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* List of selected countries and regions
Selected countries |
Regions |
Algeria, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, C�te d'Ivoire, Egypt, Guinea, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Yemen, Zimbabwe, China, India, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Tajikistan, Thailand, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Peru, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro. |
Africa Great Lakes Regional Program, Pan Africa Program, Southern Africa Program, West Africa Program, Sahel Regional Program, East Africa Regional Program, Central Africa Regional Program, Canada Fund for Africa Program, Caribbean Regional Program, Inter-American Program, Central America Regional Program, Lee and Windward Regional Program, South America Regional Program, Southern Cone Regional Program, South-East Asia Program, South Asia Regional Program, Central Asia Regional Program, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Program, Institutional Partnerships in Europe, Mideast and Maghreb, Broader Middle East and North Africa Program, Middle East Regional Program, South Caucasus Regional Program, Eastern Adriatic Program, Maghreb Regional Program. |
Geographic Programs:
Canadian Partnership supports North-South partnerships that strengthen local civil society and private sector entities in order to advance sustainable development.
Sectors and Global Partnerships focuses on:
Strategic Policy and Performance ensures:
Human Resources, the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Information Officer focus on achieving excellence in managing CIDA's human, financial, and information resources.
Corporate services include policy, communications, human resource management, financial management, internal audits, evaluations, results-based and risk management, information management/information technology, supply chain management, facilities/asset management, strategic planning, and other support activities.
Corporate services contribute to CIDA's strategic outcomes by improving the delivery of the Canadian aid program. On balance, corporate functions have helped the Agency move forward on aid effectiveness, mainly through: performance and risk management; internal audit and evaluation for the “clear accountability for results” component and human resources and financial management for the “effective use of resources” component. Achievements in these areas are noted in Section 1, 1.5.
Overall management performance
Each year, the Treasury Board Portfolio assesses CIDA's management performance. The Round V Management Accountability Framework (MAF) assessment indicates generally positive results. For the 20 indicators against which CIDA was assessed, it received two "Strong" ratings, 14 "Acceptable" ratings, four "Opportunities for Improvement" ratings, and no “Attention Required” ratings. A trend report is included on the next page.
CIDA has continued to receive a "Strong" rating for its Evaluation function. This is especially important because the appropriate evaluation of Canada's aid monies leads directly to more effective use of aid. CIDA also received a "Strong" rating for its productive, principled, sustainable, and adaptable workforce. CIDA is commended for the work it has done this past year to improve management practices. The Agency is also commended for the progress it has made in corporate risk management and the effectiveness of the internal audit function.
The following priorities have been identified as a result of this assessment:
Implementation of the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Audit
As required in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in April 2007 between CIDA and Treasury Board Secretariat, CIDA is disclosing the use of incremental funding obtained to implement the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Audit as follows: CIDA paid out $759,445 in 2007-2008 to cover remuneration of resources recruited to achieve additional assurance work required ($668,137); training, certification, and professional membership of internal auditors ($78,408); and remuneration of audit committee's external member ($12,900).
Canadian International Development Agency |
Area of management |
Round IV |
Round V |
Trend |
1. Values-based leadership and organizational culture |
OI |
OI |
2. Utility of the corporate performance framework |
OI |
OI |
3. Effectiveness of the corporate management structure |
AC |
AC |
4. Effectiveness of extra-organizational contribution |
AC |
AC |
5. Quality of analysis in Treasury Board submissions |
AC |
AC |
6. Quality and use of evaluation |
ST |
ST |
7. Quality reporting to Parliament |
OI |
OI |
8. Managing organizational change |
NA |
AC |
9. Effectiveness of corporate risk management |
OI |
AC |
10. Extent to which the workplace is fair, enabling, healthy and safe |
AC |
AC |
11. Extent to which the workforce is |
AC |
ST |
12. Effectiveness of information management |
AC |
OI |
13. Effectiveness of information technology management |
AC |
AC |
14. Effectiveness of asset management |
AC |
AC |
15. Effective project management |
AC |
AC |
16. Effective procurement |
AC |
AC |
17. Effectiveness of financial management and control |
AC |
AC |
18. Effectiveness of internal audit function |
OI |
AC |
19. Effective management of security and business continuity |
NA |
AC |
20. Citizen-focused service |
AC |
AC |
21. Alignment of accountability instruments |
NA |
X |
Rating scale
AR: attention required
OI: opportunity for improvement
AC: acceptable
ST: strong
NA: not applicable
For additional information about CIDA's programs, activities, and operations, please visit the Agency's website at
Or contact:
Public Inquiries Service
Communications Branch
Canadian International Development Agency
200 Promenade du Portage, 5th Floor
Gatineau , QC
Canada K1A 0G4
Telephone: 819-997-5006
Toll free: 1-800-230-6349
Telecommunications Device for the Hearing and Speech Impaired: 819-953-5023
Toll free: 1-800-331-5018
Fax: 819-953-6088
Legislation administered
The Order-in-Council P.C. 1968-923 of May 8, 1968, and P.C. 1968-1760 of September 12, 1968, designate CIDA as a department for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act. The authority for the CIDA program and related purposes is found in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act and in the Annual Appropriations Act. CIDA is the lead government organization responsible for Canada's ODA.
1 Report available at
2 Report available at,3343,en_2649_33721_39509628_1_1_1_1,00.html.
3 Based on CIDA's country partners that participated in this survey.
4 CIDA internal audits are available at
5 Performance ratings: little progress made means all deliverables were partially met; progress made means no more than one deliverable was partially met; good progress made means all deliverables were met.
6 Further details on this survey can be found at
7 This conclusion is based on a number of key poverty indicators and MDG progress reports, such as the UNDP Monitor at
8 Evaluation available at
9 Document available at$file/GE-framework.pdf.
10 Evaluation available at
11 Report available at
12 Review available at