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ARCHIVED - External Service Delivery Performance Indicators

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Guidelines for Core Key Performance Indicators

Guidelines describing proposed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the phone, in-person, and Internet channels to help departments and agencies manage the performance of their external service delivery activities.� These indicators have been grouped by specific themes and aligned to the MAF to help with existing departmental reporting requirements.

Using External Service Delivery Key Performance Indicators

This usage guide has been prepared for service delivery managers, planners, leaders, and operations supervisors who are responsible for the external services delivery activities.� This guide provides the following:

  1. identify and describe specific implementation details for data collection and reporting for appropriate KPIs as they apply to GoC service delivery;
  2. describe specific usage guidelines and implementation details for existing measurement technologies in current use to support measurement of phone, in-person, and Internet channels; and
  3. explain initial processes and approaches for a consistent use of external service delivery KPIs within performance management and accountability frameworks.