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ARCHIVÉ - Systèmes en cours d'élaboration (Guide de verification) - le 1 mars 1991
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Annexe I : Bibliographie
- The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.
Computer Audit Guidelines. Londres : CIPFA, 1984.
- Gallegos, Richardson, et Bortheck. Audit and Control of
Information Systems. Cincinnati : South-Western Publishing,
- Halper, Davis, O'Neil-Dunne et Pfau. Handbook of EDP
Auditing. Boston : Warren, Gorham and Lamont, 1985. Le chapitre 7 traite de l'�laboration des syst�mes.
Information suppl�mentaire dans une autre publication :
le Handbook of EDP Auditing Supplements, 1986 et 1987,
des m�mes auteurs.
- Institut canadien des comptables agr�es. Guide pour le
contr�le des syst�mes informatiques. ICCA, 1986.
- Institute of Internal Auditors. Guidelines to Controls
for Data Processing Environments. Altamonte Springs,
Floride : IIA, 1983.
- Jenkins et Pinkney. An Audit Approach to Computers.
Londres : Leighton-Straker, 1978.
- Mair, Wood et Davis. Computer Control and Audit.
Altamonte Springs, Floride : The Institute of Internal
Auditors. 1984.
- Rothberg. Structured EDP Auditing. Belmont, Californie :
Lifetime Learning Publications, 1983. Note : Tous les ouvrages ci-dessus sont disponibles au Centre de
documentation en v�rification du BCG.
- Auerbach. A Standard For Auditing Computer Applications
Using Audit Software Packages. Boston : Warren, Gorham and
- Auerbach EDP Publications Inc. Auerbach EDP Auditing.
Ponnsouhen, New Jersey, 08109.
- Boar, Bernard H. Application Prototyping : A Project
Management Perspective. New York : American Management
Association, 1985.
- Boar, Bernard H. Application Prototyping; A requirement.
Toronto : John Willey and Sons, 1984.
- Bureau du v�rificateur g�n�ral. V�rification de
l'informatique : planification de la v�rification de
- DMR Group, Information System Delivery Series,
Prototyping Guide, Ottawa, 1987.
- EDP Auditor's Foundation. Control Objectives.
- Fitzgerald, Jerry. Designing Controls into Computerized
- FTP Technical Library. Auditing Computer Systems,
vol. III., 492 Old Town Road, Port Jefferson Station,
New Jersey, 11776.
- Gane, Christopher P. Structured System Analysis :
Tools and Techniques. New York : Improved Systems
Technologies, 1977. 2e �dition : Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1979.
- The Institute of Internal Auditors. Managing the
Information Systems Audit, A Case Study.
- Kuong, Javier F. Control for Advanced On-line/
Data-Base Systems. Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts :
Management Advisory Publications (P.O. Box 151-44 Washington
Street, Wellesley Hills, Mass., 02181). La 2e partie est
aussi disponible.
- Lowry, Christina et Little, Robert. The Perils of
Prototying, Volume 8, Num�ro 4. Ann Arbor, Michigan :
University of Michigan, 1985.
- MacEwan, Glenn H. Specification prototyping. Kingston :
Queen's University, Department of Computing and Information
Science, 1982.
- Martin, James. Security Accuracy, and Privacy in
Computer Systems. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey :
Prentice-Hall, 1973.
- Martin, James. Strategic Data Planning Methodologies.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1982.
- Perry, William E. Ensuring Data Base Integrity.
New York : John Wiley and Sons, 1983.
- Roder, Martha H. et Stroka, John M. Prototyping
Increases Chance of Systems Acceptance. Data Management
Magazine, mars 1985.
- Willson et Root. Internal Auditing Manual. Boston :
Warren, Gorham and Lamont. Voir chapitre 6.
- Yourdon, Edward. Managing the Structured Techniques.
2e �dition. New York : Yourdon Press, 1979.