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ARCHIVED - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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Section I: Overview

Minister's Message

As Canada’s Minister of the Public Safety Portfolio, I am pleased to present to Parliament the Departmental Performance Report (DPR) for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for the period ending March 31, 2007.

The Public Safety Portfolio is responsible for public safety activities that help ensure the safety of Canadians: policing and law enforcement, corrections and conditional release of federal offenders, emergency management, national security, crime prevention and the protection of Canada’s borders.

The Portfolio consists of Public Safety Canada, five agencies – the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Correctional Service of Canada, the National Parole Board and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police – as well as three review bodies.

The RCMP’s 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) identified five strategic priorities that would most effectively contribute to its goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities: combating organized crime; reducing the threat of terrorist activity; preventing/reducing youth involvement in crime; enhancing Canada’s economic integrity through crime reduction; and contributing to safer/healthier Aboriginal communities. The Force’s strategic priorities are congruent with the priorities established for the Public Safety Portfolio and with broader Government priorities.

Canadians want assurances that their Government will promote their personal security while protecting their privacy. They also want the institutions charged with these responsibilities to be transparent and to work seamlessly with partners at home and abroad. Much of the RCMP’s success in contributing to their goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities is a direct result of the strong relationships they have with their contract policing partners and of their efforts to strengthen existing – and build new – partnerships across Canada’s law enforcement community and with international law enforcement agencies.

I am pleased with the RCMP’s efforts over the past year in delivering quality programs, services and policies that Canadians require and deserve. The Government is determined to support the RCMP in meeting its crucial responsibilities. Toward that end, the process of adding 1,000 additional RCMP personnel began during 2006-2007. New funding was also provided to: expand the RCMP’s National Training Academy (Depot); increase the capacity of the National DNA Data Bank; bolster existing capacities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing; and conduct major counterfeiting investigations. This report provides a wealth of information on the Force’s achievements in relation to its RPP commitments. I invite you to explore the content of this report and, if you have inquiries, to consult the list of departmental contacts. You can also obtain more information on the RCMP’s website at:

The Honourable Stockwell Day, PC, MP 
Minister of Public Safety

Commissioner's Message

The RCMP’s Departmental Performance Report (DPR), for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007, highlights our progress during 2006-2007 towards achieving our strategic goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities.

The annual DPR is one of our primary instruments of public accountability. The evolution to strong and meaningful accountability between government and Canadian citizens is occasionally difficult – the “bottom line” is not always well defined. The RCMP strives to earn and maintain the trust and respect of Canadians by ensuring ownership, responsibility and accountability at every level.

From its roots as the North West Mounted Police, the RCMP has always been on the leading edge of policing. As the world and society have evolved, the RCMP’s mandate and influence have grown. I am sure that, in 1873, the first officers of the North West Mounted Police could not have imagined the scope and sophistication of the criminality we know in the 21st century. Keeping communities and Canadians safe in the face of new and emerging forms of crime demands constant vigilance and action.

To reflect the dynamic nature of today’s world, the RCMP has adopted and refined a highly flexible and proven strategic planning and performance management framework based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology. It has helped us to identify key priorities and to align our operations and management in support of key priorities. This report presents a summary of our performance and provides evidence of results achieved against our three strategic outcomes and our five strategic priorities.

I am pleased with our organization’s progress over the last year. None of this would be possible without the exemplary and essential services to communities across Canada provided by the 26,000 members and employees of the RCMP. This report details many examples of their fine efforts and accomplishments in support of keeping Canada safe and secure. It is the day-to-day commitment of our staff that makes the RCMP a strong and effective national police service.

Consistent with the Report on Plans and Priorities for 2006-2007, you will find at the end of this report a special chapter dedicated specifically to the integration of the Canada Firearms Centre and of the day-to-day operations of the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) into the RCMP.

I remain confident that the RCMP will continue to put the interests of Canadians first, to build on our legacy, and to continue to deliver high quality services to protect the safety and security of our citizens and our country, and to contribute to the global security environment.

William J. S. Elliott

Management Representation Statement

Departmental Performance Report 2006-2007

I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2006-2007 Departmental Performance Report for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2006-2007 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:

  • It adheres to the specific reporting requirements outlined in the Treasury Board Secretariat guidance;
  • It is based on the department’s approved Strategic Outcomes and Program Activity Architecture that were approved by the Treasury Board;
  • It presents consistent, comprehensive, balanced and reliable information; 
  • It provides a basis of accountability for the results achieved with the resources and authorities entrusted to it; and
  • It reports finances based on approved numbers from the Estimates and the Public Accounts of Canada.

Reason for Existence

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is the Canadian national police service and an agency of Public Safety (formerly Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), entrusted with keeping Canadians safe and secure.

Building on a rich history of over 130 years of service to Canadians, we have kept pace with change, evolving into a modern police organization that is responsible for enforcing the law and preventing crime in Canada.

Proud of our traditions and confident in meeting future challenges, we commit to preserve the peace, uphold the law and provide quality service in partnership with the communities we serve. Ultimately, we are accountable to the communities and partners we serve in the use of tax dollars and resources to accomplish our mandate.

Our Mandate

Based on the authority and responsibility assigned under Section 18 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, in its simplest form, our mandate is: to enforce laws, prevent crime, and maintain peace, order and security in Canada and for all Canadians, and to protect Canadian and foreign dignitaries in Canada and abroad.

Organizationally, this multi-faceted responsibility includes:

  • Preventing and investigating crime and maintaining order
  • Enforcing laws on matters as diverse as health and the protection of government revenues
  • Contributing to national security
  • Ensuring the safety of state officials, visiting dignitaries and foreign missions
  • Providing vital operational support services to other police and law enforcement agencies

Summary of Performance Against 2006-2007 RPP Commitments

We are pleased to report that the RCMP succeeded in meeting or exceeding most of the targets presented in our 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities. These achievements, along with any shortfalls, are presented in detail in Section II of this Performance Report.

Financial Resources ($ millions)
Planned Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending


Human Resources (FTE utilization)
 26,079 24,786


Our Vision

We are increasingly called upon to re-evaluate our role as Canada’s national police service. Accordingly, we must explore new options, embrace new partners and encourage creative approaches as we strive to ensure safe homes and safe communities for Canadians.

The future belongs to those who think and act creatively, who anticipate change and position themselves to lead it. We are committed to:

  • Being a progressive, proactive and innovative organization
  • Providing the highest quality service through dynamic leadership, education and technology in partnership with the diverse communities we serve
  • Being accountable and efficient through shared decision making
  • Ensuring a healthy work environment that encourages team building, open communication and mutual respect
  • Promoting safe and sustainable communities
  • Demonstrating leadership in the pursuit of excellence

In the face of our challenging, uncertain times, the vision for the RCMP is to be recognized throughout the world as an “organization of excellence”.

Our Core Values

The RCMP is committed to, respects and reinforces Canadian institutions of democracy and strives for the highest professional, ethical and people values. We are guided by the following core values:

  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Professionalism
  • Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Integrity

Our Strategic Framework

The RCMP Strategic Framework guides the work of all employees to achieve our goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities. We strive to achieve this goal by contributing to public safety. Ultimately, all of our organizational activities enhance the safety, security and well-being of Canadians. Our Strategic Framework’s components illustrate philosophies and activities that enable us to be successful in meeting this goal. These components are described below.

Our Strategic Framework

Our Four Pillars – A Foundation for Excellence

Everything that we do to be a strategically-focused organization of excellence rests on our four pillars.

  • Intelligence: We rely upon well-founded intelligence, both for policing functions and for day-to-day management. Intelligence enables our activities to be guided by reliable, critical and timely information from within and outside our organization
  • Accountability: We are accountable for our decisions and actions. The RCMP’s accountability to its external partners in local communities, to other agencies and other government departments, guides its performance
  • Values: We hold ourselves to a high standard. We are role models for our communities. Our behaviours and actions must at all times be based on our adherence to our core values: integrity, honesty, professionalism, compassion, respect and accountability
  • Bridge-building: To achieve our goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities, we must build and maintain strong partnerships with colleagues, partners, government agencies and law enforcement, and most importantly, with the communities we serve.

Our Philosophies – Integrated Policing and Community Policing

Our philosophies of Integrated Policing and Community Policing are critical in ensuring excellence in service and safe homes and safe communities. Our ability to integrate with other organizations with common priorities and goals enables us to maximize our resources, have a greater understanding of our local and international environments and increases our capacity to respond. Simply put, integration makes us more efficient and effective.

The RCMP vision of integration builds upon the Community Policing service delivery model, which has been the cornerstone of our operations for many years. Through this model, we proactively work with communities to identify, prioritize and solve problems. Community Policing reflects the partnership between the police and the community where we work together to prevent or resolve problems that affect homes and communities.

Emphasis is placed on crime prevention and enforcement through increased community participation, coordinated problem solving, improved planning and public consultation.

A Commitment to Excellence in Service

We are committed to providing excellence in service to members of communities across Canada and to our partners in Canada and around the world. Everything that we do – our operational activities, our management strategies and our priorities – assists us in delivering on our commitments.

Our Strategic Priorities

Our priorities are carefully selected after rigorous scanning and analysis of the external environment. The selection of priorities allows us to strategically focus on enhancing public safety. Each priority has its own strategy and Balanced Scorecard which articulates the desired outcome and the objectives we must achieve in order to reach them. Each priority is championed by a Deputy Commissioner who leads a Strategic Priority Working Group, representing the programs responsible for each strategic objective, focused on ensuring the success of the strategy. Where appropriate, outside agencies participate on the Working Groups to facilitate inter-agency cooperation on similar strategic objectives.

In the 2006-2007 fiscal year, we addressed the five strategic priorities of: Organized Crime, Terrorism, Youth, Economic Integrity and Aboriginal Communities. As stated previously, each of our strategies has a strategic “outcome” – a desired end state:

Organized Crime: Reduce the threat and impact of organized crime

Terrorism: Reduce the threat of terrorist activity in Canada and abroad

Youth: Reduce youth involvement in crime, both as victims and offenders

Economic Integrity: Contribute to Canada’s economic integrity through crime reduction

Aboriginal Communities: Contribute to safer and healthier Aboriginal communities

Our Strategic Objectives

The following operational activities form the essence of the way we perform police work.

  • Prevention and Education: Members of the RCMP are involved with a number of programs designed to prevent crime in our communities through both indirect and direct intervention. From school talks to youth initiatives to community plans, the goal of crime prevention programs is to target the root cause of criminal and antisocial behaviours. Reducing the fear of crime is a consideration in our operations
  • Intelligence: We obtain information that we analyze and turn into criminal intelligence. We use this criminal intelligence as the basis for our operational and administrative decisions. This is the essence of the Operations Model approach
  • Investigation: We conduct criminal investigations to uncover facts and determine the most appropriate action to take
  • Enforcement: Enforcement means a continuum of actions designed to ensure public safety including, where applicable, laying charges or recommending alternative measures
  • Protection: We provide general protection in cooperation with our partners to help keep Canadians and their communities safe and secure. We provide specific protection for internationally protected people and designated Canadians (Prime Minister, Governor General of Canada, etc.) and their residences/embassies. In addition, we provide air transportation security

Our Management Strategies

RCMP Management Strategies are adopted to ensure we are successful in meeting our priorities. They also ensure that we are effectively managing our resources and that our efforts are integrated.

  • Stewardship: We are committed to managing effectively and efficiently all resources entrusted to us
  • Human Resources Renewal: We are committed to attracting, developing and retaining the best people, and to manage them effectively in order to ensure operational readiness
  • Horizontal Management: We will not work in “silos”. We have adopted a cross-functional approach to ensure we manage our resources effectively and efficiently. We also benefit from one another’s shared expertise (e.g., human resources, corporate management and comptrollership and information technology representatives working together)
  • Interoperability: We ensure that the appropriate information is exchanged between the right people at the right time, with the proper levels of security and safeguards
  • International Cooperation: We support Canada’s foreign policy goals and promote national and international safety and security by maintaining strong global connections and international policing capacity
  • Performance Management: We establish priorities, develop strategies, set targets, track performance and align work activities and processes to achieve organizational goals

Our Operating Environment

Context for Planning

RCMP plans and priorities are not developed in isolation; several key factors are considered. Through our rigorous scanning and analysis of the external environment and our own organization, the following elements were identified as key influences on our strategic planning cycle for the 2006-2007 fiscal year:

a) Integrated Policing

b) The Environmental Scan

c) RCMP Business Planning Process

d) Speech from the Throne

e) Budget 2006

f) External Factors – Challenges to Law Enforcement

g) Major Events

By taking these elements into consideration throughout our planning cycle, we were able to identify the strategic and management priorities that best allow us to focus on enhancing public safety, sustainable development and the effective and efficient operations of our organization.

a) Integrated Policing

Integrated Policing continued as a defining model for everything we do as part of our Strategic Framework. It means collaborating with our partners at all levels towards common purposes, shared values and priorities. This globalization of public safety and security is characterized by:

  • Shared strategic priorities – devoting our resources to achieving common goals, with our actions based on the highest standards of transparency and accountability
  • The free flow of intelligence – at all levels; within and between organizations and partners
  • Interoperable systems – enabling “real-time” communications across organizations, borders and nations
  • Seamless service delivery – eliminating fragmentation and duplication
  • A need to leverage economies of scale – maximizing our individual and collective efforts

Last year, we reported on five key challenges to achieving increased integration. While we continued to make progress on overcoming these challenges, there is still much to be done before we reach our goal of total integration/interoperability. These challenges include:

  • Developing an over-arching framework to focus international integration efforts
  • Addressing the lack of interoperability among police organizations
  • Ramping up our human, technological and infrastructure-related resources to match current and future needs
  • Challenging the culture of our law enforcement and intelligence institutions which may hinder information sharing
  • Building public confidence and understanding in what we do

The graphic below captures the various elements of our Integrated Policing model including our partners and stakeholders, our program activities and our strategic priorities.

Integrated Policing Chart

b) The Environmental Scan

The RCMP conducts robust environmental scanning to identify emerging issues and trends at local, national and global levels. This information supports our senior managers in identifying key risks, challenges and opportunities, as part of our priority setting and business planning. For 2006-2007, the key environmental scanning elements continued to be:

  • Demographics
  • Society
  • Economy
  • Politics and Government
  • Science and Technology
  • Environment
  • Public Safety and Security

We prepare detailed Environmental Scans every three years, and conduct a focused review on one or more particular areas of interest and importance to the RCMP on an annual basis. For the 2005 RCMP Feature Focus, we looked at the trends affecting economic crime and the potential risks to the Canadian marketplace and Canadians identified in the scan. As a result a new strategic priority was added for 2006-2007 – Economic Integrity.

c) RCMP Business Planning Process

The RCMP has a structured planning cycle. Using the latest environmental scan as a starting point, priorities are chosen and strategies are developed for those priorities. Using the Balanced Scorecard methodology, strategies are developed and aligned across the organization. Business plans are prepared at the division level and aggregated into program activity plans. In September 2006, the RCMP instituted Annual Performance Plans (APP) – originally referred to as Detachment Performance Plans – across the country. The APP initiative is an essential part of the RCMP’s overall performance management framework, designed to enhance the capacity of individual detachments to plan, evaluate and manage their activities. It streamlines reporting requirements currently in place. The APP tool ensures: alignment at all levels of our organization with the RCMP’s national priorities; a consistent application of performance management principles; the application of risk measurement; and consultation/dialogue with the communities we serve.

All business plans capture: an environmental scan; an identification of risks and mitigation strategies; an identification of unfunded pressures; initiatives aligned with critical objectives emanating from the strategic priorities; an articulation of initiatives in support of a division or program activity strategy; and a breakdown of all activities according to the Program Activity Architecture (PAA).

The Strategic Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) reviews the divisional and program activity plans to ensure corporate planning is aligned to operational priorities. Plans that do not support the organizational strategy are challenged and refined as necessary.

All identified unfunded pressures are supported by a comprehensive business case and approved at the Deputy Commissioner level. The collective pressures are then analyzed and prioritized using an RCMP-developed prioritization tool. This tool weighs the pressure against factors such as: public safety; alignment with government priorities; alignment with RCMP priorities; value for investment; and so on. This close examination results in a prioritized list of unfunded pressures for budgetary consideration.

d) Speech from the Throne

In the April 4, 2006, Speech from the Throne, the Government committed to tackling crime as one of its priorities, specifically the threat of gun, gang and drug violence.

Obviously, this commitment greatly impacts the RCMP. The government committed to proposing changes to the Criminal Code to provide tougher sentences for violent and repeat offenders, particularly those involved in weapons-related crimes. It also committed to helping to prevent crime by ensuring that there are more police on the street and improving the security of our borders. In addition, the Government committed to working with the provinces and territories to help communities provide hope and opportunity for our youth, and end the cycle of violence that can lead to broken lives and torn communities.

e) Budget 2006

In keeping with the commitments made in the Speech from the Throne, the Government earmarked significant funding specifically for the purpose of tackling crime.

A summary of the key funding announcements impacting the RCMP are:

  • $161 million for 1,000 additional RCMP officers and federal prosecutors to focus on such law-enforcement priorities as drugs, corruption, gun smuggling and border security
  • $37 million for the expansion of the RCMP’s National Training Academy (Depot) to accommodate, train and subsequently increase the capacity of additional officers in the future
  • $20 million for communities to prevent youth crime, with a particular focus on guns, gangs and drugs
  • $15 million over two years to increase the ability of the RCMP to populate the National DNA Data Bank with DNA samples from a greater range of convicted offenders
  • $64 million over two years for the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, RCMP, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to bolster existing capacities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing
  • $9 million over two years for the RCMP to create Integrated Counterfeit Enforcement Teams (ICET) to conduct major counterfeiting investigations in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal

f) External Factors – Challenges to Law Enforcement

  • From a security and intelligence community perspective, including law enforcement, the events of September 11, 2001 moved national security issues high on the North American agenda and shaped responses to international threats as the United States and its partners pursued the war on terror. While terrorism remained the most pressing global threat, for billions of people, disease, civil war and natural disasters were, and continue to be, the primary risk to their safety and security
  • Organized crime groups have become increasingly fluid and high tech, posing new and formidable challenges to law enforcement. The transnational and increasingly diffuse nature of threats has created stronger international connectivity and coordination. In an uncertain world, these realities challenge the RCMP as it fulfils its mandate for Safe Homes and Safe Communities
  • Changing demographics and increasing expectations for service present ongoing human resource challenges. Recruitment remains a priority for the RCMP as it is committed to fulfilling its policing obligations
  • While the global focus on addressing crime coupled with advancements in science and technology represent key drivers, specific trends in criminal activity have significant impacts for dedicated areas, which must galvanize resourcing strategies to address these emerging activities. These trends include the rising incidence of identity theft, cybercrime, illicit trade in arms, expanding child pornography markets, exploitation of vulnerabilities in information networks, and increasingly sophisticated tactics used by the criminally inclined
  • Emerging government policies, priorities and legislation – and the growing expectations of both police and the public for increasingly rigorous processing and analysis of forensic evidence – represent additional challenges to provide responsive operational support

g) Major Events

More and more, the RCMP is tasked to support Canada’s broader international profile as a leader on the world stage. This includes Canada’s role as a host to other countries in the form of visiting dignitaries and delegations, conferences, meetings and other major public national and international events.

For example, for 2006-2007, this included:

  • 2006 Royal Visit of Prince Edward to the Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan
  • 2006 UN Habitat World Urban Forum in Vancouver

Also, preparations are currently underway for future events such as:

  • 2008 Sommet de la Francophonie in Québec City
  • 2008 Papal Visit to Québec City
  • 2010 Olympics and Paralympic Games in Vancouver/Whistler

Summary of RCMP Performance for 2006-2007

Alignment of RCMP Outcomes to Government of Canada Outcomes

The RCMP contributes directly to the Government of Canada’s social agenda, specifically the Safe and Secure Communities outcome. The following graphic depicts the alignment of RCMP Strategic Outcomes to the Government of Canada’s Safe and Secure Communities outcome:

Government of Canada Policy Area

Canada’s Social Foundations

Government of Canada Outcome

Safe and Secure Communities
RCMP Strategic Outcomes
(as per PAA)
Quality Federal Policing
Quality Contract Policing
Quality Policing Support

The following tables provide a summary of the RCMP’s performance for 2006-2007 in relation to commitments outlined in the 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities. More detailed information is presented in Section II of this report.

Status on Performance

Strategic Outcome:

Quality Federal Policing

Priority No. 1

Ensuring the safety and security of Canadians and their institutions, both domestically and globally, as well as internationally protected persons and other foreign dignitaries, through intelligence-based prevention, detection, investigations and enforcement of laws against terrorism, organized crime and other criminal activity

Program Activity:


Protective Policing

Expected Result:

  • Reduced impact of organized crime
  • Reduced threat of terrorism
  • Safe and secure society

Performance Status

From an Operational perspective, the RCMP delivered results towards the achievement of our Strategic Goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities by successfully meeting or exceeding the targets set forth for Quality Federal Policing in our 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities.

Details are presented in Section II of this Performance Report.

  Planned Spending (millions) Actual Spending
Supporting Program or Activity


$592.9 $626.0

Protective Policing

$105.1 $108.9


Status on Performance

Strategic Outcome:

Quality Contract Policing

Priority No. 1

Healthier and safer Canadian communities through effective crime prevention, education, law enforcement and investigation

Program Activity:


Expected Result:

  • Highest quality police services/programs
  • Prevention and reduction of youth involvement in crime as victims and offenders
  • Safer and healthier Aboriginal communities

Performance Status

From an Operational perspective, the RCMP delivered results towards the achievement of our Strategic Goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities by successfully meeting or exceeding the targets set forth for Quality Contract Policing in our 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities.

Details are presented in Section II of this Performance Report.

  Planned Spending (millions) Actual Spending
Supporting Program or Activity


$2,083.4 $2,140.7


Status on Performance

Strategic Outcome:

Quality Policing Support

Priority No. 1

Provide support to Canadian policing investigations and enforcement organizations through critical intelligence, equipment, tools, systems, technology and education to optimize the delivery of proactive, intelligence-based policing services and programs

Program Activity:

Criminal Intelligence Operations


Policing Support Service

National Police Services

Expected Result:

  • Leading-edge policing and security technology
  • Comprehensive, real-time intelligence and threat assessments
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness of policing
  • Timely & high quality scientific tools, techniques and information management technology
  • High quality learning, training opportunities and support

Performance Status

From an Operational perspective, the RCMP delivered results towards the achievement of our Strategic Goal of Safe Homes and Safe Communities by successfully meeting or exceeding the targets set forth for Quality Federal Policing in our 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities.

Details are presented in Section II of this Performance Report.

  Planned Spending (millions) Actual Spending
Supporting Program or Activity
Criminal Intelligence
$70.3 $81.8
$174.2 $190.8
Policing Support
$68.5 $84.0
National Police Services
$149.7 $170.9

Note: * Planned Spending based on Main Estimates
** Actual Spending based on Main Estimates + in-year funding

The following strategy map and summary table captures our performance with respect to our strategic outcome, objectives and key performance goals for the 2006-2007 fiscal year.

RCMP Strategy Map

Summary of our Strategic Goal, Priorities and Outcomes

Summary of our Strategic Goal, Priorities and Outcomes

Summary of Departmental Strategic Goal

Strategic Goal: 

Safe Homes, Safe Communities

Outcome Statement: 

To work towards providing safe homes, safe communities by addressing our strategic priorities in a way that is accountable, is guided by clear values, is intelligence-led, and is collaborative.

Supporting Strategic Outcomes

  • Quality Federal Policing

  • Quality Contract Policing

  • Quality Policing Support 

Supporting Strategic Priorities

  • Organized Crime

  • Terrorism

  • Youth

  • Economic Integrity

  • Aboriginal Communities

Key Performance Goals Performance
  • Achieve 95% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP’s contribution to ensuring safe homes and safe communities is important
2006: 97%
2007: 97%
  • Achieve 85% stakeholder satisfaction amongst Canadians with the RCMP’s contribution to ensuring safe homes and safe communities
2006: 87%
2007: 86%
  • Achieve 95% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP’s services are important for Canada

2006: 98%
2007: 97%

  • Achieve 85% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP places emphasis on providing good service

2006: 90%
2007: 89%

  • Achieve 85% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP plays a valuable role in reducing the impact of organized crime in Canada

2006: 89%
2007: 89%

  • Achieve 85% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP plays a valuable role in reducing the threat of terrorist activity in Canada

2006: 84%
2007: 84%

  • Achieve 84% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP plays a valuable role in preventing and reducing youth involvement in crime

2006: 84%
2007: 83%

  • Achieve 80% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP plays a valuable role in contributing to the confidence in economic integrity in Canada

2006: 86%
2007: 84%

  • Achieve 85% agreement amongst Canadians that the RCMP plays a valuable role in contributing to safer and healthier Aboriginal communities

2006: 80%
2007: 80%

Planned Spending (millions)* Actual Spending (millions)**
2006-2007 2006-2007
$3,317.7 $3,557.3
Planned FTEs Actual FTEs
26,079 24,786