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Table 2: User Fees

Table 2-A: User Fees
($ thousands)
User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Date Last Modified 2008-09 Planning Years
Full Cost
The family Order and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (FOAEA) Regulatory FOAEA Act March 1999 7,000 7,141 7,141 Yes Results are available in table 2-B 2009-10 7,000 7,000
2010-11 7,000 7,000
2011-12 7,000 7,000
The Central Divorce Proceedings Regulatory CRDP
Fee Order
May 1986 750 723 723 Yes Results are available in table 2-B 2009-10 800 800
2010-11 800 800
2011-12 800 800
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA) Other product and services Access to Information Act (ATIA) 1992 4 6 1,424 Yes Results are available in table 2-B 2009-10 5 2,250
2010-11 5 2,500
2011-12 5 2,750
Sub-Total (R) 7,750 7,864 7,864   2009-10 7,800 7,800
2010-11 7,800 7,800
2011-12 7,800 7,800
Sub-Total (O) 4 6 1,424   2009-10 5 2,250
2010-11 5 2,500
2011-12 5 2,750
Total 7,754 7,870 9,288   2009-10 7,805 10,050
2010-11 7,805 10,300
2011-12 7,805 10,550

Other Information
Full cost reflects the cost of the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office in Justice. The role of the ATIP Office is to respond to all formal requests that are made to the Department of Justice, in accordance with the Access to Information Act. As other central agencies, the DOJ ATIP Office has an expanded role; in addition to processing requests, the Office responds to consultations from other government institutions regarding solicitor-client information for the Government as a whole. Although the User Fees Act may provide some of the performance indicators, fee waiver must be considered in light of the ATIP legislation.

Table 2-B: External Fees

External Fee Service Standard Performance Results Stakeholder Consultation
The family Order and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (FOAEA)
  1. Processing of tracing applications under Part I of the Act will be completed and a response provided to provincial/territorial enforcement programs within 10 business days.
  2. Garnishment applications under Part II of the Act will be in effect 35 days after receipt.
  3. Licence-denial applications under Part III of the Act will be initiated and terminated within 10 business days.
  4. Public enquiries are to be responded to within 48 hours.

A total of 25,742 applications received and treated within 10 business days. Standard met at 100%.

79,786 garnishment applications accepted within the time frame. Standard met at 100%.

10,607 applications received and processed within the time frame. Standard met at 100%.

93,974 calls received through the automated interactive voice response system (IVR).

Informal feedback and general day-to-day interactions with clients and stakeholders, including provincial and territorial maintenance and enforcement programs, courts, creditors and other federal government partners, indicate a high level of satisfaction with the services provided under both the Family Orders and Agreement Enforcement Assistance and Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings programs.

A client satisfaction survey was launched in January 2005 to provide a more formal assessment of client satisfaction with service standards, levels and accessibility. Findings indicate strong levels of satisfaction

The Central Divorce Proceedings
  1. Clearance Certificates are to be issued within 3 weeks of receipt of the application.
  2. Divorce information is to be provided to Statistics Canada annually, according to schedule.
  3. All telephone enquiries are to be responded to within 24 hours and all written enquiries are to be responded to within 5 business days.
  4. Quarterly invoices and compensation reports are to be issued within 30 days.

Standard met at 90%.

Standard met 100%.

17,829 telephone enquires and written enquiries was received and standard was met at 90%.

Standard met at 100%.

A client satisfaction survey was launched in January 2005 to provide a more formal assessment of client satisfaction with service standards, levels and accessibility. Findings indicates strong levels of satisfaction.
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)

Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request.

The Access to Information Act provides fuller details:

Standard met at 95.0%. The service standard is established by the Access to Information Act and the Access to Information Regulations. Consultations with stakeholders were undertaken by the Department of Justice and Treasury Board Secretariat for amendments done in 1986 and 1992.

Other Information: