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Section IV Other Items of Interest

4.1 Our Internal Services

Internal Services includes corporate, human resources, executive, legal and communications services as well as some services related to planning coordination and bilateral relations. It supports all seven program activities, enabling operations of the entire department.

Internal Services measures its performance according to the following indicators: the quality of the services and advice it provides, based on client feedback; and the degree to which it supports all strategic outcomes and program activities of the department. Internal Services also assesses its performance each year as part of the TBS Management Accountability Framework process.

Operating Context

The principal factors affecting Internal Services are:

  • intense competition for knowledge workers and the need to transfer corporate knowledge, given that 16.4% of the department's employees will be eligible to retire over the next five years;
  • the new TBS internal audit requirements and the new government-wide evaluation policy, expected to come into force in April 2008, which will require coverage of all direct program spending and grants and contributions over a five-year cycle;
  • the Federal Accountability Act requirement for a new code of conduct;
  • Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act obligations;
  • the need for horizontal coordination within the increasingly diversified Canadian representation abroad;
  • the use of new technologies and 24/7 communications in the global media environment;
  • high demand for departmental communications about the government's international priorities; and
  • the need to provide legal advice on increasingly complex international issues.

2008-2009 Expected Results, Strategies and Links to Departmental Priorities

Bilateral Relations— The New Way Forward Political/Economic Renewal Initiative

Expected result: Core services and service standards for the political/economic (PE) program are declared official and provide a basis on which to collect data on service delivery. Results can be demonstrated for the program.

In February 2008, the department launched the New Way Forward (NWF) initiative to provide evidence-based results that will enable better alignment of departmental resources to international policy objectives and program delivery. The department will introduce a performance management system for collection of baseline performance data, with a focus on activities and outputs. Over time, it will incorporate indicators of outcomes and results into the system. All political/economic officers of the Foreign Service will receive related training, which will ensure greater standardization of service delivery and higher-quality services. Furthermore, the department will consult with partners to ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities.

Expected result: The effectiveness of PE service delivery should increase as PE work is increasingly aligned with Government of Canada priorities, focuses on core service delivery to key partners, and involves high-value-added work.

The PE program will adopt the successful standard of the trade commissioner program with respect to client service and referral, thereby enabling the department to deliver higher-quality results more efficiently.

Expected result: Increased partner and client satisfaction with PE program service delivery and increased staff satisfaction.

The department will undertake communications initiatives, outreach and consultations to inform partners and clients of the services offered by the program. The department's NWF Secretariat will comply with Treasury Board policy on measuring client satisfaction, and will develop measures to assess satisfaction with core services delivered. The NWF Secretariat will measure staff satisfaction periodically through the Public Service Employee Survey.

All expected results of the NWF initiative contribute to key priority 4.

 Planning and Coordination

Expected result: More timely decision making as well as better communications and coordination, greater alignment of departmental plans and priorities against resources, and better accountability for results.

The department will strengthen its capacity to communicate its plans, priorities and policies more coherently and effectively to key audiences. An important element will be reconfiguration and integration of the annual business and mission planning processes. The department will better integrate aspects of planning and performance management within its risk management framework. It will also continue to enhance performance monitoring and measurement strategies to better respond to client needs and strengthen its reporting to senior management, central agencies and Parliament.

This expected result contributes to ongoing priority 6

 Corporate Services

Expected result: Enhanced financial management capacity to support the department's strategic outcomes and program activities, while addressing high-risk vulnerabilities.

The department will undertake innovative recruitment and financial community development strategies, prepare for an efficient audit of departmental financial statements, and improve corporate financial management reporting.

Expected result: Provision of an information management and information technology (IM/IT) infrastructure at headquarters.

This includes the application of effective, integrated and standardized IM/IT solutions to enhance business processes; coordination of the department's website; improved electronic access to information and services; and maintenance of a robust IM/IT infrastructure by reallocating resources and investment in engineering, training, user support and new technology.

Expected result: Enhanced cost-effectiveness and more strategic results for procurement activities.

The department will implement Phase 2 of the Contract Control Framework, transform the organization to fall within the key principles of the Chief Financial Office model, and launch phased training and communications aimed at those engaged in procurement regarding the Contract Control Framework.

Expected result: Greater flexibility and efficiency in delivery of national accommodation services.

The department will establish an accommodation advisory committee to approve large investments and acquisitions of new space as well as to control unfunded growth; and integrate environmental standards into construction projects and procurement of furniture.

Expected result: Continued development and expansion of the department's Business Continuity Planning Program, which provides for continued availability of services and associated assets critical to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians or to the effective functioning of government.

The department will develop recovery strategies to ensure that essential services to Canadians, such as consular, passport and commercial services, can be maintained in the event of a business disruption, while ensuring effective management of resources.

All expected results of Corporate Services contribute to ongoing priority 6.

 Human Resources

Expected result: Better processes for timely staffing and retention of employees.

The department will establish and assign a pool of candidates with the required skills, work with TBS to adapt the Foreign Service Directives to attract and retain employees in the United States and Afghanistan, and train employees to work under difficult conditions.

This expected result contributes to key priority 4.

Expected result: Renewal of the department's workforce.

The department will identify succession plans for key positions, maximize the use of collective staffing, complete implementation of the "three-track approach" to renew executive staff designated as EX, improve the transfer of corporate knowledge, train new recruits for new functions, increase post-secondary recruitment and employment equity representation, and mobilize and assign staff in accordance with government priorities.

This expected result contributes to ongoing priority 6.

 Office of the Inspector General

Expected result: Strengthened departmental accountability, risk management, resources stewardship and good governance.

The department will comply with TB policy on internal audit, develop a risk-based and fully costed annual assurance audit plan, establish the Chief Audit Executive Bureau, and implement a departmental Audit Committee with external members appointed jointly by the department and the Office of the Comptroller General.

Expected result: Provision of strategic information on mission management and operations to senior managers.

The department will review mission inspection processes to make them less resource intensive, improve pre-inspection analysis and speed up reporting, establish three inspection teams, and continue to provide advice to missions and to Grants and Contribution Program managers.

Expected result: Evaluation information that underpins program design and allocation as well as reallocation decisions, and improves program effectiveness and efficiency.

The department will develop and implement a five-year, risk-based evaluation plan, focused on government and departmental priorities and covering all direct program spending; develop a robust evaluation function focused on value for money and accountability; and assist the departmental Executive Council in using evaluation results to inform policy and resource decisions.

Expected result: Fuller integration of Public Service values in processes, procedures and management decision making to achieve high levels of values and ethics performance.

The department will promote the Values and Ethics Code through awareness and information sessions at headquarters and missions abroad, develop related tools for employees and managers, develop a new code of conduct, and develop mandatory training for employees on the new policy on harassment prevention and resolution in the workplace.

All expected results of the Office of the Inspector General contribute to ongoing priority 6.


Expected result: Increased appreciation at home and abroad of Canada's commitment to supporting freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

The department will recommend departmental participation in targeted events, use common language in all external communications and coordinate its application in all federal communications material, and distribute strategic communications material on these issues to Heads of Missions for their use

This expected result contributes to ongoing priority 3.

Expected result: Increased awareness at home and abroad of the department's global commerce priorities, especially with respect to re-engagement in the Americas.

The department will integrate public opinion research, environmental scans and interdepartmental consultations to develop a whole-of-government communications strategy; engage the media to promote public awareness and understanding of related government policies, programs and services; and provide a wide range of related communications products and services. It will also provide 24/7 domestic and international media monitoring, liaising closely with the consular Operations Centre, and track trends and issues in all media about related departmental priorities.

This expected result contributes to key priority 2.

Expected result: Increased awareness and use on the part of Canadian businesses of the department's commercial services, and increased public awareness of the need for greater Canadian participation in global investment and innovation networks.

The department will continue to monitor issues related to trade and investment negotiations and provide communications support for ministerial participation in related events and announcements. It will also deliver ongoing communications and marketing advice and support to promote the department's commercial services for Canadian businesses and raise awareness of the need for Canadian participation in global investment and innovation networks through tools and tactics such as media relations, outreach, publishing, advertising, business community engagement, and ministerial announcements and events.

This result contributes to ongoing priorities 2 and 5 and to key priorities 2 and 3.

Expected result: Improved and more standardized internal communications.

The department will use a strong internal communications program to support the department's transformation.

This expected result contributes to key priority 4.

Expected result: Parliament fully informed of, and engaged on, the foreign and trade policy agenda of the government.

The department will provide support to ministers, the Secretary of State and parliamentary secretaries for Question Period, parliamentary debates and committee appearances; facilitate studies and associated foreign travel conducted by parliamentary committees and associations; and ensure timely responses to parliamentary petitions and written questions.

This expected result contributes to ongoing priority 6.

Expected result: Meeting of responsibilities under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

The department will ensure ATIP division officers can manage the increasing workload and that ATIP requests are addressed within appropriate timelines, streamline processes and train departmental staff on ATIP, and develop better file tracking and monitoring functions.

This expected result contributes to ongoing priority 6.

 Legal Services

Expected result: Ongoing provision of timely advice on international legal issues at headquarters and missions abroad.

The department will provide legal advice and related policy direction on diplomatic, consular and state immunities, on the application of Canadian laws and policies to the department's mandate as well as on new legislation and regulations, civil litigation support and public inquiries.

This expected result contributes to ongoing priority 6.

4.2 Contact Information

Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 toll free in Canada
or 613-944-4000 in the National Capital Region and outside Canada
TTY: 613-944-9136
Fax: 613-996-9709
Mail: Enquiries Services (BCI)
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2
Media Services: 613-995-1874;
fax 613-995-1405

How to Contact Organizations Related to the Department

Canadian Commercial Corporation
Mail: 1100 50 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0S6
Telephone: 1-800-748-8191 toll free in Canada
or 613-996-0034 in the National Capital Region and outside Canada
Fax: 613-995-2121
Canadian International Development Agency
Mail: 200 Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, QC K1A 0G4
Telephone: 1-800-230-6349 toll free in Canada
or 819-997-5006 in the National Capital Region and outside Canada
Fax: 819-953-6088
Export Development Canada
Mail: 151 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 1K3
Telephone: 613-598-2500
Fax: 613-237-2690
TTY: 1-866-574-0451
International Development Research Centre
Mail: 150 Kent Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 0V2, P.O. Box 8500, Ottawa, ON K1G 3H9
Telephone: 613-236-6163
Fax: 613-238-7230
International Joint Commission
Mail: Canadian Sector
234 Laurier Avenue West, 22nd Floor, Ottawa, ON K1P 6K6
Telephone: 613-947-1420
Reception: 613-995-2984
Fax: 613-993-5583
North American Free Trade Agreement
Mail: (NAFTA)—Canadian Section, 90 Sparks Street, Suite 705, Ottawa, ON K1P 5B4
Telephone: 613-992-9388
Fax: 613-992-9392
Passport Canada
Mail: Passport Canada, Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Gatineau, QC K1A 0G3
Telephone: 1-800-567-6868 toll free in Canada
or 819-994-3500 in the National Capital Region and outside Canada
TTY: 819-997-8338 or 1-866-255-7655
Rights & Democracy: International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
Mail: 1001 de Maisonneuve Boulevard East, Suite 1100, Montreal, QC H2L 4P9
Telephone: 514-283-6073
Fax: 514-283-3792

4.3 Acronyms

ADM Assistant Deputy Minister
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum
ATIP Access to Information and Privacy
AU African Union
CARICOM Caribbean Community
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
CSR Corporate social responsibility
DFAIT Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
EU European Union
FDI Foreign direct investment
FIPA Foreign investment promotion and protection agreement
FPT Federal-provincial-territorial
FTA Free trade agreement
FTE Full-time equivalent
G8 Group of Eight (Group of Seven industrialized countries plus Russia)
GCS Global Commerce Strategy
GPP Global Partnership Program
GPSF Global Peace and Security Fund
GSRP Global Security Reporting Program
HIV/AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
HOM Head of mission
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
ICT Information and communications technologies
IM/IT Information management/information technology
ISAF International Security Assistance Force
IT Information technology
MAF Management Accountability Framework
MINUSTAH UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti
MOU Memorandum of understanding
MRRS Management, Resources and Results Structure
NACD Nuclear arms control and disarmament
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
NWF New Way Forward (departmental renewal initiative)
OAS Organization of American States
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
PAA Program Activity Architecture
PRT Provincial Reconstruction Team (in Afghanistan)
R&D Research and development
RBAF Risk-Based Audit Framework
RMAF Results-based Management and Accountability Framework
ROCA Registration of Canadians Abroad
RPP Report on Plans and Priorities
S&T Science and technology
SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises
SPP Security and Prosperity Partnership
START Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force
TBS Treasury Board Secretariat
TRIO DFAIT's eCRM system-a tool to manage interactions with Canadian clients through the Virtual Trade Commissioner portal
UN United Nations
UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
VTC Virtual Trade Commissioner
WHTI Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
WMD Weapons of mass destruction
WTO World Trade Organization

Table 1: Details on Transfer Payment Programs—Summary

Over the next three years the department will manage the following transfer payment programs in excess of $5 million:

Program Activity 2: Diplomacy and Advocacy

  • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Organization of American States
  • Payments in lieu of taxes on diplomatic, consular and international organizations’ property in Canada
  • Projects and Development Activities Resulting from Francophone Summits
  • Grants in Aid of Academic Relations
  • International Organization of the Francophonie
  • Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • World Trade Organization
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • International Labour Organization
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Civil Administration
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • United Nations Organization
  • World Health Organization
  • International Criminal Court
  • Initiatives related to the destruction, disposition and securing of weapons of mass destruction Global Peace and Security Fund and its component programs: the Global Peace and Security Program, the Global Peace Operations Program, and the Glyn Berry Program for Peace and Security
  • UN Peacekeeping Operations

Program Activity 2: Diplomacy and Advocacy

  • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Organization of American States
  • Payments in lieu of taxes on diplomatic, consular and international organizations’ property in Canada
  • Projects and Development Activities Resulting from Francophone Summits
  • Grants in Aid of Academic Relations
  • International Organization of the Francophonie
  • Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • World Trade Organization
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • International Labour Organization
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Civil Administration
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • United Nations Organization
  • World Health Organization
  • International Criminal Court
  • Initiatives related to the destruction, disposition and securing of weapons of mass destruction
  • Global Peace and Security Fund and its component programs: the Global Peace and Security Program, the Global Peace Operations Program, and the Glyn Berry Program for Peace and Security
  • UN Peacekeeping Operations

Program Activity 2: Diplomacy and Advocacy

  • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Organization of American States
  • Payments in lieu of taxes on diplomatic, consular and international organizations’ property in Canada
  • Projects and Activities Resulting from Francophone Summits
  • Grants in Aid of Academic Relations
  • International Organization of the Francophonie
  • Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • World Trade Organization
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • International Labour Organization
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Civil Administration
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • United Nations Organization
  • World Health Organization
  • International Criminal Court
  • Initiatives related to the destruction, disposition and securing of weapons of mass destruction
  • UN Peacekeeping Operations