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People need to be recognized when they do a good job. It is not only fair but also eminently practical since recognition and incentives improve performance. Many public service organizations have established recognition programs. Existing programs should be reviewed to ensure that service improvement and client satisfaction measures are used, and good client service rewarded. If you do not already have such a program, you should institute one as part of your service improvement initiative. Here are some key elements for establishing a new program or reviewing an existing one.
It is important that recognition be fair and open to everyone who contributes to improved service. It should be based on a wide variety of sources; information on who is doing well based upon the achievement of client satisfaction targets; or which staff are most appreciated by clients and why. Information should be gathered that shows contributions to the organization's mission and performance for each program, by each work unit, and, where possible, by each employee.
Decide what results to reward, remembering that it is advisable to have a wide range, from extraordinary achievement to ordinary accomplishments. Make the recognition appropriate to the achievement.
Employees are the clients of the recognition program. As such, solicit their opinions on what should be rewarded and whom they think should be recognized.
The methods to recognize staff are endless, but tend to fall into five main styles. The most successful recognition systems adopt a mixture of all five, while keeping the program simple to understand and administer, transparent and fair.
The styles are:
A simple, effective, and valued way to recognize staff is to listen to them – through surveys, in meetings, and face to face. Acting on what they say enhances that recognition. Dropping in to give praise or sending a congratulatory e-mail or note can work wonders.
There are many effective, low-cost symbolic ways to show recognition, such as certificates of appreciation, coupons to the movies or dinner out, or staff appreciation days. Use creativity when developing methods and ask employees to suggest ways for recognition.
For the most part, policy on major financial rewards is decided centrally. But some modest rewards may be possible.
Many outsiders may assist your organization to attain its goals and this contribution should be recognized. Create opportunities to show your appreciation, such as volunteer appreciation nights or plaques to present to other agencies.
A number of competitive awards are given for good public management. Seek them out.
It is not uncommon for recognition programs to fall apart once they are created because of poor implementation. Leadership is critical, and managers must demonstrate their commitment to the program. Ensure the person responsible for the program is someone who gets things done. Ensure the program is visible, adequately funded and sustainable, and reaches into all areas of the organization. Also, maintain a balance between recognition of the big and small successes. Cynicism creeps in if management attention is only paid to big successes.
Results should be shared with your staff and the public. The public is tired of whitewashing and spin doctoring. But they never seem to tire of good stories. Public recognition is another important way of honouring your staff.
Once the program is underway, it needs to be reviewed to determine if it is having the desired impact. Celebration is not the end of the process. Even as the cleaning staff is taking down the last of the decorations from an awards banquet, the organization needs to recommit to the process of surveying the clients, revising the plan, and reaching for higher levels of service.
The Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management awarded its 1998 bronze prize for service innovation to the team at Industry Canada who put together SchoolNet, a project to connect every library and school in Canada to the Internet. The team celebrated that success and then promptly set the loftier goal of providing 250,000 connected computers, the equivalent of one per classroom. The next year, they won the Government in Technology gold medal. Taking pride in their work, exceeding expectations, celebrating their success, while pressing on to improve their service – SchoolNet is helping build children's skills for the knowledge economy. |
In recognition of your organization's achievements, you have a method to recognise and celebrate success that has, at a minimum, these features: