2019 Public Service Employee Survey Results by Theme for the Public Service by Demographic Characteristics
- Question 32. Are you a supervisor?
- Question 90. Are you currently a shift worker?
- Question 91. Do you work full-time or part-time?
- Question 92. Do you currently work according to any of the following flexible working arrangements?
- Question 93. What is your current employee status?
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AB
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AD (NFB)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AD (NRC)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AP-FIN
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AP-VFM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AS (NFB)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - ASG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - AU
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - BI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CH
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CIASC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CIEXC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CIPTC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CISPC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - CX
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DA
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DD
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DE
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DE (NFB)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - DX
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - ED
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EL
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EN
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - ES
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EU
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EX
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - EXPCX
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - FB
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - FI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - FO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - FR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - FS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - FT
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - GL
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - Governor in Council
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - GR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - GR-EX
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - GS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - GT
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - HP
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - HR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - HR/RH (CRA)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - HS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - IM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - IN
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - IS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - ITS/LA
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - LC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - LI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - LIB (NRC)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - LP
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - LS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - MA
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - MD
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - MG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - MGT (CNSC)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - MGT (NRC)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - MT
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - NB
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - ND
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - NU
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - OM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - OP
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - OP (NFB)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - OP (NRC)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - Other occupational group
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PE
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PH
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PM-MCO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PO-IMA
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PO-TCO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PS
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PX/AAG/AG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - PY
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - RCO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - RE
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - REG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - RLE
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - RO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - RO (NRC)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SE
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SG
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SP (CRA)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SP (NFB)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SR (CFIA)
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - ST
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - Student
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - SW
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - TC
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - TI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - TO
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - TR
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - UNI
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - UT
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - VM
- Question 94. Please indicate your occupational group and level. Occupational group and level - WP
- Question 94.1. Occupational category (variable derived from question 94)
- Question 95. With which of the following communities do you most closely identify in relation to your current job?
- Question 96. In total, how many years have you been working in the federal public service?
- Question 97. In total, how many years have you been working in your current department or agency?
- Question 98. What is your first official language?
- Question 99. What are the language requirements of your position?
- Question 100. Do you occupy a position in which you provide services directly to the public as a regular part of your job?
- Question 101. In what official language(s) do you provide services to the public?
- Question 102. In which province or territory do you work?
- Question 103. Do you work in one of the following designated bilingual areas of Quebec or Ontario?
- Question 104. What is your age group?
- Question 105. What is your gender?
- Question 106. Are you an Aboriginal person?
- Question 107. You indicated that you are an Aboriginal person. If you wish to provide further details, please specify the group to which you belong.
- Question 108. Are you a person with a disability?
- Question 109. You indicated that you are a person with a disability. If you wish to provide further details, please select the box(es) that apply to you.
- Question 110. Are you a member of a visible minority group?
- Question 111. You indicated that you are a member of a visible minority group. If you wish to provide further details, please select the box(es) that apply to you.
- Question 112. What is your sexual orientation?
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