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Name | Type |
Priority #1: Provide advice on environment and economy issues | Ongoing |
Priority #2: Apply sound management principles in operations, and implement federal initiatives | Previously committed to/ Ongoing |
The text that follows provides an overall description of the performance results achieved by the NRTEE, as well as highlights of performance achieved under each result and performance indicator specified in the performance measurement framework. (Please see Section 2.3, Figure 12.) The results all apply to the agency’s single program activity, namely provide advice on environment and economy issues, which in turn support both of the priorities identified for the period.
The results will be presented in accordance with the strategic outcome and indicators in the NRTEE’s new performance measurement framework.
NRTEE assesses its performance against this outcome based on the quality of its policy research.
High-quality policy research on sustainable development represents the core mandate of NRTEE. During 2006–2007, NRTEE’s work focused on energy and climate change, organized in the following areas:
Research projects carried out as background for specific programs are summarized below in Figure 3.
Preliminary results from the NRTEE survey indicate that federal decision makers have a high opinion of the research conducted by NRTEE. Analysis is considered to be of high quality. They perceive NRTEE staff as being stronger in process skills than technical expertise, which is viewed as appropriate since technical expertise can be outsourced.
Participants in the NRTEE Energy and Climate Change Advice Outreach sessions generally expressed strong support for the analysis undertaken for the NRTEE advisory note and for the wedge analysis as a pedagogical and discussion tool.4
Figure 3—NRTEE Research and Analysis Reports for Specific Programs (2006–2007)
Program | Topic | Scope |
Energy and Climate Change: Phase II | Long-term Energy and Climate Change Strategy: Advice on Scoping of Phase II Research | Strategic advice on how the NRTEE should scope the next stage of its Energy and Climate Change Program (post-wedge) |
Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change Phase II | Policy signals necessary for reaching long-term GHG emission reduction targets as outlined in Wedge Advisory Note. Two reports were commissioned on this topic to ensure wide breadth of analysis. | |
Long-term Signals for Deep Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions | ||
Clean Air Act | Pathways for Long-term GHG and Air Pollutant Emission Reductions | Scenarios for reaching deep (45–65%), long-term (2050) GHG and air pollutant emission reduction targets |
Demographic and Population Projections to 2050 | GDP analysis and business-as-usual (BAU) baseline, necessary for developing scenarios for deep, long-term emission reduction targets | |
Transitioning an Emissions Trading System from Intensity Allocations to a Binding Cap | Analysis on the medium-term (2020–2025) emissions reduction target and specifically, how the economy transitions from an intensity-based system to a fixed-cap system at that period in time | |
International Experiences in Setting Medium- and Long-term Emission Reduction Targets | Processes for setting medium- and long-term emissions reductions in the US, California, and other key jurisdictions that are applicable to Canada | |
Understanding Canada’s Emission Reduction Requirements Under Alternative Climate Stabilization Objectives and Burden Sharing Approaches | An estimate of Canada’s burden share of global GHG emissions in 2050 | |
Climate Change Adaptation Policy |
Preliminary Background and Suggested Approach for NRTEE’s Program on Climate Change Adaptation Policy | Survey of Canadian and international efforts to date, and highlights of important areas and approaches of policy relevance |
The Role of Government in Adaptation to Climate Change: A Preliminary Exploration | A preliminary exploration of the role of governments in climate change adaptation | |
Review/Discussion Paper: Codes and Standards Policy | Policy questions in the area of climate change adaptation, codes, and standards | |
Canada’s Insurers adapting to climate extremes and encouraging adaptation by policyholders | Policy questions for exploration in the area of climate change adaptation, insurance and alternative risk-spreading mechanisms | |
Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation | Policy questions re disaster management and climate change adaptation | |
Project Finance and Capital Markets | Policy questions re capital markets, project finance, and climate change adaptation | |
Weather data in codes and standards relating to climate change adaptation | Policy questions for exploration in the area of codes, standards, weather data, and climate change adaptation |
Stakeholder consultations are a key element of NRTEE policy research. Key measures of success are the extent of consultation taking place, and participant feedback regarding the effectiveness of the consultations.
Figure 4: Range of stakeholder groups consulted by NRTEE in 2006–2007
Program | Scope of Consultation |
Energy and Climate Change: Phase II |
Expert meeting to test NRTEE interpretation and assumptions of the reports on long-term strategy on energy and climate change for Phase II, and long-term signals for deep greenhouse gas emissions reductions |
Clean Air Act | Expert meeting to solicit experts’ feedback on the NRTEE’s proposed approach (including analytical framework and research agenda) to the Clean Air Act reference. Expert meeting to solicit feedback from experts on the initial GHG and air pollutant emission reduction scenarios, commissioned by the NRTEE, in response to the proposed Clean Air Act. |
Climate Change and Adaptation Policy | Expert meeting—Included 30 experts from government, NGO, private sector, and Aboriginal organizations to critique paper on role of government in climate change adaptation. This was funded by INAC. Expert meeting—Included 30 experts in codes and standards, disaster management, insurance, capital markets, physical infrastructure, government policy and risk management. Focused on four areas of policy work: insurance, disaster management, codes and standards, and capital markets and project finance Meetings and discussions with expert groups—Included experts from Analyze Risk, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, UK Climate Impacts Program, Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, OURANOS, and Northern Climate Exchange to discuss risk-based approaches to adaptation policy, insurance and disaster management, adaptation liability, and other NRTEE research areas Bilaterals with federal government departments (NRCan, Environment Canada, Industry Canada, INAC, Infrastructure Canada, PSC, Fisheries and Oceans) —to discuss NRTEE’s strategic research areas Bilaterals with provincial governments (Yukon Government, BC Government)—to obtain feedback on research plans Bilaterals with Aboriginal groups (e.g., ITK, Inuit Circumpolar Council, Council of Yukon First Nations) —to obtain feedback on research plans Bilaterals with associations (e.g., Yukon Chamber of Commerce, Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Canadian Municipalities) —to obtain feedback on research plans Bilaterals with ENGOs (World Wildlife Fund, Suzuki Foundation, Sage Foundation, Pollution Probe) —to obtain feedback on research plans Bi-laterals with academic organizations (e.g., Simon Fraser Climate Action Team, UBC Institute of Sustainability Studies) |
• Effectiveness of NRTEE consultations. Most federal decision makers surveyed were aware of NRTEE consultations, and stated that the consultations were effective: they involved the right people and provided a well-designed process. The consultation events are perceived to provide high added value. Participant feedback from the Energy and Climate Change Advice outreach initiative was generally positive (see Figure 5). Close to 90% of respondents felt that the outreach session had performed “Adequately or Well” in terms of fulfilling its objectives, providing information for the discussions, and ensuring their views were heard. Some concerns were expressed in the NRTEE survey of federal decision makers that the Energy and Climate Change consultations were primarily information sessions and that their intent could have been clearer.
Figure 5— Participant feedback to Energy and Climate Change Advice Outreach
Question | % Adequately or Well | % Well |
The Outreach Session fulfilled its stated objectives |
The presentations were informative and provided useful information for the discussions |
I felt that my views were heard |
NRTEE receives requests from the federal government for advice on specific environmental issues related to energy and climate change. Preliminary findings from the survey of federal decision makers indicate that the Round Table’s policy analysis is relevant, timely, and useful. It is also seen to be of good quality, balanced, and independent. NRTEE is able to bring players together to discuss issues, and foster best practices and sharing of information. Some decision makers noted that the value of the reports was in the process used to generate them and their contribution to overall knowledge rather than in specific recommendations.
Figure 6—Participant feedback at Energy and Climate Change Advice Outreach
Question | % Agree or Strongly Agree |
% Can think of at least one or two cases |
% Can think of more than one or two cases |
I believe that NRTEE's work is highly relevant to key issues that affect Canada's capacity to address challenges related to the environment and the economy |
The NRTEE's work has a significant impact on the way that key decision makers in Canadian governments think about issues that affect the ?? |
I can think of cases where the NRTEE's work has had a significant impact on a concrete action (e.g., passage of law, implementation of a ??) |
n=approx. 230
Another indicator of the usefulness of NRTEE recommendations and advice is the extent to which its advice is sought by federal decision makers and national stakeholders:
Requests for advice from the federal government. The Government of Canada referred two major requests to NRTEE for advice on energy and climate change in February 2005. During 2006–2007, the Minister of the Environment requested the NRTEE to provide advice on national objectives for ambient air for particulate matter and ozone for the periods 2020–2025 and 2050. The increasing number of specific references from government is a testimony to the NRTEE’s role and reputation.
Briefings in support of federal activities. During the fiscal year 2006–2007, the chair of NRTEE and/or the Acting President and CEO provided 20 briefings to senior officials of federal departments, for example, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Industry Canada, Health Canada, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Finance. Meetings were also held with the Minister of the Environment to present advisory notes; energy and climate change was the major focus of discussion. A Briefing Note was prepared for the Minister on the key findings of the consultations on the Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change. The Chair of NRTEE also provided the Minister of the Environment with the results of the Capital Markets and Sustainability Report, and the Acting CEO briefed the Deputy Minister of the Environment on the same.
Briefings to national stakeholders. During the fiscal year 2006–2007, the chair of NRTEE and/or the Acting President and CEO of NRTEE made over a dozen briefings to major national stakeholders with an interest in the environment and sustainable development. Examples include the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, CD Howe Institute of Toronto, Fraser Basin Council, Pollution Probe, Conference Board of Canada, Canadian Council of Chief Executives, and the Canadian Gas Association. Topics included proposals for joint research, advisory notes, the NRTEE mandate, and future plans regarding sustainable development. These were supplemented by a half dozen speaking engagements, as well as meetings with officials from other governments (e.g., Great Britain, Netherlands).
Citations of NRTEE recommendations. Citations and feedback received from stakeholders also provide an indication of the use made of NRTEE policy research. Examples of feedback received from stakeholders, as well as citations regarding the usefulness of NRTEE recommendations and advice are noted below in Figure 7.
Figure 7—Examples of citations and feedback on NRTEE recommendations
Program | Examples Of Endorsements/Feedback Received |
Climate Change Adaptation Policy |
Capital Markets and Sustainability |
The NRTEE assesses its communications by the reach of its external communications and the quality of its communications instruments.
Reach of external communications: NRTEE interfaces with a broad range of stakeholders at a national level.
Business |
Provincial contacts |
Federal contacts |
MPs |
Industry/Trade associations |
Federal agencies and corporations |
Provincial Ministers |
University contacts |
Labour federations/Unions |
Municipal |
Senators |
Top 500 companies |
International organizations |
Lobby firms |
Consultants |
Professional accountants |
SD Research institutes |
Think tanks |
National Councils for SD |
Aboriginal groups |
Provincial Premiers |
Individuals |
Schools |
Lobby groups |
Total |
Figure 9—Media coverage of NRTEE policy research (2006–2007)
Number Of Media References
Media Sources
Energy and Climate Change |
National Post, The Globe and Mail, La Presse Canadienne, CBC Newsworld, Montreal Gazette, Hill Times |
Clean Air Act |
CBC Radio, The Gallon Environment Letter, RDI, Montreal Gazette, Clean Air on Line (, National Post, Canadian Press |
Climate Change and Adaptation policy |
Included above
Capital Markets and Sustainability |
The Globe and Mail, Investment Executive: Canada’s Newspaper for Financial Advisors, Rob TV, A-Channel News, HazMat Magazine |
Past programs (Boreal, Ecological Fiscal Reform, Brownfields and Feebates) |
National Post, Winnipeg Free Press, Edmonton Journal, The Hill Times, CBC Newsworld, The Globe and Mail |
NRTEE Corporate |
Canadian Press Newswire, CBC Radio 1, Maclean’s, Montreal Gazette, The Ottawa Citizen, The Globe and Mail, National Post, Winnipeg Free Press, Edmonton Journal, The Hill Times, CBC Newsworld, The Chronicle-Herald, Journal de Montréal, Calgary Herald, Le Droit, Le Soleil. |
Figure 10—Webstatistics
Number of visitor sessions |
% increase over previous year |
The most popular downloaded publications during 2006-2007 were as follows:
Figure 11—Sales of publications
Sales of publications |
% decrease over previous year |
Figure 12 presents an assessment of NRTEE performance against a five-level performance scale for each performance indicator (with one exception where information is insufficient to make an assessment). All performance indicators support the strategic outcome, “Federal policy development on environment and economy issues and decisions in other key sectors is influenced by NRTEE advice on selected issues.”
The shaded area indicates NRTEE performance for the reporting period.
Figure 12—Summary assessment of performance by indicator
Performance Scale | |||||
Performance Indicator | Major gap | Below target | Approaching target | At target | Above target |
Quality policy research | Negative feedback from external experts/Round Table members. Research reports are of poor quality. Information often incomplete or not reliable. | Uneven feedback. Research products are of variable quality. Rework required. Some concerns about inaccuracies. Research results are often not seen as relevant or useful. | Most research received positive feedback. Projects generally met expectations. Some quality concerns, but corrected before they reach stakeholders. Complaints are minimal. | Research is very well perceived. High quality analysis. Most research is relevant and actionable. Nearly all research results have been used for developing policy recommen-dations. NRTEE has developed a strong reputation for the quality of its research. | Research has received awards and special recognition. Research produced significant new knowledge. Highly innovative. NRTEE is viewed as a significant centre of excellence in sustainable development. |
Effective stakeholder consultations | Limited stakeholder consultation. NRTEE consultations are not well known. | Periodic stakeholder consultation. Low level of stakeholder participation in NRTEE events. Difficult to attract participants. Organization of consultation sessions is uneven. | Ongoing consultation. Size of audience is increasing. Feedback at stakeholder consultations is generally positive. NRTEE events are generally well received, and are seen as useful and timely. | Frequent consultation with stakeholders. High participation in NRTEE events. Events are perceived to have high added value. NRTEE is perceived as a leader able to bring players together to discuss current and emerging issues. | Stakeholders at large are aware of NRTEE activities. NRTEE is not able to accommodate all participants. Media visibility at a national level. |
Useful policy advice and recommen-dations | Few references from the government. NRTEE advice is not perceived to be addressing high priority sustainable development issues. Frequent complaints about quality of briefings. Government does not have a lot of confidence in NRTEE. Advice is not seen as timely. | Occasional references from the government. NRTEE recommenda-tions are often out of date. Limited usefulness. NRTEE reports and documents are of uneven quality. | Increasing number of references from the government. NRTEE is often called upon by policy makers for advice on issues. Positive feedback received informally. Few complaints. Advice is timely. Information is generally seen as relevant. | Frequent references from the government. Extensive contact with government decision makers at all levels. High stakeholder satisfaction. Policy analysis is seen as relevant, timely, and useful. NRTEE is perceived as a leader able to bring players together to discuss issues, and foster best practices and information sharing. Briefings are always high quality. | NRTEE is often called upon to provide strategic advice at senior government levels. NRTEE advice and recommenda-tions have received special notice from the government. NRTEE recommenda-tions are often cited. High level of acceptance of NRTEE recommenda-tions. |
Effective communica-tion of NRTEE results | External communica-tions are limited. Target audiences are not well defined. Role of NRTEE is not well understood. Limited media coverage. | Low level of interest from external stakeholders. Communications products are of variable quality. Limited range of communication products. Limited reach. Role of NRTEE is still vague. Occasional media coverage. Few requests for publications. | Feedback re communications products is generally positive. Good mix of communication products. Target audiences are well defined. Size of audience is increasing. Strong use of website. Some media coverage. Moderate number of requests for publications. | Broad range of communications products. Perceived to be of high quality. Communications reach broad range of target audiences. High demand for publications. High visibility with stakeholders. Frequent media coverage); generally positive. High number of hits on NRTEE website. | NRTEE has been cited for its communications products. A lot of positive feedback from external stakeholders. NRTEE is seen as the leading national resource centre in sustainable development. |
Increased awareness and understanding by federal decision makers of NRTEE advice on selected issues | Little or no knowledge of sustainable development issues addressed by NRTEE. NRTEE is not well known by federal decision makers. | Limited awareness among federal decision makers. Low level of participation and interest in sustainable development within their departments. NRTEE is rarely called up for advice and support. | Awareness of sustainable development is increasing in departments and is reflected in program activities. Positive feedback from decision makers re NRTEE events. | Sustainable development is considered in all program decisions. Decision makers have high level of awareness of challenges and potential solutions. NRTEE has helped increase understanding of issues. | Departments have comprehensive sustainable development programs in place. Departments are devoting significant resources to sustainable development. Major contribution to public policy. |