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ARCHIVÉ - Systèmes en cours d'élaboration (Guide de verification) - le 1 mars 1991

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Annexe I : Bibliographie

  1. The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. Computer Audit Guidelines. Londres : CIPFA, 1984.
  2. Gallegos, Richardson, et Bortheck. Audit and Control of Information Systems. Cincinnati : South-Western Publishing, 1987.
  3. Halper, Davis, O'Neil-Dunne et Pfau. Handbook of EDP Auditing. Boston : Warren, Gorham and Lamont, 1985.  Le chapitre 7 traite de l'�laboration des syst�mes. Information suppl�mentaire dans une autre publication : le Handbook of EDP Auditing Supplements, 1986 et 1987, des m�mes auteurs.
  4. Institut canadien des comptables agr�es. Guide pour le contr�le des syst�mes informatiques. ICCA, 1986.
  5. Institute of Internal Auditors. Guidelines to Controls for Data Processing Environments. Altamonte Springs, Floride : IIA, 1983.
  6. Jenkins et Pinkney. An Audit Approach to Computers. Londres : Leighton-Straker, 1978.
  7. Mair, Wood et Davis. Computer Control and Audit. Altamonte Springs, Floride : The Institute of Internal Auditors. 1984.
  8. Rothberg. Structured EDP Auditing. Belmont, Californie : Lifetime Learning Publications, 1983.  Note : Tous les ouvrages ci-dessus sont disponibles au Centre de documentation en v�rification du BCG.
  9. Auerbach. A Standard For Auditing Computer Applications Using Audit Software Packages. Boston : Warren, Gorham and Lamont.
  10. Auerbach EDP Publications Inc. Auerbach EDP Auditing. Ponnsouhen, New Jersey, 08109.
  11. Boar, Bernard H. Application Prototyping : A Project Management Perspective. New York : American Management Association, 1985.
  12. Boar, Bernard H. Application Prototyping; A requirement. Toronto : John Willey and Sons, 1984.
  13. Bureau du v�rificateur g�n�ral. V�rification de l'informatique : planification de la v�rification de l'informatique.
  14. DMR Group, Information System Delivery Series, Prototyping Guide, Ottawa, 1987.
  15. EDP Auditor's Foundation. Control Objectives.
  16. Fitzgerald, Jerry. Designing Controls into Computerized Systems.
  17. FTP Technical Library. Auditing Computer Systems, vol. III., 492 Old Town Road, Port Jefferson Station, New Jersey, 11776.
  18. Gane, Christopher P. Structured System Analysis : Tools and Techniques. New York : Improved Systems Technologies, 1977. 2e �dition : Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1979.
  19. The Institute of Internal Auditors. Managing the Information Systems Audit, A Case Study.
  20. Kuong, Javier F. Control for Advanced On-line/ Data-Base Systems. Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts : Management Advisory Publications (P.O. Box 151-44 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, Mass., 02181). La 2e partie est aussi disponible.
  21. Lowry, Christina et Little, Robert. The Perils of Prototying, Volume 8, Num�ro 4. Ann Arbor, Michigan : University of Michigan, 1985.
  22. MacEwan, Glenn H. Specification prototyping. Kingston : Queen's University, Department of Computing and Information Science, 1982.
  23. Martin, James. Security Accuracy, and Privacy in Computer Systems. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1973.
  24. Martin, James. Strategic Data Planning Methodologies. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1982.
  25. Perry, William E. Ensuring Data Base Integrity. New York : John Wiley and Sons, 1983.
  26. Roder, Martha H. et Stroka, John M. Prototyping Increases Chance of Systems Acceptance. Data Management Magazine, mars 1985.
  27. Willson et Root. Internal Auditing Manual. Boston : Warren, Gorham and Lamont.  Voir chapitre 6.
  28. Yourdon, Edward. Managing the Structured Techniques. 2e �dition. New York : Yourdon Press, 1979.