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ARCHIVED - Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade - Supplementary Tables
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Table 3: Greening Government Operations
Table 3.1: Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target
8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Existence of implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally generated EEE. |
No. Expected completion date: March 2012. |
Total number of departmental locations with EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year. |
FY 2011-2012 |
100% |
FY 2012-2013 |
100% |
FY 2013-2014 |
100% |
- Definition of location: DFAIT offices within the National Capital Region. (In fiscal year 2011-2012, DFAIT will work to expand this target to its regional offices within Canada.)
- Number of locations within DFAIT: Seven locations in the National Capital Region
Implementation strategies:
- All National Capital Region DFAIT offices will return EEE to Distribution and Diplomatic Mail Services (Transportation and Warehousing AAGW), 125 Sussex Drive.
- Each return must be accompanied by a completed DFAIT EXT 369 Disposal Report Form that clearly identifies each unit as being in working or non-working order.
- A regular schedule for disposal of EEE will be established and circulated to all domestic offices
Table 3.2: Printing Unit Reduction Target
8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply target where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in fiscal year 2010-2011, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. |
3:1 |
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. |
FY 2011-2012 |
6:1 |
FY 2012-2013 |
8:1 |
FY 2013-2014 |
8:1 |
- Definition of printing units: The definition includes network printers, standalone printers and multifunctional devices attached to the departmental network.
- Scope: Includes all DFAIT locations within the National Capital Region.
- Method for determining the number of printing units: The number of printers was determined by identifying the number of active print queues on the network and tabulating the number of standalone printers acquired by manufacturer and model since 2005. The number excludes printers on the secure network.
- Method for determining the number of office employees: Human Resource Management System Business Intelligence Cube, which indicated 4,076 employees and 300 contractors (estimated) in the National Capital Region, for a total of 4,376 as of October 2010. Only employees within the National Capital Region were used because they represent 99% of all departmental employees
in Canada.
Implementation strategies:
- Develop, under the authority of the Chief Information Officer, a DFAIT print device policy that establishes the 8 to 1 ratio on print devices (standalones, network printers and multifunction print devices) for all departmental locations in Canada. This policy will be implemented gradually through
equipment attrition, cluster replacement with single units and elimination wherever possible of standalone printers.
- Establish a process or procedure that will facilitate the review of the business case for each request for a new or replacement print device. It will also address the upgrade, repair and relocation of existing and new print devices. The process will map the business case for any requirement that contravenes the print device ratio policy.
- Promote the removal and reduction of single-user standalone print devices where the business case is not warranted or supported.
Table 3.3: Paper Consumption Target
8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper consumption per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005-2006 and 2011-2012, and applicable scope.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of sheets of internal office paper consumed per office employee in the baseline year selected, as per departmental scope. |
8,737 sheets per office employee in 2008-2009 |
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper consumption, expressed as a percentage, relative to baseline year selected. |
FY 2011-2012 |
20% anticipated reduction |
FY 2012-2013 |
N/A |
FY 2013-2014 |
N/A |
- Scope: Paper volume is the total volume of paper (all sizes and colours) used in printers and photocopiers on an annual basis in all DFAIT locations in the National Capital Region.
- Method used for determining paper consumption: Paper consumption is tracked by the Material Management group on an ongoing monthly basis. Paper usage in 2008-2009 in the National Capital Region was 38,924,000 sheets.
- Method used for determining office employees: Human Resource Management System Business Intelligence Cube, which indicated 4,155 employees and 300 contractors (estimate) in the National Capital Region, for a total of 4,455 as of March 2009. Only employees within the National Capital Region were used because they represent 99% of all departmental employees in
Implementation strategies:
- Promote awareness of "Green It" initiatives within DFAIT to reduce the department's environmental footprint.
- Implement double-sided printing as a default on all DFAIT network print devices
Table 3.4: Green Meetings Target
8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Presence of a green meeting guide |
Yes |
- Endorse use of Environment Canada's Green Meeting Guide.
- Provide a link to this guide on DFAIT’s Sustainable Development intranet site.
Table 3.5: Green Procurement Targets
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Percentage (in dollar or volume) of paper purchases meeting the target relative to total amount (in dollar or volume) of all paper purchases in the given year. |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
95% |
SMART Target Requirements:
- Specific: Presently procuring, through PWGSC standing offers, paper with 30% post-consumer content. This paper has the FDL trademark (FDL = Fiber Diverted from Landfills) and is certified by BLI (Buyers Laboratory Inc.).
- Measurable: Statistical data will be extracted from the Material Management module of the department’s financial management system.
- Achievable: Target already in progress through existing standing offers.
- Relevant: FSC products (certified by Forest Stewardship Council) regularly procured.
- Time-bound: FSC feature is already available on the market.
- Other Considerations:
- Implementation Strategies: Incorporate new FSC products as they become available. Increase internal communication to promote awareness and consumption of green products.
By March 31, 2014, 60% of purchases of chairs, cabinets, shelving, panels and desks will be environmentally preferred models.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Percentage (in dollar or volume) of furniture purchases meeting the target relative to total amount (in dollar or volume) of all furniture purchases in the given year |
Yes |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year |
60% |
SMART Target Requirements:
- Specific: Presently procuring through PWGSC standing offers
- Measurable: Statistical data will be extracted from the Material Management module of the department's financial management system.
- Achievable: Target already in progress through existing standing offers and incorporated into technical requirements as relevant to the commodity
- Relevant: Online ordering system (Shop@DFAIT) already identifies green products.
- Time-bound: The market continues to evolve in its supply of these specific green products.
- Other Considerations:
- Implementation Strategies: Incorporate new products as they become available. Increase internal communication to promote awareness and consumption of green products
By March 31, 2014, 60% of purchases of copy paper, envelopes, notebooks, file folders, binders, writing instruments, toner cartridges and batteries will have environmental features
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Dollar value (or volume) of office supply purchases meeting the target relative to total dollar value (or volume) of all office supply purchases in the given year |
Yes |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
60% |
SMART Target Requirements:
- Specific: Purchases of copy paper, envelopes, notebooks, file folders and binders will have recycled content and renewable resources
- Measurable: Statistical data will be extracted from the Material Management module of the department's financial management system.
- Achievable: Target already in progress through existing standing offers and incorporated into technical requirements as relevant to the commodity.
- Relevant: Online ordering system (Shop@DFAIT) already identifies green products.
- Time-bound: The market continues to evolve in its supply of these specific green products
- Other Considerations:
- Implementation Strategies: Incorporate new products as they become available. Increase internal communication to promote awareness and consumption of green products.
Table 3.6: Training, Performance Evaluation, Management Processes and Controls
Training for select employees:
As of April 1, 2011, 90% of materiel managers and procurement personnel (including all PG classified employees, as well as employees identified as a procurement and/or materiel management functional specialist) will receive green procurement training through CSPS course C215.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of procurement and materiel management staff with formal green procurement training relative to total number of procurement and materiel management staff. |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. |
90% |
Why This Self-Selected Target Is SMART:
- Specific: Achievement level of 90%, type of employee, and type of training
- Measurable: Information available from CSPS and in-house HR tracking system.
- Achievable: Departmental policy mandates all existing and new designated employees to take green procurement training
- Relevant: Targets all relevant employees.
- Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion
Other Reporting Considerations:
- Methodology: See target wording.
- In-house training used: None—CSPS Course C215 only.
- Reporting requirements: Collect data from CSPS annually; HR maintains an up-to-date list of employees with and/or needing training.
- Roles and responsibilities: Director General, Corporate Operations Bureau (SPD), is the lead for procurement policy and community development.
- Opportunities for continuous improvement: Targeting 100% of employees is difficult due to turnover. However, in future years, acquisition card holders could also be targeted.
- Plans for engagement: Email dissemination of departmental policy mandating training.
Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management:
As of April 1, 2012, environmental considerations will be incorporated into the performance evaluations of all functional heads of procurement and materiel management.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of performance evaluations that incorporated environmental considerations, relative to total number of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management. |
Number of performance evaluations that incorporated environmental considerations, relative to total number of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management. |
100% |
Why This Self-Selected Target Is SMART:
- Specific: Achievement level of 100% and type of employee.
- Measurable: Information available from in-house HR tracking system
- Achievable: Departmental policy mandates that all existing and new functional heads of procurement and materiel management include environmental considerations in their performance evaluations.
- Relevant: Targets all relevant employees.
- Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.
Other Reporting Considerations:Other Reporting Considerations:
- Methodology: Directors General (DGs) and Directors of PG classified employees and employees identified as procurement and/or materiel management functional specialists.
- Reporting requirements: DGs to report to target lead.
- Roles and responsibilities: DG Corporate Operations Bureau (SPD) is the lead for procurement policy and community development.
- Plans for engagement: Inclusion in Employee Performance Management Agreements
Management processes and controls:
By March 31, 2013, all identified management processes and controls relating to procurement will have incorporated environmental considerations.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Number of departmental procurement processes and controls that incorporate environmental considerations relative to total number of departmental procurement processes and controls that should address environmental considerations |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year |
70% |
Why This Self-Selected Target Is SMART:
- Specific: Achievement level of all identified processes and controls.
- Measurable: Existence of baseline list of all formalized management processes and controls.
- Achievable: Dedicated employees responsible for target.
- Relevant: Decision-making authority for purchases decentralized.
- Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.
Other Reporting Considerations:
- Methodology: Analysis of department's decision-making processes and controls to determine those that should include environmental considerations.
- Reporting requirements: DG to lead reports annually.
- Roles and responsibilities: DG Corporate Operations Bureau (SPD) is the lead for procurement policy and community development.
- Mechanisms to evaluate: First review scheduled in 2014.
- Plans for engagement: Discussion topic of Management Committee
Table 3.7: Reporting on the Purchase of Offset Credits
Mandatory reporting on the purchase of greenhouse gas emissions offset credits, as per the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events, should be reported here.
Performance Measure |
Target Status |
Quantity of emissions offset in 2011-2012 fiscal year. |
To be determined |
- In keeping with its commitment to sustainable development goals, the department will increase awareness of sound environmental, social and economic sustainability practices of waste minimization and management, pollution reduction and energy conservation.
- During the planning stage of major international events, DFAIT makes a commitment that the event will be carbon neutral. Being carbon neutral requires that we first take all reasonable measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, calculate the remaining emissions and then mitigate those to zero by
purchasing emission reduction credits or carbon offsets.
- DFAIT will follow the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events.