meet federal guidelines. |
Milestones met |
Housing | Community Infrastructure Adequate on-reserve housing for First Nations communities. |
Milestones partially met |
Strategic Outcome: The Office of the Federal Interlocutor | ||
Education; Women, Children and Families; Housing; Accountability and Capacity Building | Co-operative Relationships Development and implementation of practical ways of improving socio-economic conditions for Métis, non-Status Indians and urban Aboriginal people through development of effective partnerships, development of organizational capacity and professional development. |
Milestones met |
*For planned and actual spending by program activity, see Table 1. |
Overall, INAC succeeded in meeting the milestones it set for 2006–2007. In 8 out of 12 priority areas, the department achieved its milestones, in three areas milestones were partially met, and one set of milestones was postponed.
Housing milestones for 2006–2007 were partially met or postponed. While INAC committed to completing a 10-year housing strategy by March 2007, a critical prerequisite was a review and renewal of the current on-reserve housing policy and its foundations. Such a review is now under way and more time is required to complete the work and engage First Nations and other stakeholders as appropriate.
Although the Northern governance milestones were only partially met, the department has completed 90 percent of its commitments to reaching an agreement in principle for future devolution in the Northwest Territories.
Progress was made on the Certificate of Indian Status project, not all milestones were completed due to delays arising from an evaluation of the procurement strategy resulting in additional process requirements.
The Government strategic outcome includes accountability and capacity building through governance and institutions as well as co-operative relationships for claims settlements and self-government agreements, which give First Nations and Inuit the tools they need to improve economic and social well-being, and to support their cultures. Through legislative, policy and programming initiatives, First Nations and Inuit governance in particular have been strengthened. Examples include:
The Government of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories have made significant progress in reaching an agreement in principle for N.W.T. devolution. The discussions in 2006 were successful in addressing most of the outstanding issues raised in the 2005 deliberations.
The Government strategic outcome supports the social inclusion component of the Government of Canada strategic outcome titled ‘A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion’, which seeks to ensure the full participation of all Canadians at the economic, social, political and cultural levels. (Government of Canada strategic outcomes are presented annually in Canada’s Performance, a companion document to Departmental Performance Reports).
The People strategic outcome seeks to strengthen individual and family well-being for First Nations, Inuit and Northerners. In 2006–2007, INAC prioritized education, social development for women, children and families, and accountability and capacity building through managing individual affairs. Highlights of results include:
The People strategic outcome supports the Government of Canada Healthy Canadians strategic outcome, and the social inclusion component of the Government of Canada strategic outcome, titled A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion, which seeks to ensure the full participation of all Canadians at the economic, social, political, and cultural levels.
The Land strategic outcome is sustainable use of lands and resources by First Nations, Inuit and Northerners. In response to its Report on Plans and Priorities commitments, INAC:
The Land strategic outcome supports the Government of Canada Clean and Healthy Environment and Strong Economic Growth strategic outcomes.
Housing, Water and Wastewater for First Nations Communities were priorities for The Economy strategic outcome in 2006–2007 as concrete ways of reducing the economic disparities between Aboriginal people and other Canadians. Successes include:
These investments in community infrastructure are basic but essential elements that individuals, communities and businesses need to seize economic opportunities.
In the North, the department also made other investments in territorial economies, such as expansion of geoscientific knowledge, through its Targeted Investment Program.
The Economy strategic outcome supports the Government of Canada’s Strong Economic Growth strategic outcome, as well as its Safe and Secure Communities strategic outcome, which focuses on the ability of Canadians to adequately support themselves financially as a basis for quality of life.
The Office of the Federal Interlocutor (OFI) also met its targets in seeking to strengthen relationships with Métis, non-Status Indians and urban Aboriginal people. The OFI:
In these and other ways, the OFI is making progress toward its strategic outcome of greater awareness of its stakeholders’ needs within the federal government, increased access to services and improved socio-economic conditions.
The Office of the Federal Interlocutor strategic outcome supports the social inclusion component of the Government of Canada strategic outcome A Diverse Society That Promotes Linguistic duality and Social Inclusion, which seeks to ensure the full participation of all Canadians at the economic, social, political and cultural levels.
INAC takes pride in the progress made in 2006–2007 toward its strategic outcomes. While always aware of ongoing challenges and risks, INAC is committed to further progress on the path it has set to improve the lives of Aboriginal people and Northerners.