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ARCHIVED - Western Economic Diversification Canada

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Table 5: Details on Transfer Payment Programs (TPPs)

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Western Diversification Program
Start Date: 1987-88 End Date: Terms and Conditions expire July 14, 2009. WD will be seeking approval to renew terms and conditions.
Description: This program was designed to promote economic development and diversification in Western Canada and advance the interests of Western Canada in national policy, program and project development and implementation.
Strategic Outcomes: Policy, Advocacy and Coordination, Community Economic Development and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Results Achieved: 
- A strengthened western innovation system.
- An expanded business sector in Western Canada.
- Increased investment in strategic federal/regional economic development priorities that improves the viability, prosperity and quality of life in communities across Western Canada. 
- A better understanding of Western Canada's needs, opportunities and aspirations inside and outside of the region leading to improved programs and services for western Canadians.
($ thousands) 7) Actual Spending 2005-06 8) Actual Spending 2006-07 9) Planned Spending 2007-08 10) Total Authorities 2007-08 11) Actual Spending 2007-08 12) Variance(s) Between 9) and 11)
Collaboration and Coordination
  Total Contributions 35 73 115 0 0 115
Total Collaboration and Coordination 35 73 115 0 0 115
Research and Analysis
  Total Contributions 527 472 578 514 514 64
Total Research and Analysis 527 472 578 514 514 64
  Total Contributions 0 0 115 20 20 95
Total Advocacy 0 0 115 20 20 95
Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment      
  Total Grants 0 15,000 1,475 16,500 16,500 -15,025
  Total Contributions 32,734 71,144 73,907 78,317 34,194 39,713
Total Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment 32,734 86,144 75,382 94,817 50,694 24,688
Business Development and Entrepreneurship
  Total Grants 0 32,000 2,645 2,000 2,000 645
  Total Contributions 20,536 11,898 21,275 19,002 19,747 1,528
Total Business Development and Entrepreneurship 20,536 43,898 23,920 21,002 21,747 2,173
Total Grants 0 0 1,880 0 0 1,880
Total Contributions 35,216 51,560 54,013 73,573 63,439 -9,426
Total Innovation 35,216 51,560 55,893 73,573 63,439 -7,546
TOTAL 89,048 182,147 156,003 189,926 136,414 19,589
Comment(s) on Variance(s): Variance against Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment is due to the receipt of $16.5M grant for BC Flood Risk Structural Mitigation provided through Supplementary Estimates (A) in fiscal year 2007-2008.  Variance against Innovation is primarily due to receipt of $12M for Vaccine Centre (InterVac) Biosafety Level III Containment Facility through Supplementary Estimates (A) in fiscal year 2007-2008.
Significant Audit and Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit and/or Evaluation:  Not yet posted on the web.


Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Futures Program
Start Date:  May 1995 End Date: Ongoing
Description: This program was designed to provide funding for a network of Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) across Canada with WD as the delivery department for the West. CFDCs are volunteer-led, non-profit organizations that lead strategic economic planning, and provide advice and commercial loans to local entrepreneurs, in order to foster economic development.
Strategic Outcome(s):  Community Economic Development and Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Results Achieved:
- Strategic community planning: working with communities to assess local problems, establish objectives, plan and implement strategies to develop human, institutional and physical infrastructures, entrepreneurship, employment, and the economy.
- Business Services: delivering a range of business, counseling and information services to small-and-medium-sized enterprises.
- Access to capital: providing capital to assist businesses or to help entrepreneurs to create new businesses
($ thousands) 7) Actual Spending 2005-06 8) Actual Spending 2006-07 9) Planned Spending 2007-08 10) Total Authorities 2007-08 11) Actual Spending 2007-08 12) Variance(s) Between 9) and 11)
Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment    
  Total Contributions 10,963 12,950 13,683 13,683 13,881  -198
Total Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment 10,963 12,950 13,683 13,683 13,881 -198
Business Development and Entrepreneurship      
  Total Contributions 14,555 13,442         13,682     13,682   14,429 -747
Total Business Development and Entrepreneurship 14,555 13,442 13,682     13,682   14,429   -747
TOTAL 25,518          26,392 27,365     27,365   28,310   -945
Comment(s) on Variance(s):  not applicable
Significant Audit and Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit and/or Evaluation:  CFP Evaluation under way and will be completed in 2008-09


Name of Transfer Payment Program: Infrastructure Canada Program
Start Date: October 10, 2000 End Date: March 31, 2011
Description: This program was designed to improve urban and rural community infrastructure in Canada.
Strategic Outcome(s): Community Economic Development
Results Achieved:
- Improve Canadian’s quality of life through investments that enhance the quality of the environment, support long-term economic growth, and improve community infrastructure.
- Build 21st century infrastructure through the use of technologies, new approaches, and best practices.
($ thousands) 7) Actual Spending 2005-06 8) Actual Spending 2006-07 9) Planned Spending 2007-08 10) Total Authorities 2007-08 11) Actual Spending 2007-08 12) Variance(s) Between 9) and 11)
Infrastructure 137,515 80,429 27,957 50,192 30,659 -2,702
TOTAL        137,515          80,429         27,957             50,192           30,659              -2,702
Comment(s) on Variance(s): Variance is due to the reprofiling of 06/07 funds through Supplementary Estimates (A).
Significant Audit and Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit and/or Evaluation:  An audit was completed in July 2006.