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Section 4: Other Items of Interest

Corporate Management and Services Program Activity

The Corporate Management and Services program activity provides support to the three IRB decision-making program activities through a range of HR, legal services, communications, strategic planning, audit and evaluation, risk management, values and ethics, financial services, information technology, security and management activities. It also provides the IRB with efficient management processes and administrative services while promoting organizational effectiveness, and implements various government-wide initiatives. In addition, the Corporate Management and Services program activity ensures that all corporate management services are integrated into the business of the IRB.

The actual spending and FTEs for Corporate Management and Services are proportionally allocated to the three decision-making program activities.

Performance Highlights

Significant achievements in 2006-2007 included the transition of ICMS It resources from the IRB's operations branch to the corporate planning and services branch, implementation of key priorities of the people management strategy, development of the internal audit and the departmental audit committee charters and implementation of a new organization-wide contracting policy.

Table 4.1: Corporate Management and Services Program Activity Plans and Results

STRATEGIC OUTCOME: Provide Canadians with well-reasoned, timely decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.
Improve case management processes through the successful implementation of ICMS
Plans Results
Corporate Management and Services
Provide ongoing maintenance of the ICMS applications once implemented
  • ICMS was implemented on April 2, 2007, and is supported by business and IT teams as the system of record for the RPD
  • The Information System (IS) Directorate continues to acquire the capacity to provide effective and ongoing system maintenance to ICMS
Transition ICMS IT resources, tools, procedures and infrastructure to the IS Directorate
  • Transition of ICMS IT resources, tools, procedures and infrastructure to the IS Directorate was completed
Implement a Change Management Strategy with respect to the ICMS project that includes comprehensive communications and training plans
  • A Change Management Strategy was implemented and training was provided to all personnel who will use ICMS; the strategy is ongoing and is revised regularly to reflect the present and future needs of the user community
  • Communications activities have been ongoing, using various media to communicate with regional end users, trainers and HQ personnel
  • Impediments to the implementation of ICMS were identified and addressed on an regular basis either through ICMS maintenance releases or through change management activities with the regional user community
Implement a horizontal and fully integrated management plan that reflects the IRB's reality
Plans Results
Corporate Planning and Accountability
Update the Risk Management Plan to reflect strategic priorities and the Government Management Agenda, and implement the Legal Risk Management System
  • Risk management is a key driver in strategic planning and priority setting
  • The legal risk management framework was approved and legal risk management plans for various identified legal risks were produced and refined
  • Risk management was used as a key leverage to initiate a three-year core management control framework project as part of the government-wide Audit Policy
Provide effective financial planning and budgeting using ABB, A-Base Reviews and other tools to support the resourcing process within the IRB
  • Resource allocation decisions reflect workload trends and priorities throughout the IRB
  • Expected availability of financial resources is taken into account as part of the business planning process
Develop an HR planning tool to facilitate the integration of HR planning in business planning
  • The IRB developed a framework and template for integrated HR and business planning
Audit and Evaluation
Update the three-year action plan to bring the IRB into compliance with the new Internal Audit Policy
  • Charters for Internal Audit and the Departmental Audit Committee were established
  • Implementation of Year 1 of the IRB Internal Audit Policy is consistent with the standards of the Office of the Comptroller General and of the Institute of Internal Auditors
  • Completed Phase 1 to assess the IRB's core management controls as a first step towards the establishment of an Internal Control Framework
  • Audit Universe established and approved
People Management
Implement identified priorities of the People Management Strategy, including the implementation of an integrated learning and professional development program for all IRB personnel
  • Key priorities of the People Management Strategy and Learning and Development Strategy were implemented, including revitalization of the Employment Equity Program under which a National Advisory Committee was established and a self-identification campaign was conducted
  • Four new competency profiles were developed and learning opportunities were provided to public service employees and GICs, including Informal Conflict Resolution training, management and leadership training and new member/Tribunal Officer training
Implement HR Modernization measures and objectives including those related to compliance with the new Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Public Service Modernization Act
  • The IRB implemented HR Modernization measures such as an informal conflict resolution system, new internal staffing policies and delegated staffing authorities to managers
Receive and analyze the Public Service Employment Survey (PSES) results and develop an action plan to address the results
  • The IRB received, analyzed and communicated the national 2005 PSES results across the organization and identified areas of improvement to be addressed as part of the integrated HR planning process
Revise the GIC recruitment process to ensure further alignment with the Member Competency Profile, including revisions to the screening test and interview guide for GIC recruitment
  • The 2004 competency-based regime was assessed after the first two years of implementation; a revised process will be implemented in 2007-2008 that will strengthen the merit-based competency focus of GIC appointments to the IRB while increasing transparency and fairness
Examine the possibility of the development of a unique classification standard for the IRB
  • After a thorough analysis, IRB senior management made a recommendation that the IRB will not proceed with a submission of a business case to the TBS
Financial Management
Implement a formal management monitoring function and conduct readiness assessment for audited Financial Statements
  • Delays occurred in the staffing of positions as a result of a shortage of qualified financial officers; by year end, however, the corporate monitoring function was in place, resulting in improvements to the monitoring function at the IRB
  • The TBS has determined that the IRB is a Phase II department; as a result, compliance with the requirement to provide audited Financial Statements will be set at a later date
Implement a comprehensive security program that includes a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) updated annually and implement the Management Information Technology Security (MITS) Action Plan
  • The IRB has developed a BCP that ensures that the IRB's critical functions would be delivered in the case of a business interruption
  • The IRB has made significant progress in meeting the requirements of the Government Security Policy for the protection of people, information and assets
Procurement and Asset Management
Implement a comprehensive procurement and asset management program
  • The IRB has implemented controls over procurement; these include an IRB contracting policy, limiting contracting authority to trained specialists and developing better monitoring and reporting tools
Develop appropriate contracting regimes and controls on the interpreter file
  • The IRB completed a Statement of Work for interpreter services
Information Management
Implement the relevant elements of the Information Management (IM) Action Plan following the IM Capacity exercise
  • The IRB has acted on the recommendations of the IM Action Plan by establishing a governance mechanism, articulating its vision and setting a three-year plan to address IM and record-keeping priorities
Using infonet, provide all employees with authoritative, comprehensive and well-structured information in support of their respective operational goals and obligations
  • Employees are well informed and provided with an effective work tool
Information Systems
Support the IRB's activities with the appropriate infrastructure, desktop and network environment
  • The IRB desktop and network environment was upgraded with Windows XP, Office 2003 and Windows Server 2003
  • The IRB technology infrastructure was evergreened to support the IRB's activities, including ICMS
  • Quality assurance and architecture functions for all aspects of the IRB are in place
Support all Systems users (external and internal) effectively and in accordance with service standards
  • Enhanced National Call Centre support services to the IRB's employees through the implementation of quality, consistency and efficiency measures while sustaining high volumes of resolutions and a reduced processing time

Management Accountability Framework Assessment

Late in 2006-2007 the TBS conducted Round IV of the MAF Assessments. The TBS developed the MAF to reinforce sound management practices and strengthen accountability in all public service organizations. It captures the TBS vision of sound public management in 10 expectations of Deputy Ministers and reinforces the message of the need for results-based management with better integrated management functions.

The TBS observations on the IRB's management accountability performance were generally positive. The IRB's work to improve management and its strong emphasis on the importance of accountability and modernization were recognized by the TBS. In total, for the 18 indicators against which the IRB was assessed, the IRB received one strong rating, 13 acceptable ratings, three opportunities for improvement and one attention required. The IRB was also acknowledged for the focused, relevant, concise and timely information it provided to the TBS as part of the MAF assessment process.

Notwithstanding the above, there are some areas that the TBS identified for further progress. These include completing the implementation of the ICMS project and ensuring proper maintenance, strengthening the internal audit and evaluation functions and building an infrastructure to further promote values and ethics. Furthermore, it will be important that the IRB carefully manages the stability of the organization during its time of transition.

Integrated Accountability Framework

Under the Federal Accountability Act, the Chairperson becomes the IRB's Accounting Officer. In this role, the IRB Chairperson is accountable for issues such as ensuring compliance with policies and procedures for program delivery and systems of internal control, signing the accounts and ensuring that there is adequate internal audit capacity within the IRB. In 2006-2007 the IRB initiated the development of an Integrated Accountability Framework that will, in 2008-2009, provide the IRB Chairperson with an assurance of this compliance.

Figure 4.1: IRB Management Integration Model

The IRB Management Integration Model

Public service renewal

The Fourteenth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada was released on April 16, 2007, covering the period between April 1, 2006, and March 31, 2007. In this report, the Clerk of the Privy Council sets out the future direction of the federal Public Service and describes the path of public service renewal. The Renewal Initiative is driven by a number of factors including the aging public service workforce, the need to reflect the diversity of Canadians within the public service, the changing nature of public service work and public expectations and factors related to the competitive nature of attracting and retaining employees.

The renewal of the public service will unfold over several years. As a first step, four priorities have been established by the Clerk for the renewal agenda:

  • Enhanced integration of HR and business planning
  • Recruitment of new talent
  • Employee development
  • Establishment of systems and processes to support efficient planning, recruitment and employee development

These four priorities have translated, and will continue to translate, into new or enhanced objectives and expectations in the area of people management from all members of the HR stakeholder community across the public service. This community includes executives, managers, employees and bargaining agents.

Impact on the IRB

At the IRB, several initiatives stemming from its People Management Strategy (e.g., integrated HR and business planning, a revitalized Employment Equity program and competency-based HR management) have already been implemented and are in line with the objectives of the Renewal Initiative. Furthermore, the IRB continues to modernize and strengthen its people management practices in order to address both IRB and government-wide priorities.

Information and Contacts

Legislation Administered

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
(S.C. 2001, c. 27, as amended)

Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
(SOR/2002-227, as amended)

Refugee Protection Division Rules

Immigration Division Rules

Immigration Appeal Division Rules

Oath or Solemn Affirmation of Office Rules
(Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada)

IRB Processes

Visit these links to find out how the IRB processes its cases:

Related Information

UNHCR website:

Contact us

For more information, visit the IRB web site at
or contact the IRB Communications Directorate at (613) 947-0803 or one of the IRB offices listed below.

National Headquarters

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Minto Place, Canada Building
344 Slater Street, 12th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K1
Tel: (613) 995-6486  Fax: (613) 943-1550

Regional Offices

Eastern Region
200 René Lévesque Boulevard West
Guy Favreau Complex
East Tower, Room 102
Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1X4
Tel: (514) 283-7733  Fax: (514) 283-0164

Central Region
74 Victoria Street, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario M5C 3C7
Tel: (416) 954-1000  Fax: (416) 954-1165

Western Region
Library Square, Suite 1600
300 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 6C9
Tel: (604) 666-5946  Fax: (604) 666-3043