Department's Expected Results for 2007-2008
Supporting Performance Indicator(s)
Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2007-2008
Activity Develop a methodology for estimating Greenhouse Gas ( GHG) emissions from waste management programs at priority facilities.
The GHG methodology was developed. It was applied to the 2006-2007 solid waste audit of 29 priority facilities. The results showed that by reducing, recycling and reusing about 2,700 tonnes of solid waste, the 29 priority facilities avoided generating more than 2,000 tonnes
of CO2 equivalents per year.
We will assess the applicability of the GHG methodology to future solid waste audit results.
Status: In progress (77% complete)
Activity Include SD clauses and environmental specifications in all new strategic sourcing contracts.
[Federal Goal 6/GGO Target: Set a minimum of three procurement targets over three years.]
Percentage of strategic sourcing contracts that include environmental specifications.
All (100% or 2 of 2) strategic sourcing contracts issued in 2007-2008 contained environmental specifications/criteria.
Percentage of green products purchased was 11.4% of total product spending, exceeding our target of 10% for 2007-2008.
Activity Develop a management plan to expand the scope of green procurement to include IT hardware and software.
Expanded scope of Environmental Management Program for Green Procurement. (output)
We drafted a management plan to green the procurement of Information Technology ( IT) equipment. Implementation will begin in 2008-2009. We also expanded the scope of the Environmental Management Program for Green Procurement to include IT commodities.
Status: In progress (88% complete)
Activity Expand the paper baseline to include the three major sources of the CRA's paper consumption: 1) multi-purpose office paper; 2) paper used in CRA printing systems (e.g., ELCS); and 3) paper
printed in external printing shops.
We expanded the paper baseline in 2007-2008 to include paper used in CRA printing systems and external printing shops.
The results for 2007-2008 show that CRA bought the equivalent of 1.2 billion sheets of paper used in envelopes, publications, and forms.
Activity Establish an emissions ( GHG) baseline for business travel to include local and long-distance travel and videoconferencing.
[Federal Goal 3: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.]
Baseline for business travel. (output)
We will establish the business travel baseline in 2008-2009 when analysis of the travel data is complete.
Status: In progress (35% complete)
Activity All vehicles purchased/leased by the CRA are either hybrid or alternative fuel capable, where operationally feasible.
[Federal Goal 3/GGO Target: Reduce by 15% from 2002-2003 levels, GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre from the
departmental fleet by 2010.]
Number and percentage increase in hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles.
The number of hybrids and ATF vehicles owned/ leased by the CRA in 2007-2008 increased by 2 vehicles. The percentage of hybrids and ATF vehicles in CRA fleet increased by 1% (vis-à-vis 2006-2007) to 39%.
Activity All gasoline purchased for CRA road vehicles will be ethanol blended, where available.
[Federal Goal 3/GGO Target: Reduce by 15% from 2002-2003 levels, GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre from the
departmental fleet by 2010.]
Percentage of gasoline purchased for CRA vehicles that is ethanol blended.
Total gasoline purchased by CRA in 2007-2008 was 135,436 litres. Total Ethanol blend was 25,107 litres. Percentage of gasoline that is Ethanol blended was 18.5% (up from 7.2% in 2006-2007).
Activity Develop and distribute communications materials to CRA fleet drivers on ethanol blended fuels and retailers.
Number of CRA fleet drivers who received communications material on ethanol fuels.
We developed the EMP for energy. Implementation will take place in 2008-2009, and results will be available after the fiscal year end March 31, 2009
Activity Develop an Environmental Management Program ( EMP) for Energy.
Percentage of targets completed in environmental management program for energy.
Results will be available after fiscal year end March 31, 2009.
Activity Complete an assessment of IT hardware and software disposal practices across the CRA and use results to expand the scope of the environmental management program ( EMP) for hazardous materials.
Assessment document, and new IT hardware/ software disposal activities in the EMP for hazardous materials. (output)
Competing priorities did not allow a thorough assessment. Work will continue in 2008-2009.
Status: In progress (10% complete)