Canadian International Development Agency
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Annex A
Organizational restructuring
and classification requests policy
1. Introduction
One of the sub-projects of the Human Resources Management (HRM) initiative launched in 2004 addressed the need to restore the strength, integrity and business effectiveness of CIDA's organizational design and classification function. In his Entre Nous message of July 15, 2004, the President outlined new measures adopted to more effectively manage service demands, both current and proposed. One of these measures was the prioritization and approval by Branch Heads of all new classification requests before any classification action would be taken. The introduction of this step has helped to reduce unnecessary workload and the collaboration between the branches and the human resources division has brought a noticeable improvement to operations.
Subsequently, at the September 2004 ExCom Retreat it was further agreed that effective immediately any organizational restructuring proposal or classification request with corporate implications for the Agency would be brought forward through the Human Resources Management Committee (HRMC) to the Corporate Resources Committee for review and decision prior to any action being taken. This policy sets out to formalize the practice that was established immediately following the September 2004 ExCom Retreat.
2. Policy objective
The Human Resources Management (HRM) initiative has, as one of its goals, to improve overall governance of Agency accountability for decision-making. Managers are expected to manage their human resources in a manner that meets their specific operational needs while also respecting the corporate need.
The objectives of this policy are to:
- Ensure the Agency is compliant with the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) policies on classification system and delegation of authority;
- Ensure that the Agency is making informed organizational restructuring and classification decisions and that any potential impacts on intra and interdepartmental relativities, collective bargaining or salary expenditures are known in advance and can be managed accordingly; and
- Provide a tool for the standardization of practices and procedures to seek the appropriate level of approval for organizational restructuring and classification proposals.
3. Policy statement
In an effort to ensure that the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is managing its organizational design and classification requirements in a corporate manner, all organizational restructuring proposals and classification requests with corporate implications will be brought to the Corporate Resources Committee (CRC), through the Human Resources Management Committee (HRMC), for review before any decision is made to undertake any organizational or classification request change.
4. Effective date
May 1, 2005
5. Definition of organization/classification requests with corporate implications
In order to ensure consistency in the use of terminology when applying this policy, a classification request, sponsored by a division, directorate or branch, is considered to have corporate implications when any of the following criteria apply:
5.1 The result of the organizational design request may, if implemented, create or resolve organizational performance issues (e.g. accountability, decision making and service delivery).
5.2 The result of the classification request may, if implemented, change existing Agency or Public Service relativities and result in significant increases in salary expenditures.
In these cases, it is imperative that the proposals be reviewed not only from the perspective of the sponsoring division, directorate or branch but also from the corporate, or “whole of CIDA” or “whole of Government” perspective. In this way, senior management can assess the implications of the proposed action(s) at the outset and ensure that they are in the best collective interest of the Agency and in conformity with Public Service policy and practice.
6. Application
Procedure to obtain CRC Approval
Step 1: Preliminary determination of potential corporate impact
A proposed organizational design and classification request must be brought to the attention of the Organizational Design and Classification Section (ODCS) prior to initiating any documentation. As the departmental functional authority, the ODCS is best positioned to provide Branches with a preliminary technical assessment and advice in these types of circumstances. The ODSC will advise if the case has corporate implications requiring CRC approval before proceeding. In these circumstances no further activity is to be initiated unless recommended by the ODCS.
If CRC approval is not required, the proposal will proceed in the normal manner. For cases where CRC approval is required, no further activity is to be initiated unless recommended by the ODCS.
Step 2: Preparation of organizational change proposal or request for classification action documentation
If CRC approval is required, the Branch will prepare and submit to the Organizational Design and Classification Section the documentation described in Annex A.
Step 3: Review by Organizational Design and Classification Section, Human Resources and Corporate Services Branch
Upon receipt of the required documentation, the Organizational Design and Classification Section will:
- Review the documentation, assess the viability of the request and determine its impact considering intra and interdepartmental relativities and potential broader implications for the rest of the Agency; and
- Advise and seek the views of the Human Resources Management Committee (HRMC) ) regarding the request and the Agency or Government wide impacts.
Step 4: Review by CRC
The Director General Human Resources is responsible for bringing forward to CRC the organizational design or classification request(s), the feedback and recommendations of HRMC, and will explain any implications of the proposal to the Agency. Branch Heads will be responsible to present and defend their respective organizational design or classification request(s). CRC will review and make a decision on the request(s) tabled for discussion and decision. If it is decided that the proposal should proceed, the classification request will be processed as outlined in Annex B.
The CRC decision whether or not to proceed with the proposal is final and binding. The Director General Human Resources will advise the HRMC and Organizational Design and Classification Section of the CRC decision. Branch Heads will advise their line management accordingly.
7. Roles and responsibilities
7.1 The Corporate Resources Committee (CRC)
- Reviews and makes decisions on all organization and classification requests
7.2 The Human Resources Management Committee (HRMC)
- Advises the sponsoring branch management representative and the Organizational Design and Classification Section
7.3 Branch Heads
- Approve classification requests to be forwarded to the Organizational Design and Classification Section.
- Defend respective organizational design or classification requests
7.4 The Director General, Human Resources Directorate (DG HR) of the Human Resources Corporate Services Branch
- Directs the analysis of the corporate implications
- Brings to the attention of the CRC any organizational design or classification requests, and explains their implication
- Informs HRMC and the Organizational Design and Classification Section of CRC decisions
7.5 The Organizational Design and Classification Section of the Human Resources and Corporate Services Branch
- Reviews requests and provides analysis and advice
- Authorizes classification decisions on behalf of the President.
CRC consultative draft
Annex A: Documentation required
If the request pertains to an organizational design request (re-organization initiative), submit an organizational change proposal (See attached template) describing:
- The organizational entity (ies) affected by the change;
- The proposed effective date of the organizational/position change;
- The rationale (reason/purpose) for the proposal;
- How the proposed changes will answer the purpose and complement the Agency's business objectives and corporate culture;
- All positions within the organization (division, branch or Agency, as required) potentially affected by the change;
- Potential organizational impacts, and
- The cost estimates of the change proposal.
If the request pertains to a classification request, submit a request for classification action (see attached template) identifying the:
The type of request (e.g. re-classification, creation of new unique or cloned positions, review and update, change to a position title or reporting relationship);
- The position (s) affected by the request;
- The rationale (reason/purpose) for the request;
- The proposed effective date of the request; and
- The cost estimate of the request for classification action.
The Branch Head must approve the Request for Classification Action. In addition, the following documentation, where applicable, must be provided with the request:
- Requests to reclassify, create new (unique or clones), or- review and update positions all require a work description and an organizational chart. The Branch Head must sign the organization chart. Existing or proposed work descriptions should also be signed by the manager, the supervisor and, to the extent possible, the employee.
- Requests for changes to titles and reporting relationships require an organizational chart signed by the Branch Head. In some cases, a change in title may require a work description (e.g. program analyst to program manager).
Annex B: CRC approved organizational design and classification requests
Approved organizational design requests
Once an organizational design (re-organization initiative) request has been approved by the CRC, the Branch Head or his/her designate will meet with the Organizational Design and Classification Section to:
- Establish a re-organization project team. It is important that Human Resources Division (HRD) resources be part of this team responsible for the preparation of the implementation plan and carry out actions identify any FIRM issues that will need to be addressed; and
- Assign necessary resources to assist with designing the organizational structure or with the writing of work descriptions. HRCS will advise Branches on firms / consultants suitable for the work.
- No group and level commitment may be made to an employee concerning the classification of the position until a decision has been authorized by organizational design classification or the delegated classification authority, the President.
- All title changes requests for senior management positions must be consistent with the Agency Senior Management Nomenclature Policy
Human Resources Division (HRD), CIDA
HRD internal procedure: Human resources requests
HRD procedure number 2005-001: Human resources requests
Purpose of procedure and applicable policy
This procedure describes the service delivery process used within Human Resources Division (HRD) to action human resources requests requiring a classification action. In addition, this procedure formalizes the process for approval of classification requests described in the Organization and Classification requests policy.
Incumbents in the following positions are responsible for the implementation and quality review of the procedure.
- Director of operations, HRD
Quality review and improvement:
- Chief, Organization Design and Classification Section (ODCS)
- Chief, Staffing, Operations Section
Quality review and improvement process
The procedure will be reviewed six (6) months after implementation (March 31, 2006) and then on a cyclical basis - once, every year, at anniversary date (October 1) or upon changes to the Organization and Classification Requests Policy.
The Chief of the ODCS and the Chief of the Staffing Section are responsible to consult stakeholders, during the review process, to determine the degree to which changes are required to the procedure to ensure optimal service delivery. Stakeholders include:
- Branch managers and administrative officers
- HRD, service delivery providers:
- Organization and Classification officers
- Human Resources Advisors
- Others as deemed necessary.
Step 2 A: Classification request with no corporate implication (flow chart - Annex A) | Step 2 B: Classification request with corporate implication |
Step 2 A.1: Upon receipt of the request and the required documentation. from the manager, the ODCS assistant will:
Step 2 B.1: Upon receipt of the classification action request for CRC approval and the required documentation from the manager, the ODCS assistant will:
Step 2 A.2: The. OCA will:
Step 2 B.2: The Chief of Classification will:
Step 2 A.3: The ODCS assistant will:
Step 2 B.3: The ODCS assistant will:
Effective date
October 1, 2005
Application of the procedure
This procedure applies to all human resources requests where an interaction is required between a manager (or his/her administrative.officer), the ODCS and the Staffing Section in order to action a request. These requests are:
- Request for either a closed or open competition
- Request for a term appointment or re-appointment
- Request for an appointment without competition
- Request for a deployment
- Request for a casual appointment or part-time worker
- Request for a reclassification
- Request to change a reporting relationship
- Request to change a position title
- Request for an acting appointment
This procedure does not apply to the three following human resources requests. The interaction is direct between a manager and the Staffing Section. It does not require any action from ODCS.
- Request for a student worker
- Request related to a non-classified position (i.e. secondment, SAPP, flex...)
- Request to change the language requirements
In all cases the manager should, prior to initiating any documentation such as a Human Resources Request form or classification documentation., contact the ODCS for preliminary determination of the potential corporate impact of the classification action. However for optimal service delivery, a collaborative approach between the Organization and Classification Officer, ODCS and the Human Resources Advisor, Staffing, Operations Section is encouraged.
Definitions: Corporate implications
In order to ensure consistency in the use of terminology when applying this procedure, a classification request, sponsored by a Division, Directorate or Branch, is considered to have corporate implications when any of the following criteria apply:
The result of the organizational design request may, if implemented, create or resolve organizational performance issues (e.g. accountability, decision making and service delivery).
Annex A
Flow chart: Step 2 A
Classification request with no corporate implication
Application of the procedure
This procedure applies to all classification requests for EX group positions.
In accordance to HRD internal procedure 2005-01, once an EX classification request has been determined to have no corporate implications or has been approved by CRC as a result of a corporate implication, the Organization and Classification Advisor (OCA) is responsible to take appropriate action as part of the management of his or her portfolio files. In the case of EX group positions, the process described below must be followed. This process is designed to ensure sound management of the Agency EX complement and a streamlined process for Deputy Head (President) approval.
1. For proposed EX-1 to EX-3 level position with no corporate impact, the OCA evaluates the position and forwards to the organizational design specialist the following documents for review and approval of the classification decision by the President:
- A copy of the position description signed and dated by the position's superior officer, certifying that the information represents the major responsibilities and accountabilities accurately (descriptions should also be signed, when appropriate, by incumbents);
- A copy of the organizational chart, signed and dated by the superior officer, that shows the position in the departmental structure, peer and subordinate relationships;
- A copy of the evaluation rationale, including references to benchmarks, for the assigned level and rating;
- A draft memorandum from the Vice President, HRCS to the President describing the action required and the recommendation, as well as, a brief description of the position's key responsibilities and any information used to arrive at the proposed classification (i.e. internal relativities); and
- The original CIDA-330.
2. For any classification request related to EX- 4 or EX-5 level positions; any EX-1 to EX-3 classification request related to a reorganization initiative which has been approved by CRC; any EX positions submitted for reclassification or any contentious EX positions where the need for credibility and transparency is paramount, the OCA forwards to the organizational design specialist for action with the following documents;
- A copy of the position descriptionn signed and dated by the position's superior officer, certifying that the information represents the major responsibilities and accountabilities accurately (descriptions should also be signed, when appropriate, by incumbents);
- A copy of the organizational chart, signed and dated by the superior officer, that shows the position in the depai tulental structure, peer and subordinate relationships;
- A copy of a evaluation rationale, including references to benchmarks, for the proposed assigned level and rating; and
- Any other information used to arrive at the proposed classification.
3. Once approval has been obtained by PSHRMAC or TBS or the President has signed the CIDA-330, the organizational design specialist will inform the following persons of the decision (s):
- Chief, Organization and Classification,
- Organization and Classification Advisor responsible for the branch, and
- Executive Resourcing Officer. A copy of the position description will be providedd to facilitate the recruitment process.
4. The result of the classification request may, if implemented, change existing Agency or Public Service relativities and result in significant increases in salary expenditures.
Step 1: Preliminary determination of potential corporate impact by ODCS Once contacted by a manager, ODCS will:
- Review the classification action required (i.e. creation of new unique or cloned position, reclassification, review and update, change to title or reporting relationship) and conduct a preliminary technical assessment to determine any potential corporate impact
- Advise the manager and the Human Resources Advisor of the preliminary determination
- Ask the manager to:
If the request has no corporate implication, send his/her classification request
with the following documents to the ODCS assistant:
- A work description signed by the manager, supervisor and employee (if position is incumbered), and
- An organizational chart signed by the Branch Head
- If the request has corporate implications, to prepare and forward to the ODCS a classification action request for Corporate Resources Committee (CRC) Approval with the required documentation
The next steps to follow in the procedure depend on the status of the classification request namely:
Follow Step 2A if the Classification request with no corporate implication
Follow Step 2B if the Classification request has a corporate implication
Step 2 A.4: The HRA will:
Step 2 B.4: Once informed of the CRC decision by the Director General, Human Resources Directorate, the Chief of Classification will:
Step 2 B.5: The ODCS assistant will:
Step 2 B.6: The OCA will:
Step 2 B.7: The ODCS assistant will:
Step 2 B.8: The HRA will:
Annex B
Flow chart - Step 2 B
Classification request with a corporate implication,
HRD procedure number 2005-002: EX classification requests
Purpose of procedure and applicable policy
This procedure serves to describe the service delivery process used within Human Resources Division (HRD) to action classification requests related to executive (EX) group positions. This procedure complements HRD Internal Procedure 2005-01 related to the approval of classification requests and respect the requirements of PSHRMAC policy on Organizational Authority and Classification of EX Group Positions.
The following officers are responsible for the implementation and quality review of the procedure.
- Director of operations, HRD
Quality review and improvement:
- Organizational design specialist (ODS)
- Chief, Organization and Classification Section (OCS)
Quality Review and Improvement Process
The procedure will be reviewed approximately six (6) months after implementation (March 31 2006) and then on a cyclical basis - once, every year, (October 1) the date of the annual review of the HRD Internal Procedure 2005-01 or upon changes to PSHRMAC policy on Organizational Authority and Classification of EX group positions.
The organizational design specialist and the Chief of the OCS are responsible to consult stakeholders, during the review process, to determine the degree to which changes are required to the procedure to ensure optimal service delivery. Stakeholders include:
- The President
- Members of the executive committee
- Members of the EX Classification committee who are not members of the executive committee
- Organization and Classification Advisors
- Executive Staffing Advisor
- Others as deemed necessary.
Effective date
October 1, 2005
Corporate Resources Committee (CRC)
Approval template
Organizational change proposal /
Gabarit d'approbation
du Comité des Ressources Ministérielle (CRM)
Proposition de changement organisationnel
Direction générale / Branch: |
Entité(s) organisationnelle(s) affectée(s) par le changement organisationnel proposé: Organizational entity(ies) affected by proposed organizational change: |
Date d'entrée en vigueur proposée / Proposed effective date: |
Section 1: But du changement organisationnel / Purpose of the organizational change: |
Section 2: Décrire comment le changement organisationnel proposé rencontrera le but attendu et complémentera les objectifs d'affaires et la culture de l'Agence: Describe how the proposed organizational change will answer the intended purpose and complement the Agency's business objectives and culture: |
Section 3: Décrire tous les postes potentiellement affectés par le changement organisationnel proposé: Describe all positions potentially affected by the proposed organizational change: |
Section 4: Décrire l'impact potentiel sur l'organisation (par ex: le besoin de support par rapport aux communications internes/externes et en gestion du changement, le besoin de relocaliser des employé(e)s ou de leur fournir de la formation, etc.) Describe the potential organizational impact (e.g. requirements for internal/external communications and change management support, relocation of staff members, training, etc.) |
Section 5: Fournir une estimation des coûts pour la mise en oeuvre du changement organisationnel proposé (salaires et O&M) Provide a cost estimate for the implementation of the proposed organizational change (both salary and O&M costs) |
Approbation du chef de direction-générale - Branch Head approval
Nom du chef de direction-générale / Name of Branch Head: Signature:____________ Date:________________ |
Cette section sera complétée par la section
de l'organisation et de la classification This section will be completed by the Organizational Design and Classification Section |
Corporate Resources Committee (CRC)
Approval template
Classification request with
potential corporate implication /
Gabarit d'approbation
du Comité des Ressources Ministérielle (CRM)
Demande de classification avec un potentiel d'impact corporatif
Nature de la demande (par ex. reclassification, creation d'un nouveau poste ou poste “clone” révision et mise a jour, changement du titre d'un poste ou de son rapport hiérachique): Type of request (e.g. reclassification, creation of new unique or cloned positions, review and update, change to a position title or reporting relationship): |
Poste(s) affectés) par cette demande / Position(s) affected by this request: |
Raison pour la demande / Reason for the request: |
Date d'entrée en vigueur proposée / Proposed effective date: |
Approbation du chef de direction-générale - Branch Head approval
Nom du chef de direction-générale / Name of Branch Head: Signature:____________ Date:________________ |
Cette section sera complétée par la section de l'organisation et de la classification This section will be completed by the Organizational Design and Classification Section |
Impact corporative potentiel / Potential corporate impact: |
- Date modified: