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1.2 Management representation statement
1.5 Progress toward the strategic outcomes and priorities
2.1 Countries of concentration
2.2 Fragile states and countries experiencing humanitarian crisis
2.3 Selected countries and regions
2.4 Multilateral, international, and Canadian institutions
2.5 Engaging Canadian citizens
3.1 Departmental link to the Government of Canada outcomes
4.1 CIDA's Program Activity Architecture
4.2 CIDA's new organizational structure
ADB - Asian Development Bank
AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIHRC - Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
ANDS - Afghanistan National Development Strategy
CARICOM - Caribbean Community
CARTAC - Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre
CCRIF - Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility
CERs - Canadian expert resources
CFA - Canada Fund for Africa
CFLI - Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
CIFA - Canada Investment Fund for Africa
CPB - Canadian Partnership Branch
CRF - Consolidated Revenue Fund
CSME - Caribbean Single Market and Economy
CSO - Civil society organization
DAC - Development Assistance Committee
DDD - Deployment for Democratic Development
DFAIT - Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
DIP - Development Information Program
DND - Department of National Defence
DPR - Departmental Performance Report
DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo
DRR - Disaster risk reduction
EQUIP - Education Quality Improvement Project
FEDEVOCERA - La Federaci�n de Cooperativas de las Verapaces
FTEs - Full-time equivalents
G8 - Group of 8 ( Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States)
GDP - Gross domestic product
GNI - Gross national income
GNU - Government of National Unity (Sudan)
GoSS - Government of Southern Sudan
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HRSDC - Human Resources and Social Development Canada
ICDDR, B - International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research in Bangladesh
IDRC - International Development Research Centre
IFI - International financial institutions
IMF - International Monetary Fund
JCSS - Joint Country Support Strategy
JDT - Joint Donor Team
MAF - Management Accountability Framework
MDGs - Millennium Development Goals
MERA - Multilateral effectiveness and relevance assessment
MINUSTAH - United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
MOE - Ministry of Economy
MOPAN - Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network
MPB - Multilateral Programs Branch
MRRS - Management Resources and Results Structure
NEPAD - New Partnership for Africa's Development
NGOs - Non-governmental organizations
NWFP - North-West Frontier Province (Pakistan)
OAG - Office of the Auditor General
ODA - Official Development Assistance
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECs - Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
OGDs - Other government departments
OPAM - Office des produits agricoles du Mali
PAHO - Pan American Health Organization
PEF - Public Engagement Fund
PPP - Purchasing-power parity
PSMA - Public Service Modernisation Act
RPP - Report on Plans and Priorities
SMDTFs - Sudan Multi-Donor Trust Funds
TBS - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
UN - United Nations
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
VCAs - Volunteer Cooperation Agencies
VCP - Volunteer Cooperation Program
WFP - World Food Programme
WHO - World Health Organization
WTO - World Trade Organization