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Sustainable Development Strategy

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has now completed the first year of implementation of its Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). The Strategy has two areas of focus: 1) Supporting Sustainable Communities — focused on both external programming around planning, community development, and environmental stewardship for First Nations, Métis, and Northerners; and 2) Building a Culture of Sustainability — focused on further enhancing the sustainable development (SD) of internal operations.

The Strategy consists of fifteen result-oriented commitments, most of which are also reflected in INAC’s strategic outcome plans. The targets have been reported on in the Report on Plans and Priorities and also in this performance report. All commitments support one or more of the Federal SD goals and Greening Government Operations (GGO) goals. A separate detailed annual progress report is also produced by the Department and submitted to the Commissioner on Environment and Sustainable Development.

Varying levels of progress have been made on the fifteen commitments in the Strategy over the past year, with two targets experiencing challenges. The development of Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) strategy has not made any progress. The development of a Departmental Environmental Management System (EMS) has been modified to focus on developing an EMS for department-owned material and real property. Completion of all commitments is still expected by the end of the Strategy period. Highlights include:

  • significant progress on examining quality of life in remote communities;
  • the launch of two climate change programs : the ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities program (which has provided funding support of more than $1.6 million for 13 projects), and the Aboriginal and Northern Climate Change Adaptation Strategy;
  • significant social investments including $55.6 million for five new shelters and increased support for existing ones, over $70 million for First Nations education, and a reduction in high risk water systems;
  • a focus on environmental initiatives including remediation of contaminated sites, implementation of the Environmental Performance Framework, and development of a green procurement policy for the Department; and
  • increased integration of sustainable development into internal operations.

Federal SD Goal Including GGO Goals SDS Departmental Expected Results for 2007–2008 Performance Measure from Current SDS Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2007–2008
Supporting Sustainable Communities
Improved departmental and federal co-ordination and harmonization of program planning and implementation in support of long-term planning
The Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) Strategy approved and implemented in collaboration with First Nations. Sustainable Communities Communication and awareness plans and activities.

CCP tool kit.

Baseline data available
Number of communities engaged in comprehensive community planning. Communication and awareness plans and activities are ongoing in five regions (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Atlantic, and Yukon).

British Columbia and Atlantic regions have developed CCP tool kits that they are sharing with other regions and First Nations.

No progress on developing Department CCP Strategy.

Preliminary baseline data is available: 109 communities engaged in CCP.
Identify the factors that influence the sustainability of remote communities south of 60 and determine how INAC policies could be modified to better address the challenges. Sustainable Communities Partnerships, proposals, and funding.

Comparative data on remote communities and government policies.

Research results and recommendations.
Number of recommendations.

Number of recommendations acted upon.
Partnerships have been established within and outside the Department.

Some comparative data on remote communities has been assembled through a literature review.

Results of the literature review, a draft conceptual framework, and some regional/sectoral meetings have been collected.
Enhanced social and economic capacity in Aboriginal communities through educational and social programming
Graduate more Aboriginal learners from high schools and post-secondary institutions. Sustainable Communities New reformed programs and relationships.

System that will allow performance measurement and reporting.

A legislative framework and regional education.

Organizations for the delivery of second-level services participation rates.
High school graduation rates.

Post-secondary education.
Education authorities renewed for one additional year.

Special Education Program evaluation completed and an Action Plan produced to strengthen program evaluation, reporting, and performance.

Produced and commissioned a series of reports on education reform.

First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act supports a tripartite partnership between British Columbia First Nations, the Province, and the Government of Canada.
Enhance the Family Violence Prevention Program (FVPP). Sustainable Communities Awareness campaign.

Professionally trained staff.

Four to five new shelters.
Number of families able to transition back into community.

Percentage of participants with increased awareness of personal safety situation.
FVPP is developing program brochures for stakeholders and clients.

$55.6M investment will be allocated to operational support and provide training opportunities for staff.

Plans announced for construction of five new shelters (Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia).
Housing, water, and wastewater facilities to First Nations that meet standards applicable to other comparable Canadian communities
Increase the amount of affordable and suitable housing while building capacity to ensure effective management and control by First Nation communities. Sustainable Communities Twenty First Nations each year will develop the capacity to create home ownership initiatives. Number of First Nations with housing by-laws and land codes.

Percentage of First Nations houses that are owned by occupants.
Announced creation of the new $300M First Nations Market Housing Fund, to allow First Nation families and individuals greater access to market-based housing, including home ownership on reserves.

INAC and CMHC started a compregensive evaluation of the Governments’s role and performance in First Nation housing, and is considering policy alternatives to existing on-reserve housing programs.
Reduce the number of high-risk and medium-risk sites identified in the National Assessment of Water and Wastewater Systems in First Nation Communities. Sustainable Communities and Clean Water Remedial plans for high-risk systems, oversight operators who ensure operations and management of systems, and a regulatory regime for drinking water in First Nation communities. Reduction in the number of high- and medium-risk systems.

Increase in the number of certified operators.
Creation of 24-hour hotlines, through which circuit rider trainers provide oversight and technical support to First Nations.

Third-party provision contracting to provide additional oversight, supervision, and mentoring.

Remedial plans for all high-risk systems were developed and implemented.
Sound environmental practices in First Nation, Inuit, and Northern communities
Support development of energy management initiatives in First Nation, Inuit, and Northern communities. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reductions Greenhouse gas tracking report.

Project tracking report.
All INAC regions and sectors developed an approach to integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency in their business lines.

Number of Aboriginal and Northern communities with renewable energy or energy efficiency projects implemented.
Offered funding support for more than $1.6M with 13 projects approved.

GHG emissions tracking table keeps track of estimated GHG emissions saving over the project life cycle.

Project tracking table keeps track of all projects, whether proposed or funded.
Support development of First Nation, Inuit, and Northern communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Support community level work. Number of Aboriginal and Northern communities with completed climate change risk assessments or adaptation strategies.

Number of Aboriginal and Northern communities implementing climate change risk management or adaptation strategies.

All INAC regions and sectors developed an approach to integration of climate change risk management in their business lines.
INAC supported key Northern and Aboriginal communities and organizations to identify impact and adaptation knowledge gaps, and to adapt needs and actions at the community level.

Integrated RMAF/RBAF was completed.
Reduce the number of contaminated sites south of 60. Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Approval of a three-year National Contaminated Sites Management Plan.

Approved funding from Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP).
Regionally approved a three-year Contaminated Sites Management Plan.

Regionally submitted FCSAP applications.

A percentage decrease in Class I and Class II contaminated sites liabilities.
All regions have implemented a three-year Contaminated Sites Management Plan (identification and assessment of Class I and II sites; management and remediation of high risk sites; and sharing of best practices).

A three-year National Contaminated Sites Management Plan has been approved.

All regions submitted applications to FCSAP.

Funding from FCSAP approved for 2007-08 in the amount of $4,648,513.
Increase the number of Northern contaminated sites in remediation phase or completed. Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Contaminated Sites Management Plan.

Remediation plans.

Detailed work plans and quarterly reports.
Contaminated Sites Management Plan approved by Associate Deputy Minister.

Absolute number of sites in remediation phase or completed.
Contaminated Sites Management Plan drafted.

Regional plans developed for each territory.

Remediation completed at two sites.

Two sites have almost completed remediation, and nine sites are in Step Eight of the remediation process.

Annual detailed work plans are drafted to plan the remediation phase, and quarterly reports are completed to report on plans.
Building a culture of sustainability
Improved sustainable development integration within INAC
Raise awareness of sustainable development within the Department. Governance for Sustainable Development Communications plan.

Baseline data and comparison data.

Environmental Sustainability Network members and events.
Level of sustainable development awareness. Communications plan for tabling was implemented and an internal communications plan is in progress.

An external communications plan is drafted.

An SD awareness survey was conducted in March 2007.

Internet and intranet sites are being revised.
Improve the integration of the sustainable development considerations within the Department. Governance for Sustainable Development SDS commitments appear in strategic outcome (SO) plans.

Timely annual SD reports.

Strategy to improve linkages with SO tables.

Officers trained in SEA, electronic tracking registry for SEA.
SD reporting coincides with DPR reporting and SDS4 commitments are included annually in DPR and RPP.

Number of preliminary scans and SEAs completed.

The results of SEAs are reported on in all MCs and TB submissions.
Most SDS commitments appear in SO plans.

First Annual SD report in production.

A strategy to improve the linkage with the SO tables is in progress.
Promote sound environmental management practices into departmental operations
Implement IIABL’s Environmental Stewardship Strategy (ESS) Environmental Performance Framework through the integration of sound environmental management practices into IIABL departmental operations. Governance for Sustainable Development National fuel tank inventory.

National waste site inventory.

Standardized national policy and protocols on waste management.
A completed tank inventory database.

A completed waste site inventory database.

An approved IIABL Waste Management Policy.

An approved IIABL Environmental Performance Framework.
Waste site inventory is under development.

Fuel tank inventory is under development.

National policy on waste management remains in the very preliminary stages of development.
Sustainable development will be firmly integrated into corporate systems (finance, human resources, information management, audit and evaluation, and administrative services) nation-wide
Develop and implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) for department-owned material and real property. Governance for Sustainable Development Baseline data regarding the environmental impacts of department-owned material and real property is collected. Policies and procedures for department-owned material and real property are updated and comply with federal requirements.

Baseline data regarding the environmental impacts of department-owned material and real property is collected.

Results of EMS for department-owned material and real property are quantified and reported.
Amended commitment 2.3.1 approved.
Develop and implement a Green Procurement Strategy for INAC. Governance for Sustainable Development A Green Procurement Policy and supporting guidance, tools, training, and awareness is created and promoted throughout the Department. The dollar value and quantity of green procurement is documented.

Historical data and rates of consumption between past years and the current year are measured and documented.
Literature review of green procurement and related issues completed.

Preliminary model of a simplified process map of the procurement process was drafted.

Terms of reference for an expert level working group on green procurement drafted.